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wet vs dry dog food

They're packaged in bags or pouches for easy storage and dispensing. Every pet parent will agree that dry dog food is high on the convenience scale. 1994; 11:64-74. It is estimated that dogs should generally eat twice the amount of wet food in order to match the calorie count of dry food. The Benefits of Dry Dog Food. There is a huge difference between dry and wet dog food – so much so that this decision often overwhelms buyers, causing them to stop their search and stick with a kibble not providing their dog with the nutrition they require. There is a huge difference between dry and wet dog food – so much so that this decision often overwhelms buyers, causing them to stop their search and stick with a kibble not providing their dog with the nutrition they require. So if you are feeding your dog with kibble, you will have to provide an unlimited supply of fresh water to him. This means it is a better option for anyone looking to save money. 1 decade ago. Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. So if you are feeding your dog with kibble, you will have to provide an unlimited supply of fresh water to him. We know that this somewhat ambiguous stance may send you straight towards the ‘Back’ button, yet your dog’s individual needs come first. The high water content in particular has a … It's also okay to let your dog tell you which type of food he prefers. While dry dog food has its benefits, wet dog food also has a few distinct advantages. No matter the packaging, wet food is going to retain enough moisture to offer some benefits that dry kibble doesn’t. Soft Dry Dog Food Formulas Even the choice of canned food versus dry is a big one, thanks to a wide variety of formulations, price points and health claims with strong proponents on either side. 4 years ago. Notice: Ask-a-Vet is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional about their pet's specific condition. Wet dog food also smells better, and can be easily eaten by dogs with missing teeth or jaw problems. Some people claim that canned dog food is healthier, while some say that dry dog food is more sensible and not as fattening. i have an 8 week old puppy. “The wet food with higher moisture content helps to flush out the bladder more than dry food.” According to Dr. Elliot, cats often develop kidney disease or become dehydrated as they age. If grains are used, look for whole grains (i.e. A dog doesn't need wet food added to their diet. Misc Help. Newer ultra-premium diets avoid grains altogether in favor of carb sources like white or sweet potato. Posted on Sep 15, 2020. Advantages of Dry Dog Food. It can be fed on its own or as a topper on dry kibble to provide a boost of flavor and moisture. As the debate between canned dog food vs dry dog food rages on, we believe either type of food can be more advantageous than the other depending on the dog. … But for an overeater, extra yummy food may pack on the pounds, making portion control all the more important. Dry food is less messy, easier to measure, and can sit out all day without going bad. If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Dog Food: Wet vs Dry. The Final Verdict: Dry vs Wet Dog Food. i'm 20 years old and this is my first i am not sure if it would be ok to feed her wet food and dry, as long as it is the same brand? It’s not surprising that dry diets make up the vast majority of pet foods.1. When choosing the type of food for their dog, owners often cannot choose between canned and dry diets. Bloat in Dogs: Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV), Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? However, wet foods are usually more nutritious, and canned varieties are more carefully regulated. Kibble contains around 10% moisture compared to 78% moisture found in the majority of canned foods. J. Vet. Wet foods are generally more efficient in providing dogs the appropriate vitamins, minerals, and proteins they need. Wet dog food: Advantages and Disadvantages. Many dog owners feed their dog’s only dry food because they have been told it keeps teeth clean. Both wet and dry dog foods have major pros and cons, so choosing between the two will often come down to an individual dog's dietary needs. i just don't think it's fair to make her eat the same food … There is a charge for the service if you choose to connect to a veterinarian. There are many debates on whether or not dry dog food is better than wet dog food. Facebook Twitter Subscribe. Avoid artificial colors (such as FD&C Red #3), preservatives (such as BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin), and sweeteners (sucrose, high fructose corn syrup). Wet food, it’s thought, promotes plaque buildup whereas dry food cleanses the teeth as the animal chews. A dog will be perfectly fine on dry food and dry food only. Pet MD notes the wet dog food can be hard on your finances, since it generally costs more and it must be refrigerated after opening. Dent. Better ingredients mean greater cost but also more wholesome nutrition for your dog. Also, if you travel often, dry dog food will be a more convenient option since there’s no real need to pack a lot and you have the added advantage of it not spoiling. Wet and dry dog food both have their pros and cons. However, feeding a 70-pound dog an all-canned diet will require lots of storage space. Plus if you’re on a budget (and who isn’t these days) a quality dry dog food is almost always a better buy. When you first start him out on a new food regimen you monitor his feeding habits to see if he gravitates to one over the other. So while an exclusive wet-food diet might be fine for a small dog, a large dog might have trouble meeting his or her energy needs on canned food alone. MacNamara, John P. Principles of Companion Animal Nutrition. That should give you and your dog something to chew on. Boyce, EN, Logan EI. : Coprophagia in Dogs. It is a great choice for dogs that are picky eaters or have difficulty chewing hard kibble due to dental problems or illness. So you may end up using less of it at each meal. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall. When choosing the type of food for their dog, owners often fluctuate between canned and dry diets, unsure which one is the healthiest for their pet. Wet Vs Dry Dog Food. Grain-Free Diet or Dog Food With Grains? Both canned dog food and kibble can provide adequate nutrition. For larger dogs, a diet made primarily or exclusively of dry food usually makes the most sense. The benefit of a ready-made commercial diet depends not on whether it is wet or dry, but the composition of the product. Because of wet dog food consistency and smell, wet dog food is more palatable for dogs. The main difference between dry and wet dog food is in the moisture content. But wet dog food can keep your dog fuller for longer. In fact it’s more complicated. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Dry vs Wet Dog Food. Dry dog food is cheaper and less wasteful than wet dog food. They're chewier than dry food, but not as mushy as canned. Dogs, especially puppies can be rather picky eaters. Grains such as corn, wheat and soy also can partially replace meat as a protein source, thereby trimming cost. Just peek in your pooch’s mouth right after breakfast and you’ll see what gets left behind. If your dog is picky and you have a difficult time feeding him, it is likely the wet dog food will be best since most picky dogs eat wet food. This is because dry food is usually about 10% water as compared with about 75% water in canned rations. Whatever the case, it is not hard to see that both sides have both their positives and negatives. Whatever you decide to do as you compare wet vs. dry dog food, make sure you follow these guidelines in changing your dog's food for the smoothest transition. But is one better than the other? Statistics from Retail World reveal that wet cat food is more popular than dry – with a market share of 12.6% compared to 6.2% respectively. She will be on the hills for 2 more days and am considering just continuing with wet food for her. This is a third category of commercial dog food. Whilst dry food mainly brings advantages for the owner in terms of price, cleanliness and convenience, the advantages of wet food benefit the dog itself. Dry kibble is an economical choice of dog food; it stays fresh and is easy to store. INFOGRAPHIC: The Wet vs. Dry Dog Food Debate. Wet or Dry Dog Food Advice by Nutritionist. We can’t say that all wet foods are better than dry ones, and vice versa. Not to mention the cost and bulk of so many cans. Wet dog food, on the other hand, contains roughly 75% of water which is a lot compared to the dryer Kibble. She’s currently only a special diet of hills prescription diet (wet) to address some diarrhea and she absolutely inhales it. Canned Dog Food or Dry Dog Food? The box at right offers some tips for decoding the ingredients list and making better choices. Often stored in cans, wet dog food uses fewer preservatives and artificial ingredients, and actually, have a higher overall nutritional value than kibble does. Canned diets contain more moisture and may benefit dogs with urinary problems or dogs that don’t tend to drink a lot of water. Economical: Dry dog food can be less expensive to buy in … Dry dog food is packed with nutrients, and well known for being: Convenient: Measured portions of dry food can be left out all day for a dog to eat at his own pace without worry of it spoiling. Wet Dog Food Cons Look on the side of back of the bag or can for the list of ingredients. I don't recommend feeding a dog an all-wet-food diet.. 1 0. propper. Wet foods often have a higher protein content than dry foods. For dogs, the opposite is true, with dry dog food accounting for 22% of the market share compared to 18.2% for wet. 4 years ago. 2006. The educated dog owner strives to feed the best and most beneficial food that their budget allows. This is because dry food is usually about 10% water as compared with about 75% water in canned rations. Kibble contains around 10% moisture compared to 78% moisture found in the majority of canned foods. Several scientific studies in the mid-nineties actually showed that dogs fed conventional dry food did not have better dental health than those eating a canned food diet.5 This may not be good news to those of us wanting an easy fix for Fido’s pearly whites. The right canned food offers high quality ingredients for your dog’s diet. Then, you will be transferred to a human. Wet Dog Food Vs Dry. Or maybe mix wet with dry? Ironically, while wet food seems to pick up the slack dry food leaves behind, it does lack some of the benefits dry food provides. They don't spoil once opened so can be free-fed. It’s also less processed, which means that it more closely resembles proteins in their natural state. It all depends upon your dog’s behavior. While wet food is also generally referred to as canned dog food, these tasty meals can come in all sorts of refrigerated or shelf-safe containers. Although dry food might be a more popular choice, some owners will choose to feed their dog a wet diet to better please fussy eaters and give their dog an added hydration boost. 0 0. Wet or dry dog food The impossibility of choosing nutritious dog food is only one part of the arduous process that is finding the best kibble for your pet. A current list of proven dental-friendly foods can be found on the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) website. It’s not only cheaper per pound but also more energy dense than canned food. Dry dog food has a lot of calories as compared to wet dog food so your four-legged friend will generally consume a lot of calories for very small quantities of dry dog food. While both wet and dry foods are excellent options, based on your dog’s age, health condition, and behavioral needs, either of them can be considered as the best dog food.Both types of diets come with several pros and cons, and as a pet owner, you’re responsible for researching the background of each of these diets. Dry dog food is much cheaper and helps promote good oral health, but on the other side … Read on to see whether dry food or wet food will suit your dog best. While manufacturers boost the taste appeal of dry kibble by coating it with tempting fats, gravy, and other flavorings, it’s hard to compete with the delectable aroma from a freshly opened can. While one option might be to avoid commercial dry foods altogether, another is to take a more critical look at labels. Most dogs would probably opt for wet food if they could choose themselves, since wet food, more intense in smell and taste, simply tastes better to them. It’s not only cheaper per pound but also more energy dense than canned food. Better palatability is a distinct advantage for a picky eater. Since then, a handful of dental diets have come on the market with scientific proof behind them. Each type has its advantages. They are also more flavorful. Conventional wisdom has it that dry food is better the teeth than wet food. Texture plays a large part too. Wet vs dry dog food? Just Answer is an external service not affiliated with These foods are specially formulated with a tough pellet that scrapes off some plaque as the dog bites down. We have a 10 week golden who doesn’t love her kibble. she is currently eating purina puppy chow(dry food). Disadvantages include an increased level of additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, and artificial colors. As you can see, wet food contains far more protein, and it contains fewer carbohydrates, which as we are going to see, happens because wet food tends to contain fewer fillers. When it comes to convenience and affordability, dry food beats wet food paws down. 0 0. tandie. Anonymous . What are the advantages of wet food? The impossibility of choosing nutritious dog food is only one part of the arduous process that is finding the best kibble for your pet. Intense debate wages over whether the ubiquitous grains in dry food belong in a dog’s diet. Because of this, they've fallen out of favor as a staple diet but still have some utility as snacks, treats, or to bridge the gap between canned and dry food for a dog with special dietary issues. For example, regular consumption of wet food can potentially lead to dental problems. Information at is exclusively of a general reference nature. Range of macronutrient distribution between wet and dry dog food. Dry food is less messy, easier to measure, and can sit out all day without going bad. Dry Food: Dogs Love The Crunch. As the pet owner, it is your decision to determine what is best for your dog. Canned-food diets are often more palatable than comparable dry diets. Ingredients are named in descending order by weight. Are Premium Dog Foods Better than the Bargain Brands. There is no clear “right” or “wrong” answer regarding the wet vs dry debate, but most owners would probably agree that the benefits of wet food make it the preferred choice for those who can afford it and don’t mind foregoing the convenience of dry kibble. Dry dog food, often called kibble, is cheaper and more convenient than wet dog food (a.k.a., canned food). A quality diet should list a meat source (such as beef, chicken, lamb meal) as one of the first two ingredients—or ideally, two of the top three. Actually that is not true. Wet vs dry dog food comparison: Canned food is great for picky eaters and pet’s with difficulty in chewing. It takes a much larger volume of canned food to supply the nutrients your dog needs. Ask-a-Vet is not manned by the staff or owners of, and the advice given should not delay or replace a visit to your veterinarian. Sep 21, 2015. But for how canned and dry foods compare, here’s the scoop: When it comes to convenience and affordability, dry food beats wet food paws down. Wet dog food formulas have the highest water content, so it is the softest of the three forms. As wet food has a rich, meaty aroma, picky dogs can be more enticed to eat (and hopefully finish) their meals. Wet vs Dry Dog Food (raw podcast transcript) INTRO: Welcome back for another episode of Theory of Pets. Natural food advocates assert that dogs are carnivores that have no metabolic need for plant matter in their food.3 Others, including those in the pet food industry, assert that wild dogs are scavengers that regularly supplement their meat diet with grasses, berries, roots and other vegetable matter,4 not to mention the digested plant matter they inadvertently consume along with their herbivorous prey. Commercial dry foods are formulated with higher proportions of grain and grain-based products than their canned counterparts. whole grain corn, whole grain barley) and not cheaper by-products (corn gluten meal, soybean meal). Dry vs Wet Dog Food. The main difference between dry and wet dog food is in the moisture content. Unlike kibble, wet foods exposed to the environment can easily grow bacteria — … In any case, your dog’s dental health boils down to a healthy diet, along with routine home care and periodic professional treatments by your veterinarian. Wet Vs. Dry Dog Food: Which One You Should Choose? However, dog food labels on dry foods are deceiving. While canned food does leave a gooey residue (known as plaque), dry foods can certainly do the same. Semi-moist foods are just that. What are the recommendations or preferred food type? It takes a much larger volume of canned food to supply the nutrients your dog needs. Plaque eventually hardens, causing tartar buildup and dental disease. We can’t say that all wet foods are better than dry ones, or vice versa. Source(s): Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your dog. Furthermore, you may need to spend more time caring for your dog’s teeth because the food will not help prevent cavities. On the other hand, wet food has high moisture content and is great for hydrating a dog that doesn't drink enough … Grain elements such as corn, wheat and rice are necessary for binding the formula into pellets and improving the texture. Therefore, rather than compose a classic pros and cons list, for clarity we’ve split what you need to know to come to an informed decision into three categories: age group, overall health, and convenience. Do not disregard veterinary advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site. Active and younger dogs may require this boost in protein to keep them energetic and active and to help build muscle. Sign up for the FREE Dog Health Newsletter:, Drawbacks to Canned Food Only Dog Diets Good health and longevity begin with good nutrition. Oral health assessment in dogs: study design and results. Here’s everything you need to know about wet and dry dog food next time you’re shopping for a delicious meal for your pup. Lv 4. By Vicki Smirnova. Source(s): As always, your veterinarian should be the last word on your dog’s nutritional needs. But one important warning… Never leave any canned food in your dog’s bowl for more than an hour or two. 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