conservative education reform networkNosso Blog

conservative education reform networkidentify factors that may affect the level of involvement of family members

Betsy DeVos American Federation for Children further connects the DeVos family to right-wing corporate reform groups; it is listed as an education partner of the right-wing-fueled National School Choice Week campaign and counts at least 19 additional groups in this guide as national allied organizations, and its affiliated Alliance for School Choice group is an associate member of the State Policy Network of conservative think tanks. Stand Together is a new venture philanthropy effort, launched by the Koch brothers philanthropic arm in early 2016 and geared toward grant-making to address poverty and educational quality. The new initiative is in its start-up phase, but it plans to raise at least $15 million in 2016 to fund education and poverty-related grants. It alsooperates the website that tracks the status of parent trigger legislation across the country, encouraging parent visitors, Its time to pull the Parent Trigger. In 2014, the Heartland Institutes climate science denial came under fire after its inclusion in Texas textbooks published by McGraw-Hill. 1. The foundation is also an education partner of the conservative-backed National School Choice Week campaign and a national advocacy partner of the Policy Innovators in Education Network, where the foundations CEO Patricia Levesque also serves on the board of directors. It should be obvious that there is a crucial role for schools in addressing these problems, even if it is not obvious exactly what it would mean to play that role effectively and responsibly. In fact, it may be that the deepest differences between the most intellectually coherent forms of the American left and right actually emerge most clearly around questions of education, and not by coincidence. But in putting accountability, achievement gaps, and international competitiveness at the forefront, the reform coalition has deemphasized the formation of students as human beings and citizens. That is consistent with the heavy defeat at the . It stemmed from the original success of the organization Connecticut Coalition for Achievement Now (ConnCAN). It is an associate member of the State Policy Network (SPN) of conservative think tanks, and is listed as partnered or allied with other SPN affiliates American Federation for Children and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. Ithas spent millions supporting the campaignsince. Meanwhile, the resurgence of the teachers unions as a force to reckon with in Democratic Party politics undermined the reform coalition from the left. K12 Inc. is a for-profit digital education company that sells online curriculum materials to local schools and state governments, and its the largest online charter school operator in the U.S. Others, such as launching a new accreditor for startup colleges, might have to wait until conservatives are back in the Department of Education to see a chance of coming to fruition. Both charter schooling and private-school choice remainedand remainnear the center of the conservative education agenda. Among the foundations grant recipients from 2011 to 2013, according to its IRS filings, are the American Legislative Exchange Council, the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, the Center for Individual Rights, DonorsTrust, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, the Heartland Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Institute for Justice, the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, the Reason Foundation, and the right-wing State Policy Network and several of its members and associate members.The Coors Foundation is also heavily involved in Colorado philanthropy across a number of issue areas, including donating substantial funding to local and state-based school choice groups. The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and AEI Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN) are joined by Representative Mike Gallagher (WI-08) in Green Bay, Wednesday, for an education reform summit on the education to workforce pipeline. StudentsFirst is a lobbying organization founded by former D.C. public schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, who imposed a series of controversial teacher firings and school closings as head of the D.C. public school system. The Democratic Party of California has formally denounced StudentsFirst, writing that the groups so-called reform initiatives rely on destructive anti-educator policies that do nothing for students but blame educators and their unions for the ills of society and see public schools as potential profit centers and children as measureable commodities. In 2014, Rhee stepped down as CEO of StudentsFirst; her replacement, Jim Blew, is a former staffer at the Alliance for School Choice. The organization has previously litigated numerous state and federal cases on the matter, including two at the Supreme Court. CERN Conservative Education Reform Network . Several State Policy Network-affiliated conservative think tanks also filed amicus briefs in support of the Friedrichs challenge to unions, including the Cato Institute, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, and a group of state-level SPN members. StudentsFirst is a listed partner of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an allied organization of the American Federation for Children, an education partner of the National School Choice Week campaign, and a strategic partner of the Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options. Tax filings reveal that the center has received nearly $200,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012, $90,000 from Donors Capital Fund since 2012, and at least $1 million from the Gleason Family Foundation since 2012. Unless otherwise noted, funding totals in this guide include general operations or generalized program support, funding for which a purpose was not specified, and/or funding earmarked specifically for education policy. And well continue to extend an open invitation to policymakers to share their positive vision for conservative education reform. She put forward a 10-point plan for improving children's lives that included tracking down delinquent fathers and fully funding Head Start. Tax filings reveal that the foundation has received nearly $100,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012, and at least $150,000 from the DeVos Family Foundation since 2012. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute is an education-focused conservative think tank with a stated mission to advance high standards and quality education options for families, through research and advocacy. The Right-wing group has set its sights on "obliterating" the . 06/02/23 3:51 PM EDT, Article The president of the foundation, who also heads the Charles Koch Institute, previously directed the Mercatus Center and is now reportedly a board member of the newly formed Koch nonprofit Stand Together. PIE Network lists the Center on Reinventing Public Education and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute as policy partners, and 50CAN, the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), the Foundation for Excellence in Education, Parent Revolution, StudentsFirst, and Stand for Children as advocacy partners. The groups executive director, Suzanne Tacheny Kubach, is the former board chair of a charter school in Minnesota and the wife of Pearsons chairman of global assessments and virtual learning. The foundation discloses its donors by contribution level; among the higher levels of giving in recent years are the News Corp., the DeVos Family Foundation, the Bradley Foundation, K12 Inc., and Pearson PLC. It has received general and education-specific support from a substantial list of reliably right-wing donors, including $1.8 million from the Sarah Scaife Foundation from 2012 to 2014, $125,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012, $375,000 from the Roe Foundation since 2012, $350,000 from the Coors Foundation from 2011 to 2013, at least $250,000 from the Gleason Family Foundation, and at least $15,000 from the DeVos Family Foundation from 2012 to 2013. The institute calls these controversial laws that pave the way for transformation of public schools -- often in the form of closures or conversion to charters -- the most powerful education reform policy since Milton Friedman advocated the school voucher." The first is a more dramatic version of the school-choice movement, a shift toward educational pluralism in which more public money is made available to private alternatives, enabling. Betsy DeVos, US Secretary of Education in the Trump Administration, stated, "Empirical evidence finds school-choice programs lead to more integrated schools than their public-school counterparts." [ 15] The groups have been identified as a major funder of state-based efforts to push free-market policies through the Franklin Centers outlet, which is also funded by the Koch brothers, the Center for Individual Rights, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and the conservative State Policy Network and its members and affiliated organizations. DonorsTrust tax forms from 2012 to 2014 detail contributions to the Alliance for School Choice, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Bill of Rights Institute, the Cato Institute, the Center for Individual Rights, the Daily Caller News Foundation, the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, the Heritage Foundation, the Institute for Justice, the Libre Initiative Institute, the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, the State Policy Network, and the Reason Foundation, as well as several grants made to universities to support scholarship on free market, limited government policies. Pearson has held a contract to score the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test since 1989, and produces materials for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing consortium, the Stanford Achievement Tests, and the GED, among others. But the bill does represent a collection of ideas, many of which AEI's Conservative Education Reform Network has highlighted, which provide a solid agenda for state-level leaders to be "for . The Center for Individual Rights (CIR) is a nonprofit conservative legal organization known for its work on federal and state court cases dismantling affirmative action and civil rights protections. The Manhattan Institute is an associate member of the State Policy Network of right-wing think tanks, and it counts the Bradley Foundation and the Koch-backed dark money ATM groups DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund among its top donors. The institute has received at least $720,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012, more than $460,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation since 2011, $500,000 from the Sarah Scaife Foundation since 2012, $20,000 from the Coors Foundation in 2012, at least $150,000 from the Gleason Family Foundation from 2012 to 2013, and nearly $200,000 from DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund combined since 2012, all to fund education-related projects and general operations. T he . Its board of directors includes Charter Schools USA CEO Jonathan Hage, the executive counsel to the American Federation for Children (AFC) -- the center is listed as a national allied organization of AFC -- and several CEOs of for-profit education companies. Yuval Levin is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). In March, 50CAN and StudentsFirst announced in an exclusive at The 74that they would merge and begin operating under the 50CAN name nationally, although state chapters of StudentsFirst will, for the most part, retain their names. These groups are driving the education privatization movement forward by co-opting the education reform mantle. Stand for Children is a national advocacy partner of the Policy Innovators in Education Network, and its co-founder and CEO Jonah Edelman serves on the networks board of directors. And what does it have to offer? This leaves conservatives not only resistant to the lure of utopias, but also far more concerned about the prospect of social and cultural degradation than they are confident about the prospects for enduring progress. What will follow it as a political matter will probably at first be a period of gridlock and dysfunction. In 2014, the conservative dark money ATM group DonorsTrust gave $60,000 to the Daily Caller News Foundation, and the right-wing Bradley Foundation supported the foundation with $100,000. Nor is it to suggest that character education has been altogether absent from the national debate. The Foundation for Excellence in Education is a conservative education reform think tank founded by former Florida Gov. NSCW was started by the Gleason Family Foundation in 2011. With the rise of privately operated public charter schools, digital learning models, and voucher and scholarship tax credit programs in recent decades, the education debate has grown even more complex, and schools and students are increasingly regarded as an untapped market. That's quite rightand we consider that to be a feature, not a bug, of our Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN). But what will follow the reform era as an intellectual matterin the work of education reformers, and as preparation for the next constructive phase of education policy, whenever it might comeis a more interesting question. And this same assumption, rooted in low expectations, also often leaves conservatives impressed by, and protective of, enduring, successful social institutions. Whether we like it or not, the next phase of conservative education-policy thinking will need to be willing to do thatnot to the exclusion of emphases on core math and reading competencies, on school choice, and on accountability, but alongside them. AEIdeas January 18, 2023 This weekend marked the second anniversary of AEI's Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN). That doesnt mean that all conservatives could agree on a precise curriculum in these areas, or that they need to use state power to impose it. This weekend marked the second anniversary of AEIs Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN). In addition to grant support from the Gleason Family Foundation totaling $200,000 in 2012 and 2013, the NRTWLDF has also received funding totaling more than $386,000 from dark money ATM DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund combined since 2012, $50,000 from the Scaifes Carthage Foundation since 2013, and $250,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012 to fund general operations. NSCW is listed as an allied organization of the American Federation for Children and a sponsor of SPNs most recent annual meeting. The NRTWLDFs stated mission is to eliminate coercive union power and compulsory unionism abuses through strategic litigation, public information, and education programs. The NRTWLDF is an associate member of the State Policy Network of right-wing think tanks, and its legal actions work in concert with the National Right to Work Committee to push and defend right to work model legislation created by the American Legislative Education Council (ALEC). The Libre Initiative pushes for vouchers and other education privatization efforts disguised as school choice in opinion pieces placed nationwide in newspapers and in frequent conservative media appearances. Pearson additionally owns and operates a number of digital curriculum, assessment, and learning management companies and programs including Schoolnet teacher assessments, PowerSchool online school management, eCollege, and numerous others geared toward both K-12 students and teachers and higher education students and professors. It was founded and is funded by the Koch brothers, and it is one of several centers and departments at George Mason that together have received just under $80 million from Koch foundations from 2005 to 2014. The foundations reform agenda advocates for digital and online learning, vouchers, high-stakes teacher evaluation models, and high-stakes testing for students. 50CANs founder and CEO will serve as the CEO of the larger organization, and StudentsFirsts Jim Blew will stay on as a senior adviser at 50CAN. These conservative-backed policies aim to weaken labor unions by attacking teachers job protections and to push state-level education legislation that makes way for greater private profiteering -- while leaving traditional public schools further behind. The center claims to provide conceptual clarity, intellectual acumen, practical know-how, and political savvy to further parental choice in education. Its board members include Matthew Ladner, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Excellence in Education and senior fellow at the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, who also co-authors an annual state education report -- funded partly by the Gleason Family Foundation -- at the corporate-backed model legislation mill American Legislative Exchange Council. Its board of directors includes, in addition to Brown, a member affiliated with the pro-reform group NYCAN. Another board member is Doug Tuthill, the president of a Florida tax-credit scholarship organization called Step Up For Students. But what started as a community of 90 members has grown to over 700, across all 50 states and a few other countries. The last few years of our politics have shown us that our country is living through a serious social crisis. Sign up for AEIs EdExpress your weekly digest of news, research, and views from AEIs Education Policy Experts, Senior Fellow and Director, Education Policy Studies, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Education Policy Studies. At almost any point in the 1990s or 2000s, it would not have been hard to say what these debates were about and what reformers were eager to achieve. Its advisory board includes leaders from StudentsFirstNY and the Black Alliance for Educational Options. THE STATE OF SCHOOL CHOICE While school choice is certainly the main focus of the conservative education-reform movement, there is disagreement on the question of whether school choice is sufficient, or whether reformers should set their sights on more ambitious goals. The deadline for online voter registration has already passed, but any Provo . Since then, the school has officially changed its name. Since its founding in 2010, StudentsFirst has lent financial and strategic support to local and state elections across the country in support of overwhelmingly Republican candidates and policies that oppose unions. But there is one particular approach that can help highlight the implications of these differences for education. According to YouGov (from which all following figures are drawn), the Conservative vote is the same now, at 25 per cent, as it was in early January. Test scores increased some, especially early in that period. Tax documents list a $200,000 grant in 2014 from conservative dark money ATM DonorsTrust to support general operations at the Libre Initiative Institute. Beth Cope and Timothy Johnson contributed research and editing support for this project. It shapes how conservatives and progressives understand the nature and sources of the problems that American society confronts. An emphasis on character has been important to the success of some of the most prominent choice experiments and charter programs serving disadvantaged students, for example. The Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options (HCREO) is a nonprofit school choice advocacy organization geared toward the Hispanic community. affiliates have a long-documented history of pushing misinformation and engaging in misleading reporting that favors conservative policies and politicians across the country. It currently has affiliates in Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island, and fellowships in California, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, and Wisconsin. Its high-level staff also includes the former national communications director for BAEO and a staffer at Stand for Children. Investigative writer Jane Mayer wrote that the Bradley Foundation virtually drove the early national school choice movement, waging an all-out assault on teachers unions and traditional public schools. Evidence shows the Bradley Foundation has also used its home state of Wisconsin as a testing ground for its privatization efforts; a 2015 report from the nonprofit One Wisconsin Now concluded that the foundation had spent over $108 million in support of education privatization from 2005 to 2014 in Wisconsin and nationwide. On this week's episode of the Beyond the Byline podcast, EURACTIV looks at the reasons behind the growing trust in conservative and right-wing parties by citizens across Europe and . The question should be how, not whether, to place a greater emphasis on character and on civics in American education. A huge amount of progressivisms cultural and intellectual energies is directed to this fundamentally educational cause. The Institute for Justice was an early member of the corporate-driven model legislation mill American Legislative Education Councils (ALEC) education task force, along with Connections Academy (now owned by Pearson), the Alliance for School Choice, and K12 Inc., which pushed virtual schools, voucher, and scholarship tax credit model legislation. Education Next also publishes daily online commentary at the EdNext Blog, and its polling is sometimes cited in mainstream news outlets and more frequently cited by conservative media and think tanks. And for each camp, the concerns that were put aside for the sake of working together in the reform coalition seem likely to be those that now come to the fore. In 2013 and 2014, DonorsTrust granted a total of $55,000 to the Heritage Foundation to support the work of a higher education writer who was fired from The Chronicle of Higher Education after mocking black studies courses. Donors Capital Fund, which shares many of DonorsTrust's board members, listed donations to AEI, ALEC, the Bill of Rights Institute, the Cato Institute, the Center for Education Reform, the Center for Individual Rights, the Heartland Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Mercatus Center, the State Policy Network, and the Reason Foundation between 2012 and 2014, including a notable $19.6 million to the Franklin Center, mostly earmarked to support conservative journalism efforts in targeted states. We have sought to platform leading reformers through our Ed the Right Way public event series, featuring leaders like Chairman of the House Education and Workforce Committee Virginia Foxx, former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, and Virginia Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera. When we began building the network, some of our friends inside the beltway wondered whether we could really find more than a couple hundred serious-minded, right-leaning people with a professional interest in education policy. According to tax documents, the Reason Foundation has received at least $130,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation since 2012 to support general operations and educational grants, just over $1.47 million from dark money ATM DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund combined since 2012 (some earmarked for college campus-targeted campaigns), $300,000 from the Sarah Scaife Foundation since 2012, at least $150,000 from the Gleason Family Foundation from 2012 to 2013, $100,000 from the Coors Foundation since 2011, $25,000 from the Bradley Foundation in 2014 for research on public-sector union (such as teachers union) pension reforms, and $15,000 from the Roe Foundation since 2012. Scott Walker, whose tenure as Wisconsin governor has included the expansion of voucher programs, severe cuts to funding for public education, and the passage of corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) right to work model legislation that severely weakened unionsand was found to be unconstitutional by a Wisconsin state court in April. Its advisory board includes members affiliated with the Alliance for School Choice, four charter schools, and Glenn Becks media outlet, The Blaze. In short . Owens and The Daily Caller both have a long history of mocking LGBT students, sexualizing teachers, and driving misinformation in education-related news. The foundation reported spending $1.7 million on the campaign in 2012, and nearly $2.7 million in 2013. But that perspective may itself be a function of the intellectual inhibitions engendered by the reform coalitionit is effectively a way of seeing education policy as a set of questions about modes of accountability. The AFC currently has allies or affiliate organizations in 25 states, and it has long invested millions in state-level elections to influence pro-privatization education legislation. Glenn Lee Beck (born February 10, 1964) is an American conservative political commentator, radio host, entrepreneur, and television producer. The foundation lists its funding priorities as programs that help youth prosper, encourage economic opportunities for adults and advance public policies that reflect our nations founding principles, but it gives substantially to many prominent right-wing think tanks that produce reliably pro-education-privatization research and reports. Character formation, civics, and the inculcation of the best of our traditions are inseparable from any meaningful idea of education. But each has something distinct in mind. The foundation awards an annual Bradley Prize for journalism -- past recipients include conservative columnist George Will and several Wall Street Journal columnists and editorial board members. Dayton, Ohio 45402, How to Educate an American: The Conservative Vision for Tomorrow's Schools,, Four priorities for the new CEO of Clevelands schools, Gadfly Bites 6/2/23Threatened with the crushing threat. The Reason Foundation is a libertarian think tank that produces research on a number of policy issues, including education, and also publishes the monthly magazine Reason and the politically focused blog The Charles Koch Foundation has supported the Daily Caller News Foundation with more than $160,000 in grant funding since 2012, and The Daily Caller News Foundation is currently listed as a partner organization of the Charles Koch Institute. That era of the reform coalition did achieve some worthy, if modest, improvements in American education. And the intense polarization of our political culture has increasingly made bipartisanship of the sort that characterized the reform coalition impossible to sustain. And we cant really believe thats true. For good and for ill, this has meant that many Americans are less dependent on sources of help (in the family and community) that might demand something of us in return, or might offer us a place and a connection. Stand Togethers executive director is a longtime Koch operative and former tea party congressional candidate who previously spearheaded the anti-Affordable Care Act group Generation Opportunity. Tax filings show that AEI has received millions from reliably right-wing donors, including more than $1.6 million from the Charles Koch Foundation since 2011, just over $5 million from conservative dark money ATM DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund since 2012, at least $1.7 million total from the Sarah Scaife Foundation since 2012, $480,000 from the Bradley Foundation since 2012, and $425,000 from the Coors Foundation since 2011, to support general operations and education-related research. The logic of the welfare state and the logic of the market economy (which are far from the enemies or opposites they are sometimes thought to be) have both expanded their reach in the past half century so that, between them, they now penetrate into every crevice of our common life. Called Step Up for students energies is directed to this fundamentally conservative education reform network cause their positive vision conservative... 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conservative education reform network

conservative education reform network