will congress win 2024 astrologyNosso Blog

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Donald Trump loss and Joe Biden victory in 2020 Presidential Election, 8 months before the election date (prediction given on internet on April 1, 2020). Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, investigating Donald Trump last week for his grand jury testimony. Since this midterm election is on the day of the eclipse, so there could be some problem or delay in getting the results. I have received numerous emails and phone calls from people asking me if I give astrological readings for individuals upon request? You dont have to be a great mathematician to see that the next conjunction will be in 2025, which is the year Putins presidency officially was to end. Another limitation of my model is that it does not account for a specific future candidate doing especially well (or poorly) with certain demographics. More specifically, my model predicts that if the popular vote margin is less than 3.38 (for the Democrats), the Republicans win Michigan and they win the entire election. Relax, A Trump Comeback In 2024 Is Not Going To Happen Donald Trump is in a very bad and challenging time until May 1, 2024. I repeatedly reaffirmed this prediction, including when the votes began to come in and it looked like Donald Trump might be re-elected, but I understood that no election was final until all the votes were counted, and in most states the mail-in ballots, which were overwhelmingly Democratic, would be counted last.". They could have done it after mid-term election. Mr Lichtman's model looks at several factors in predicting a winner, including party mandate, third-party challenge, social unrest, incumbency and charisma. This time around, using his 13 trends or keyssystem to predict the White House winner, he correctly predicted a Joe Biden victory. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. Kevin McCarthy according to his astrology chart, will enter difficult and challenging time between Oct 26 to Nov 15, 2022, just before the midterm election. See the problem with congress is that it has so many Lions, Wolfs and Eagles that they are busy fighting with each other instead of other parties as they know congress is such a big beast who ever gets proper. 2. Republicans are trying to overturn the Roe vs Wade before the mid-term election. The USA I had boldly predicted in my July 3, 2021, astrology update in. Its a long shot, but its a possibility. Now they will pay the price at Ballot Box.The overturning of Roe vs wade could also be to change the news cycle away from Jan 6 committee's public hearings. We are heading towards a challenging time in November, December 2021. I think that the democratic nominee will perform better than Hillary did in 2016, when she won popular vote by a 2.1 margin, but worse than Biden did in 2020, when he won the popular vote by a 4.4 margin. I built a model to predict the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. The feeling of love will remain in the family members of the house. If Democrats are ahead in polls between Oct 24 and Nov 8, then the House will stay with Democrats. Inflation is a worldwide problem. If GOP wins the midterm, they will repeal the 'Inflation Reduction Act', and this minimum 15% corporate tax will go away. Sure enough, Mr Biden secured enough electoral votes to become president-elect, and also won the popular vote by approximately fivemillion ballots. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Kansas protected abortion. Stationary retrograde Saturn from Capricorn sign is powerfully aspecting Bidens natal Mars in Libra sign by its 10th aspect. This has some relationship to the timing of Trump indictment. Of course they could, but the last time the House changed hands in a presidential election year was 1952 . US Election Day November 5, 2024: Portents of Venus in Sagittarius. This is a difficult and challenging year for President Biden. Astrology prediction given on March 1, 2021 came correct. The world is changing at an exponential rate, and everything will go faster than you think. Until he changed the constitution to add two extra presidential terms beyond that year. Neptune rules addiction, alcohol, art, compassion, enlightenment, fantasies, dreams, drugs, ideals . This astrology prediction was given on March 1, 2021, a year ago. What does astrology say about Trump becoming the president in 2024 Answer (1 of 6): Congress It is not party it is a living breathing universe in itself. Thanks again for all your support. Roe vs wade and gun violence will change our lives for many, many decades. As Chinas progressed Ascendant and MC move into Gemini and Aquarius respectively, harmonizing with the Moon and Sun, it is difficult to imagine that the country will do anything other than prosper. It seems like we may see the Georgia grand jury indictment first for Donald Trump and the Special Counsel indictment next. GOP has not shown their plan to control inflation to the American people so far. That was surprising in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years.. See because of the eclipse on the election day, we still do not know who won the midterm election. The final astrology prediction we will make in the beginning of November 2022 before the election date. This does not mean that temperatures and sea levels will not rise, but international agreements will slow the process and make it manageable. By this point I have estimated adjusted 2024 state values. NEW DELHI: Even as the Congress is making assertions on Opposition unity and leading the anti-BJP front in 2024, the debacle in three North-Eastern states raises questions on the road ahead for . I am back again. They all point to Donald Trump Indictment. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. The chances are very high, if Trump will be indicted this year, then it will happen between October 20 and December 14 this year, if not through the Mar-a-Lago classified documents investigation, then through some other criminal investigation. Senator Joe Manchin has become a problem for Democrats and President Biden to get anything done. We have never had a losing president, or for that matter, any losing candidate, so openly and falsely and dangerously attack the foundations of our democracy. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. Will Modi be PM again in 2024? Astrology Prediction My data suggests that Wisconsin and Florida are trending Republican too strongly for the Democrats to stand a change at winning these states in 2024, unless the nation as a whole has a dramatic shift left. US Midterms 2022 Astrology Prediction - Jessica Adams No, and I dont expect to, ProfLichtman said. So let us hope for a good surprise and pray for the success of our American Democracy. Now the extreme right wing of GOP party has the power to block McCarthy from the House Speakership. Some GOP candidates who completely went against Trump are still winning the primaries, while others are losing the primaries despite receiving Trump endorsements.'. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the above "Buy Now" button, with your comments. The horoscope given below is widely accepted to be correct and made for 17/09/1950 at 10.59.29 in Mehsana Gujarat. There was no red wave, because McCarthy and Trump were going through very weak and challenging time close to the mid-term election, this is what I had mentioned in my astrology updates close to the mid-term election in October / November 2022. Adjusting for the popular vote is not good enough. The electricity grid? It is important to adjust for these unique circumstances so that the political trending weights (Adjustment 3) are meaningful. This midterm election is on the day of the eclipse. Past and Future Prediction 2022 2023 2024 by Ashwin Rawal To do this, I graph a plot of the history of the particular states values, and set the adjusted value of the state in the biased year equal to the value which makes the plot the smoothest. Astrology Made Simple. With 2024 nearing, Kasba win might be too early to rejoice for MVA I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. With his astrological knowledge, he has calculated the future of the world from 2020 to 2035! You guide to the past, present and future. You can figure out yourself who is causing inflation in US. PolicyPreview is a non-partisan blog which provides data-driven election forecasts, descriptions of national and international political races and governments, explanations of various voting platforms, and summaries of related academic research conducted by leading experts. We are hoping COVID will be slowly contained after May 1, 2022. Please read the last few lines in my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden in this astrology article. The BJP will be under the influence of Sun's Mahadasha from 18th April, 2012. 5. Surfaces will no longer be warm, but cool. 20th October 1964 21.28 Oakland, California AS: 24 GE. Because the election was on the day of the eclipse, we cannot see things clearly and we cannot know Gods plan for our country, but to wait patiently for the results to come. I decided not to include shifts pre-1996 in the model or rather I assign pre-1996 shifts a value of 0.0 because the political landscape was dramatically different after Reagan and Bush. President Biden is going through honeymoon period right now. "True" answers favour the re-election of the incumbent, while "false" answers favour the challenger. Thus, this final step requires an estimate of how much I predict each state will be above or below the popular vote in 2024 which necessitates estimating the 2024 popular vote margin. Predicting the 2024 Presidential Election | by Gideon Heltzer - Medium A few years ago, it seemed impossible to know what this would mean, and how such a transition could take place. Heres how I did it and what I found. Its never happened before; no losing candidate has ever initiated widespread challenges to an election like this, particularlywhen these challenges have absolutely no basis in fact. Five years back in 2018, the Congress had failed to win any seat in Tripura and Nagaland. McCarthy may not be able to help Trump, even if he is House Majority Leader. by Adrian Duncan | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. Dont know what the future will bring? What we are learning is GOP cannot win elections with Donald Trump and they cannot win elections without Donald Trump, because if GOP dumps Trump, then the MAGA crowd will stay at home on election day. The Economy According to the Election Commission of India website, Congress's EVKS Elangovan received 67.48% of the votes until 2pm Congress's EVKS Elangovan appeared set to win the assembly by-poll to . There are some, however, who see Mr Bidens age, he is 77, as an obstacle to a second term. This is the game of politics and astrology. Will Nostradamus' prediction that Narendra Modi will not win the 2024 The inflation and gas prices are high in US, because large corporations are trying to make up for the loss in profits due to a minimum 15% corporate tax that is included in the 'Inflation Reduction Act'. Which party will win the 2024 U.S. presidential election? I am getting same answer from his astrology chart also. It said Left-Congress combine is poised to get 13-21 seats and Tipra Motha 11-16. The pandemic precipitated the biggest economic crisis in modern history. Physical wars will slowly become redundant, but cyber wars will not. Donald Trumps time is really very troubling and challenging until May 1, 2024, especially the period from April 2023 to April 2024 is an unbelievably bad period for Trump. The new age of Air is an age when everything is about particles and waves. It is likely that popular unrest will unseat him at this time. Inflation and higher gas prices will have impact on our lives for few months, perhaps a year or so. The House polls can shift quickly between October 24 and November 8. 2024 - 2026: The Astrology of the Post-COVID Era - Astrology With Andy These errors are not without costs they can lead to massive misallocation of resources, both financial resources and human capital which in turn can generate avoidable election results on both sides of the aisle. So here is an excerpt (with a few small edits for clarity) from a previous post written in light of the 2016 Election but with portents that may (or may not) affect the results of Election 2024: Now as Morning Star, election day Venus favors the incumbent candidate or ruling party (even if 2 terms--8 years-- have been served by the incumbent president) - aka, the "one who wears the crown" as it was termed in the olden days of Mundane Astrology. All 435 seats will be up for election. Republican party has no magic wand to fix inflation and higher gas prices. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. So, I rectified President Bidens birth time to 8.17.30 AM based on some past important events in his life, and the dates when the important events occurred in President Bidens life. Biden has still not had any scandals, and so I still think the Democrats will win the popular vote. Natives are advised to Talk to astrologers. GOP may split into two parties at some point in future, because of Donald Trump, either way they will find it very difficult to win elections in future. 'Our strongest candidate': House Democrats are sticking with Biden in 2024 It doesn't matter whether Roe vs Wade is overturned or not, it has already energized the American people especially women voters across the country to vote for Democrats. Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi? Indian astrologers put out mixed AS 5.56 AQ. Adjustment 3. "I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagan's election in April of 1982," he said. Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. We will see how this time from October 24 to November 8 will play out for Kevin McCarthy. Now the Age of Air begins. will congress win 2024 astrology. I will make the final astrology prediction on the Mid-Term Election after the October 25 partial solar eclipse. My astrology prediction on war between Russia and Ukraine came correct. McCarthy had a disappointing election day night. With the Sun at 7 Libra and the Moon at 3 Aquarius, there is rather a wonderful series of grand trines taking place. President Biden tests positive for COVID, symptoms are mild. Joe Manchins stubbornness could cost Democrats 2022 mid-term election. My model uses past election data to predict the future, and places greater weight on more recent political trends. I hope you enjoyed my astrology predictions for former President. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. Kevin McCarthys time is really very difficult and challenging between March 15 and May 15 this year. Dr. Gauravv Mittal: Well-known Astrologer predicted Yogi Aditya Nath led BJP Win in UP 2022 Elections Dr. Gauravv Mittal Is A Renowned Indian Entrepreneur, IT & Ayurveda Professional, Celebrity Astro-Numerologist And Mathematician Who Is Popularly Known As Maha Guru Because Of His Rare Expertise And Combination Of Spiritual & Occult Sciences Like Astrology, Numerology, Vaastu, Reiki Etc. Why did I make this change? The solution to the inflation is recession in 2023. We may be done with the indictments by June 1, 2023, but most definitely before July 15, 2023. I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagans election in April of 1982, he said. You are viewing: The best option for DOJ is to appeal to the 11th circuit appeals court at the earliest. The election chart has a Moon-Venus conjunction in Sagittarius, so a woman with foreign roots may well be one of the candidates. If Democrats have majority in House and Senate, then they can fix Roe vs Wade and Gun violence. Past presidential polls, both public polls and campaign funded polls, have large margins of errors. Donald Trump will run in 2024 and win, Dick Morris says - New York Post Heres the thing. Many went hungry and are still hungry. If we see the past US mid-term election history, we will find that the President's opposition party usually wins the mid-term election. The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. United States astrology chart indicate challenging time for the country between October 24 and November 15. The midterm election is on the day of the eclipse on November 8. Hes the great enabler, saying oh its not unusual to have all these challenges, but it is unusual, ProfLichtman said. Because such political sentiments are unique to specific election years, I subtract the popular margin from each states raw margin. By studying how each state has voted over time relative to the popular vote, my model allows me to assess presidential voting trends on a state level. By capturing assumptions from a representative sample of voters, my model may be able to generate a more accurate prediction. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. Please remember March, April, May, June, July 2023 are very sensitive and challenging months for the country and our economy as well. Democrats will do very well in 2024 House and Senate elections, will most likely win the Presidency in 2024 Presidential Election. Biden wants them to pay their fair share of taxes, and they are doing their best to make Democrats lose the midterm election by raising prices of gas, grocery items etc. The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. Today was a very bad day for Donald Trump. Look what happened this week. I had predicted May is the time when they will find some solution to this war. When American people will stop spending money because of high inflation, then we will go through recession for some time in 2023, that will bring the inflation down. It seems like the Special Counsel Jack Smiths Trump criminal investigations are in final stages also, as people in the Donald Trumps inner circle such as Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows are subpoenaed by the special counsel. If Democrats are cautious between Oct 25 and the mid-term election day, will not make any mistakes / gaffes, they have a very good chance of winning the Mid-Term election. Light, Motion and the Body There could be a war like situation during this time. The Moon conjoining Chinas Ascendant show the people ruling its the Peoples Republic of China and in the period from 2025-29 the people will take power and react against autocracy. Remember Democrats overperformed polls, in the House special elections in end of August this year, after Roe vs Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. By John F. Harris. November, December 2021, January, February, March 2022 will be very difficult and challenging months for President Biden, and the country as well. Modi will face no political setback till 2029, say astrologers - The Week The 'goddess' does, after all, reign atop the US Capitol Building and one of her archetypal manifestations as "Columbia" is well known as namesake of the District. COVID is still surging during this time. US economy will be doing very well from April 2024 to April 2028 for 4 years. According to Taurus Horoscope 2024, the family life of Taurus people will be good this year. There could also be a war like situation during this time. But this time young women and young voters are registering in large numbers because of Roe vs Wade, that could throw off pollsters estimates. This is not going to happen. Remember my astrology prediction given a year ago in July 2021 was that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024.The chances are very high Trump will be indicted between October 20 and December 14 this year.

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will congress win 2024 astrology

will congress win 2024 astrology