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table tennis risk assessment

Ensure first aid kit is equipped with protective equipment eg. Moderate (lost time injury, illness, damage, lost business), 4. If you need to speak to the organiser, you may enter briefly, so long as hygiene protocols are undertaken. It provides more benefits against low-risk. Slight (minor injury / damage / interruption), 3. (individuals, venue, facilities, equipment). TENNIS RISK ASSESSMENT HAZARD RISK PEOPLE AT RISK CONTROL MEASURES COMMENTS/ ACTIONS RESIDUAL RISK RATING L M H SEVERITY RISK RATING L M H INITIAL IF ALL IN PLACE Qualification of staff • Tennis Coaching Session – must have a minimum Development Coach Award • Supervised Tennis Session – must be minimum CSLA • All Coaches must be CRB Checked If no DSA or above - no session If no CSLA or above – no session … Table Tennis. During activity: Social distancing (2m rule). Ensure no more than this maximum number is involved in any activity. Serious athletes may require even more activity to fully get ready for the exertion ahead. Direct coaches to training resources based on skills with set drills, but no close contact. Allow a minimum of 10 minutes between changing users of tables. Download our Resumption of Table Tennis Club Activity: Risk Assessment. Ready to Return Stage 2: Limited Club Activity Resumption of Table Tennis Club Activity: Risk Assessment Template . Table tennis is not a contact sport, and does not by default require large group activity. Our H&S policy can be found in our governing documents on this website, Remember that H&S is largely about common sense and it does not need to create burdensome red tape. November 2 @ 9:00 am - December 11 @ 1:00 pm. Maintain protocols for returning to training following a positive case. RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EDUCATION VISITS As required by the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Type of Activity / Visit: Table Tennis Department: Redcar & Eston School Sports Partnership Date: 5th Dec 2012 Assessment Carried out by: Louise Tarran Who is at Risk / describe group: Pupils entering competition plus staff Required fields are marked * Your Comment. Date Assessed: 1st July 2020 (revised 15.7.20), Task/ Activity: Returning to club TT sessions following Covid-19 Lockdown, Review Date: Fluid – as and when further info is released by government and TTE, Health of participants / players prior to activity. Warming up involves 5-15 minutes of light Both competitive and social players should carry out a conditioning and training program to cope with the demands of play and reduce the risk of injury. 2. Participants are either unaware or don’t abide by the social distancing rules. RISK ASSESSMENT Organisation: Kidlington Table Tennis Club Risk Assessment For: The Pavilion Exeter Close, Date of Risk Assessment: January 2018 TABLE TENNIS Risk Assessment – BARCLAY. For the young and fit a classification of moderate would not be suitable, whereas an elderly person with health issues could be classified as a very high risk. Opening and closing ceremonies. All volunteers equipped with disposable gloves and advised on best methods, Ensure hall is well ventilated with systems switched on and doorways fixed open where practicable, During Activity: Controlled sporting activities, Refer to the latest Table Tennis England ‘Ready to Return Guidance’, No refreshments will be available at the venue, Avoid unnecessary contact. Ensure regular education of club members about the COVID protocols. Updated: Jul 4, 2019. docx, 27 KB. Hazard Description Persons exposed Pandemics such as Covid-19 do not really fit into a generic risk assessment. This will be reviewed on a regular basis as more information is available. The extent of hygiene protocols used by other groups is unknown. Action Lead. Although we cannot advise formally on H&S you can download a simple Risk Assessment Form for use at your sessions below. Activity scope. We have pointed out that the risk of noncompliance with the group rules is low, that the risk for these groups is different, that of age and vulnerability and that the confused message is causing groups to close when their members need their socially distanced activities. Further measures and controls could be added following new guidelines issued by the Government / Table Tennis England. Remember also that being prudent and keeping records ultimately protects the organiser just as much as the participants, Your email address will not be published. A proper warm up is necessary before starting play. Service – forehand and backhand (with and without spin as appropriate). If a player wishes to play in a following session, if space is available, he/she MUST still adhere to 10 minute break between sessions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Educate players, coaches/volunteers and parents by emails and keeping website up to date. Rugby risk assessment - pitches. Members advised to contact the club by telephone or email prior to attending if they or any of their contacts/household test positive for Coronavirus – completion of isolation period to be confirmed. Due to limited space and the difficulties in social distancing we are asking parents to please not enter the premises when dropping off or collecting their children. Club Committee member checks that no one is feeling unwell as participants arrive. The controls in place will be amended as the Government continues to remove restrictions. Risk Assessment Form. Ask players to bring their own bats and balls. ... Table tennis tables) be kept on entry level. No breathing on the ball to clean, or hand wiping on the table. Required fields are marked *. Training partners are separated by at least 2 metres (length of the table) at any time, All tables used are separated by partitions/barriers/nets. Your email address will not be published. Distribute information to members and Coaches – use emails to members, update your website, use team communications and display materials around venue. Provide mild soapy water and disposable towels for wiping down tables and chairs between sessions, Players to bring their own refreshments, towels etc which must be kept in a bag. Comments (0) Leave a Reply Cancel reply. All rubbish to be bagged up in black plastic sacks and removed from site. Risk Level Equipment Lifting and handling of tables . Ensure age and skill appropriate training. Implement good hygiene practices at training including regular handwashing and wiping down tables and chairs after use. About this resource. Risk assessment for domestically violent men: Tools for criminal justice, offender intervention, and victim services. 27th July 2020 Site Admin. Training given to volunteers on cleaning procedures. Number. Encourage players to build up to match play and higher intensity to reduce risk of ill health or injury. Facebook; Twitter; Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy, National Championships Postponed & Team Championships Cancelled. • All coaches and assistant coaches used must hold a current ETTA Coach Licence which ensures that they have been CRB checked, hold a valid coaching qualification, have insurance and have attended safeguarding … Tennis. Disposable gloves, to be worn by all handling equipment, and cleaning equipment supplied by the club. If shared equipment is used, this must be cleaned after every use. TTW takes the health & safety of all extremely seriously. About 10 years ago an obsession started in financial circles and with funding agencies with regard to “Risk Assessment”. But there is another reason behind the fact that table tennis more benefits to you for its own nature. PE-activity-risk-assessment-Table-Tennis. Physical education; 2012 P2P Table Tennis Risk Assessment. no handshaking / slapping hands. Table Tennis. Activities usually carried out by the Table Tennis Club: Training & matches: Oxstalls Sports Studio/ Leisure@Cheltenham/ Park Campus room TC007. They cannot be assessed in both table tennis singles and in table tennis doubles. Additional Risk Controls. Providing a life-enhancing student experience at the University of Gloucestershire Students' Union. Categories & Ages. Ask participants to bring their own hand sanitiser. Given the personal spacing involved, table tennis is a low risk activity when guidelines are correctly followed. Download this file (Microsoft Word document (.docx), size 36.17 KB) ... Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. £34.00. The longer the period of time together, the increase in risk of virus transfer. The insurance cover for LTA registered venues remains in place as before and will provide protection for clubs provided they are operating within the government guidelines and managing social distancing.Howden recommend all venues should undertake a basic risk assessment of their premises to establish what measures may need to be taken. Nottingham Trent Uni - tennis risk assessment. Make sure you get a proper warm up before starting play. Coaching and support resources (controlled provisions). Our most recent COVID Risk Assessment, dated 22 December 2020, and conforming to Table Tennis England format, can be found HERE. Table spray, paper towels and bin in every court . Drives – forehand and backhand (with and without topspin as appropriate). We welcome everyone, of all ages and all abilities, at our sessions on Friday nights from 19.00-22.00 and on Saturday mornings from 9.00-12.00, at Teign School Sports Hall, Chudleigh Road, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 3JG, For more information contact:  Tony Halse  01626 852007,  or  Dennis Gibbs  01626 366837,, Tony Halse (General Secretary ,TT365 Webmaster). Participants are either unaware or aren’t practicing hygiene protocols. Covid-19 return to play. Wipe down surfaces pre and post training, as well as in between hourly sessions, Place hand sanitiser / soap and water around the venue and in toilets, Changing rooms and showers are not to be used for showering or changing, this should be done at home. by Ross Goodship | Oct 1, 2018. Multi ball training is only permitted where the feeder and the player stay a minimum of 2 metres apart at all times. Tennis requires a variety of physical attributes including speed, power, endurance, strength, balance and specific playing skills. Upcoming Events. A participant notifies the Club that they or a family member has a suspected case of coronavirus. Training practice  (duration restriction). HEALTH, SAFETY & HYGIENE Eg. Ask that participants bring their own hand sanitiser and regularly wash their hands. There are no cleaning facilities at the place of training. Bundle. eg. We became a Table Tennis England Premier Club and were awarded CLUBMARK status early in 2014. YEAR 1 VIRTUAL CHALLENGE. Residual Risk. Risk Assessment. Third Party Access Outer and inner doors left unsecured Pupils 4 3 12 All users to lock facility on completion. When I would attend the final meeting with the Auditors for any organisation for which I was involved, they would always ask the same question “What are the risks that could… #TeamGlos Warming up involves 5-15 minutes of light physical activity to elevate your heart rate and breathing rate, increase your blood flow and make your muscles warmer. As above. Severity. Likelihood. Introduction: To enable table tennis to return safely to clubs and other indoor venues, Table Tennis England have been working on a set of recommendations that can enable table tennis to start again safely. Individuals should train with the same person throughout their first  session. • Any measures that venues put in place to enable activity to resume must be flexible and able to adapt quickly if tighter movement/physical distancing is reintroduced in the future or when restrictions are further relaxed. Assessment of risk. Tennis risk assessment. Action by when? Until restrictions are lifted you may not transport others to the venue from anyone outside your bubble. Students can be assessed in singles format or in doubles format. Safety Tips for Table Tennis . A Risk Assessment may have already been carried out at the venue you use, for example by the organisation that owns the various buildings. Learn how your comment data is processed. The following are a list of safety tips that will help keep you injury free and out on the table. Table tennis. Newsletters, emails, website, briefing on arrival. During Activity: Number of participants involved. Our Partners. Sanitisation Station in entrance area . ENGLISH TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION LTD. RISK ASSESSMENT FOR COUNTY ASSESSMENT DAYS PLAYGROUND TO PODIUM. Educate coaches on requirements and any changes that are made to these. Yes, believe it or not, it is quite practical to practice at home without having a table: by executing what is known as ‘dummy’ strokes. Player rules for Covid safety on every table The risk assessment document has been updated and this document should be reviewed regularly, we ask that all clubs review and update their own risk assessments and make sure there is a method statement (action plan) that sits alongside. Who might be harmed Controls Required Additional Controls Action by who? Clubs / Coaches do not abide to limited numbers. Too many people (including parents/spectators) attending means that social distancing can’t be implemented. Info. Implement good hygiene practices at training. A participant notifies the Club that they or a family member has contracted coronavirus. Low risk: Teaching of table tennis skills, training and competitions. Volleyball risk assessment - David Ross Sports Village main hall. Encourage players to be considerate of booking times (not arriving early or hanging around afterwards). In this regard, Table tennis is also a good exercise that provides you with a great number of exercise type. Sorry, your login attempt was unsuscessful. Place hand sanitiser / soap and water around the venue and in toilets. Created: Jul 17, 2016. TABLE TENNIS RISK ASSESSMENT HAZARD RISK PEOPLE AT RISK CONTROL MEASURES COMMENTS/ ACTIONS RESIDUAL RISK RATING L M H SEVERITY RISK RATING L M H INITIAL IF ALL IN PLACE Qualification of staff • Table Tennis Coaching Session – must have a minimum Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Table Tennis • Supervised Table Tennis Session – must be minimum CSLA • … Determine maximum number of participants based on venue size to allow distancing. 10 Committee to set up, dismantle equipment and make sure there are always two people lifting any weight above 25kg. This guideline relates to student participation in table tennis as a curriculum activity, including skills development, training and competitions. A Risk Assessment should always be carried out especially where the activity carries a greater risk factor than usual. Refer to Coaching guidance in the Ready to Return section of the Table Tennis England website for the latest information. Table Tennis is a serious sport with potential for injury when playing a game or a match. To view the risk assesment please click here . Resumption of Table Tennis Club Activity: Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment. Club will keep a record of who attends each session by implementing a booking and registration process. Establish a Communication Plan outlining who the Club needs to advise if there is a suspected or positive case of coronavirus and who is responsible for doing that. Notes on the use of Risk Assessments. Educate participants via emails to members, keep website up to date and display posters around venue. Adopt new Club Policies for COVID – require members to abide by Codes of Conduct. Participants may wish to wear a face-mask, this is not compulsory at present but could reduce the individuals risk of infection. Participants are separated from each other by a minimum 2.74 metre distance, being the length of a table tennis table. RISK ASSESSMENT Table Tennis November 2016 Assessed by: Linda Farrall & Gemma McKay. View All Events. Encourage appropriate warm up and cool down as part of the session. Colebridge Risk Assessment Return to Play Download. Coaches don’t feel like they’re equipped with skills that minimise close contact. Share This. even WITHOUT A TABLE!!! Keep a record of vulnerable participants – delay return to training. For activities beyond the scope of this activity a separate risk assessment must be undertaken using the CARA generic template. Uploaded by Lewis Higgins on 13 Oct 2016. Volleyball. HEATON MERSEY TENNIS CLUB COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT Name of Venue / Coaching Business: Heaton Mersey Tennis Club Name of Risk Assessor: Jenny Spencer Date of Risk Assessment: 1.6.20 What are the hazards? YEAR 2 VIRTUAL CHALLENGE. Table tennis risk assessment - David Ross Sports Village. Coaches are competitive and ignore guidelines. November 2 @ 9:00 am - December 11 @ 1:00 pm. Occupation. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Limit the use of communal spaces and keep them closed if possible. Keep an up to date record about the protocols that the club has put in place to mitigate the risk of contracting coronavirus. At present this is not compulsory. Get this resource as part of a bundle 0. If an individual feels so inclined they may wish to wear a face mask. Table areas are ideally a minimum of 4.5 metres by 9 metres. A risk assessment template is available from Table Tennis Scotland. PE-activity-risk-assessment-Table-Tennis. I have scored all the Risk/priorities at 3 and feel there are no further controls necessary at this moment in time. Coaches don’t feel like they’re equipped with drills and skills that minimise close contact. Very High (fatality / business closure). High (major injury / damage, lost time business interruption, disablement), 5. Newton Abbot  TTC was formed in Oct' 2013. However it is essential that you stand in front of a mirror in order to get your posture correctly placed. March 4, 2018. Risk Assessment for PE. Harrogate Racquets Club. Report a problem. document.write('tonyhalse@' + ''); Login to this site using your Table Tennis 365 (England) membership login details. Ensure personal hygiene at conclusion of session, use sanitiser, clean cleaning equipment, Wearing of disposable gloves counting / bagging cash. Tennis clubs should complete a full risk assessment at least once a year that oversees all aspects of the facility. Gloves, facemask, plastic apron, safety glasses and hand sanitizer. Supplementary Note . Heron Health & Safety Policy General Risk Assessment, Fire Risk Assessment for the Heron Tennis Centre, Last Updated: 30/09/2011 Next review date: 30/09/2012 Owned and operated by Heron Sports Management Company Limited Heron Tennis, Edgcumbe … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The only level for illness in the risk/priority indicator key is moderate. Table Tennis. Signage displayed at Club entrance advising people not to enter if they have symptoms of Coronavirus. All users 2 3 6 Door to be kept locked secure. A. If they are feeling unwell or showing symptoms, advise self-isolation as per government guidelines. Our site uses cookies. ... Table Tennis England is offering support to … Club Play; Teams; Coaching Team; Risk Assessment; Table Tennis home; Table Tennis risk assessments. Committee. Risk Assessment - Newton Abbot Table Tennis Club Pandemics such as Covid-19 do not … Adopt mitigation/minimisation strategies as above. Advise the affected member to follow Government guidelines. TABLE TENNIS Risk Assessment - BARCLAY. All participants are required to report to club via telephone at earliest opportunity if they or contacts become unwell after they have attended a session in last 14 days – this is written into member information and shared in advance of return as well as follow up from sessions. Archery Risk Assessment and Procedures to be issued. Doors left unsecured Pupils 4 3 12 all users to lock facility on completion Codes of Conduct people not enter. Allow distancing you stand in front of a mirror in order to your. Equipment ) you injury free and out on the table and display materials around.. Mirror in order to get your posture correctly placed are feeling unwell showing... Record of who attends each session by implementing a booking and registration process singles and in table Tennis Scotland 0., 3 a regular basis as more information is available from table Club. Website for the exertion ahead is essential that you stand in front of a bundle 0 always two people any. 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