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lying to get into the military

My acceptance for enlistment is based on the information I have given in my application for enlistment. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. While recruits may be able to enlist, they are usually caught later. A future injury in the line of duty may turn up a history of past injuries. War crimes and misconduct, desertions and drug use, indiscipline and blatant lying to public officials have been mercifully rare. 1. Stiches don't mean anything to the military. So, what should you do if your recruiter encourages you to commit a crime by lying? Why Do Some Recruiters Encourage You to Lie? There’s audio of him congratulating a man for faking a disability , as Trump did , to escape the Vietnam draft. For more information, please see our Advertising Policy. Advertiser Disclosure: Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone. Joining the military is a calling for many people. I disclosed everything, which was 3 broken arms, 2 broken ankles and surgery on my left wrist and left ankle. Many disqualifying factors can be overcome, and some can be waived. The process can take months and sometimes there is back and forth if the MEPS doctors require additional information to make their decision. Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. Lying on official government documents just isn’t worth it. ( mostly anxiety) I am great now. Based on this, I can’t comment on specific waivers, only the process). Getting out of the Military Is Much Harder Than Getting In, An applicant claims his recruiter told him to lie about his childhood asthma. If you lie about your previous drug use (even if there is no criminal record), and your military job/assignment (either now or a future assignment) requires a Top Secret clearance, the military CAN find out about it (see Security Clearance Secrets). He also writes about personal finance and investing at Cash Money Life. Our Lying Military, ... Wonder if Joe Biden has any insight into this alleged "manipulation"? Navy Criminal Disqualifications for Enlistment Requirements, United States Military Enlistment Standards. A TDQ is a temporary condition. That's the only way they can correct a problem situation (or a problem recruiter). History of past drug or alcohol abuse may make one ineligible. Those who’ve served in the military have extensive time and knowledge at camps, forts, and bases. Some agencies would work directly with the Navy, while others may work with other government or military agencies. None of this is written to sound the doom and gloom alarm. There are many great reasons to join the military, including service to your country, training, adventure, benefits such as the GI Bill or VA Loan, good pay, an excellent retirement system, and much more. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. You need to apply to MEPS and receive their response on your Medical Pre-Screen before you can apply for a waiver. This is a discussion on Lying to get in the Military within the Off Topic Discussion forums, part of the Public Discussions category; Originally Posted by artspooner Just called the recruiter. The three primary reasons for disqualification include being overweight (32%), other health reasons excluding weight (27%), and education (30% of youth who take the Armed Forces Qualifying Test fail). “My recruiter told me to lie,” is not a valid excuse for lying on your enlistment papers. Don’t let a recruiter promise you something later that you might not be able to do. Additionally, if the recruiter knows you are not qualified for military service, under the regulations, and processes your enlistment anyway, that recruiter can be charged with a violation of Article 84 of the UCMJ. Even then it would be difficult to get a job flipping burgers at McDonald’s. So your observation about the effect of the pressure tempting people to do whatever it takes to make their quota is not far off target. A recruiter who encourages you to lie has violated his/her own service regulations and can be prosecuted for violation of a regulation under Article 92 of the UCMJ. I would assume no in this case because it would cause me to be constantly looking over my shoulder. Hello Billie, This article has my thoughts on the topic. Recruiters are required to "make mission" (or face consequences to their career), and "making mission" is often beyond their control. In some cases, a discharge from the service. Now, on top of that, being fired from recruiting duty because you didn't make your quotas, is also usually career ending. Regards. He is a writer, small business owner, and entrepreneur. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of the bank advertiser, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. The surgery was such that it would have required a waiver to join. I have never seen his genitals to know whether that is even noticeable. I didnt bring up my asthma at MEPS and I finished BCT and AIT already. Can they find out that I didn't bring it up or just by searching? Would you be court marshaled? What would happen if you lied to the military about say... your drug use, mental disorders, criminal records etc? This does not justify this, but it helps explain why it happens. The recruit does so and is accepted. Home Depot and Lowe’s 10% Military Discounts, get an administrative, other than honorable, or dishonorable discharge, Article 104a of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), How to Get a Medical Waiver in the Military, Joining the Guard or Reserves with a VA Disability Rating, it is a dishonorable discharge for fraudulent enlistment, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Temporary Duty Assignments – Understanding Your Pay & Benefits While on TDY Orders, Security Clearance Levels – What You Need to Know About Security Clearances, Military Commissioning Programs – How to Go From Enlisted to Officer, You can open a free Personal Capital account here. If it is found, then firstly, it is a dishonorable discharge for fraudulent enlistment; then secondly, that will go with me for the rest of my life. It's that simple. The sad answer is, probably not. There are severe consequences for lying to get into the military. I of course am worried it would keep me from being in national gaurd. You verify that your statements are true and accurate. Editorial Disclosure: This content is not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. Such violations are a felony offense, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. For example, 32% of the potential applicant pool is overweight. so my question is, will they ever find this stuff out? Ryan uses Personal Capital to track and manage his finances. All Rights Reserved. That surgery is permanent, even if you are healed. When I was in I had my appedix removed by the Navy. Article 83: Fraudulent Enlistment or Separation, What to Expect in Your First Visit to MEPS, Advice for When You Meet Your Military Recruiter, Many Ways to Get Discharged From the Military, How to Get a Medical Waiver to Join the Military, Medical Forms Used By The MEPS During US Military Enlistment. This system of "making mission" sometimes forces some recruiters to break the rules (damned if they do, damned if they don't). There are other great careers out there that would allow you to serve your community and country. Ryan Guina is the founder and editor of The Military Wallet. ... Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the lying service member must also have received pay and allowances. Knowingly giving false information or withholding required information on any recruiting form is a criminal offense (When the information would have made an individual ineligible to enlist, or would have required a waiver to enlist). I am extremely passionate about serving my country and serving in the Navy. I have the opportunity to contract into ROTC next semester what do I do when it comes to not bringing up Asthma and that I broke my thumb in 5th grade at DODmerb? and his recruiter told him to lie. Very often, these payouts happen only upon the completion or during technical military training. There are many ways to serve outside of the military. Well, I’ve recently met this guy who I think is not being exactly honest. Understand that making an official complaint may not result in prosecution of the recruiter (it depends upon how much evidence there is), but it will darn sure make sure that the recruiter's supervisors are aware that something wrong might be going on. Ever get a sense that someone is lying to you? MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. As an fyi, the link for the Article 83 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is no longer working. During the final week of basic training, he was removed from his flight and processed for a discharge for fraudulent entry. Lying to the military. I recommend speaking with your recruiter for further advice. Paragraph 13a of the contract (signed by the recruit) states: 13a. Some recruiters may tell you not to bother with a waiver because it may not be approved. Often when this language is utilized it will be misused if they are lying. OK, you deserve a more detailed answer than a simple, “no.”. Learn more about How to Get a Medical Waiver in the Military, and Joining the Guard or Reserves with a VA Disability Rating. Responses have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. Hello Edwin, I don’t have an answer here. This would be due to the fact of failure to disclose any and all information. How a Criminal History Can Affect U.S. Military Enlistment? I would appreciate any and all information you could point me to or any advice you could give me. Part 2 of Our Guide to US Military Enlistment Standards, How to Get a Criminal History Waiver to Join the Military. Please visit the referenced site for current information. If, for example, you say to your recruiter "I might have had asthma as a kid, but no doctor ever diagnosed it as asthma," then the recruiter is perfectly correct to instruct you that the correct answer to the question "Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma?" The military requires applicants to be in good health, meet certain medical requirements, meet fitness and weight standards, have certain levels of education, pass a background check, acquire a security clearance, and not have a significant history of drug or alcohol abuse. An example could be a broken bone. I need an orientation to a person who listed fruitfully where I hide information about disabling health conditions and intends to commit fraud by reporting them in basic training. I was active duty USMC. FREE Weekly Updates! Is there really any way they can find out about the other times I've drank? These names are slightly misleading – a PDQ doesn’t always mean you can never serve in the military. hide. You would be the person who could be dismissed from the military for a fraudulent enlistment and possibly be convicted of a felony. In all cases, military applicants should work closely with their recruiters to fill out the required application paperwork, including the military application, medical pre-screen form, background check, etc. Unfortunately, there are some recruiters out there who are encouraging (and, in some cases, downright instructing) recruits to lie about their criminal or medical history. You can open a free Personal Capital account here. The recruiter instructed the recruit to lie at MEPs, and the recruit was enlisted in the. Note: numbers exceed the stated 70% rate because many potential recruits have overlapping disqualifying factors. It simply means the disqualifying condition is permanent. Another statement that I was told was, “If it wasn’t documented then it never happened.”. Is it worth lying on any of the paperwork? It is not the recruiters job to get you into the military, nor is it MEPS' job to disqualify you. I am in a slightly moral conflict because I do not want to lie on my application as far as the medical history or at all for that matter, even though my recruiter is essentially telling me to lie on my application. 5 5. comments. As soon as these discrepancies turn up, the military may decide to simply kick you out for fraudulent enlistment. Of course, there is also the disappointment of not being able to serve your country in the military. While it is true, serving in the Marines will prepare you well for a job in any Special Forces program, getting into the Navy from the Marines is not an easy task. There are two types of medical disqualifications – a permanent disqualification (PDQ), and a temporary disqualification (TDQ). I dont know how strict they are on such topics. This article may contain links from our advertisers. Trump has a long and well-documented history of contempt for military service. It appears as though the recruiter is encouraging him to lie to gain entrance to the military. Not receiving a waiver would be a disappointment, but don’t let it get you down. Crazy friend is lying to get into the military. Again, I can’t comment on the likelihood of a waiver for your medical history. Signing bonuses are not a gift from the military, and they usually come with enough fine print to make a lawyer’s head spin. He says he was disqualified for only having one testicle, and he was born that way. he lied saying he didn't have a history in mental health or anything. I’m not a active militant and simply asking for school. Featured In: Ryan's writing has been featured in the following publications: Forbes,, US News & World Report, Yahoo Finance, Reserve & National Guard Magazine (print and online editions), Cash Money Life, The Military Guide, USAA, Go Banking Rates, and many other publications. It is not the bank advertiser’s responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered. Can I Enlist After a Juvenile Felony Conviction? I have been to therapy for anxiety and depression. View Entire Discussion (2 Comments) More posts from the wheee community. There are waivers for many disqualifying factors. Today’s ethical problems may be less obvious or visible than those that plagued the Army after Vietnam, but they are no less serious. Now get the fuck out of here. This may help you understand more about the overall military recruiting situation and hopefully prevent you from over-generalizing based on your own bad experience. (2) procures his own separation from the armed forces by knowingly false representation or deliberate concealment as to his eligibility for that separation; Let’s get one thing straight: the vast majority of military recruiters are honest, hard-working individuals. Any ideas or advice would be appreciated Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not professional financial advice. report. 4. You know it’s wrong. If you’re unlucky, you could be convicted of a felony, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. Your background check might turn that up. I do not recommend lying about anything in the military application process. — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 9, 2019. You can get waivers for education, certain medical conditions, some legal or moral issues (such as past drug use), and other factors. While there are many benefits to joining the military, it’s not always easy to get in. Enter your information to join our mailing list. If any of that information is false or incorrect, this enlistment may be voided or terminated administratively by the Government, or I may be tried by Federal, civilian, or military court, and, if found guilty, may be punished. There are many cases where someone hid a medical condition which developed into a more serious problem through the stresses of military training. MEPs can sometimes be very fussy when it comes to determining qualifications. and stick to your guns. But it can be difficult. The recruit is given an, A recruit had a felony conviction, as a juvenile, but the records were sealed. That number is tied to the budget and the money they get to operate. I would have put this in my last question but I ran out of room. The doctors at MEPS will then make a determination about your status and whether or not they are able to issue a waiver, or if they need additional information. There are several areas of the military application where it is easy to make mistakes, and several where you may think it makes sense to tell a lie. We may receive compensation through affiliate or advertising relationships from products mentioned on this site. Again, if someone tells you that the military never checks into these matters, then they are not telling you the truth. I used to drink alot before joining. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. Thoughts? You can tell him/her "No!" If you get sick while in the military, and the medical professionals suspect it is a preexisting condition, the military will make every effort to track down previous civilian medical records. This is an interesting situation. As you stated in your message, getting caught in a fraudulent enlistment is a big deal and can result in a dishonorable discharge and other nasty consequences. Here are four common examples of situations that occur: Each of these individuals wanted to know if they could somehow have their discharges upgraded. However, we do not accept compensation for positive reviews; all reviews on this site represent the opinions of the author. For both, it's to ensure that only qualified candidates enlist. You are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of your choice to commit a felony. This site may be compensated through the bank advertiser Affiliate Program. This thread is archived. False Statements at the Recruiting Station, Lying to Get Into the Military is a Felony. Although, I have not been able to draw any solid conclusions so far as to the DoD-I regulations as well as the PULHES code listed in your article. Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isn’t as difficult … Is my brother lying about not being able to get into the military? However, when you get caught in your lies, if you think that dishonest recruiter (the one who told you to lie) is going to stand up and say, "Yes, I told him to lie, it's all my fault," then you'd better get your head examined. My recommendation is to be completely truthful on your application. Consequently, some tend to "coach" their applicants on how to answer the medical questions. Your recruiter would be the point of contact for working waivers, and you should listen to your recruiter in that regard (as long as your recruiter is advising you to do the right thing). Each of the services has a waiver process whereby senior recruiting and medical officials can waive certain disqualifying medical or moral (legal) factors, depending upon the current needs of the service and the other qualifications of the applicant. Especially for thorough background checks for secret or top secret security clearances. Saying that, “If it is not a problem anymore then you can put ‘No’ on the application.”, In reference to form 2807-2. Warning #3: Military Bases. I no longer have any problems. I come from a long line of military folks [mainly navy] and I know how they talk to one another…normal, but with some military speak. I'm in the Reserves and I wanna contract into ROTC. My hope is that this helps you do the right thing, even if it doesn’t work out the way you want it to. A few years ago I lied to get into the military. Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. Posted by 10 hours ago. I am hesitant on moving forward at this point because I am unsure if my condition is waiverable or not. If your recruiter is pressuring you to lie, then look for another recruiter. If you lie to get into the military, you are committing a felony. Best wishes. If they do not know where large bases are, related to their military role, then they are not who they say they are. I come from a huge military area and from a military family and have a lot of military friends. As you had mentioned before if my condition is not waiverable then I am wasting everyone’s time. I know I haven’t given you any firm answers here, but right now, those answers don’t exist. Based on the advice of the recruiter and the lawyer, the recruit did not disclose the arrest on his enlistment documents. If not, you can write to the following: Air Force Inspector GeneralAir Force Recruiting ServiceHQ AFRS/CVIRandolph AFB, TX 78150, Army Inspector GeneralUS Army RecruitingUSARECFort Knox, KY 40121, Navy Inspector GeneralCOMNAVCRUITCOM Code 0015722 Integrity DrBldg 768Millington, TN 38054, Marine Corps (East Coast) Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD)Parris Island, SC 29905, Marine Corps (West Coast) Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD)San Diego, CA 92140. If you would like to sign up for Airborne, do it during recruiting and make sure it … / Our Lying Military, Our Lying Government. The article is based only on my personal experiences and the process of applying for a waiver. The recruit had selected a rating (job) that only required a SECRET. Lying to Get Into the Military is a Felony Let's get straight to the point. After you do that, it’s out of your hands. 10 minutes of Biden lying to the American people ... • said he has "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military" because he went to a milita. Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. The medical officials diagnose it as asthma, and the troop is placed in a "holding status" for several weeks while the military locates and obtains previous civilian medical records. Lying is wrong. I have told all of my references what to say if they are ever contacted by someone asking questions about me. A record of the arrest was found when conducting his security clearance background investigation. Some medical conditions are eligible for waivers. 33% Upvoted. If you’re lucky, you’ll simply get an administrative, other than honorable, or dishonorable discharge. A MEPS doctor will review your application and medical history and recommend you for entrance to the military, or disqualify you based on your medical history. There are numerous stories of individuals losing over 100 pounds in order to be eligible to join the military (110 lbs, 150 lbs, 160 lbs, 180 lbs, 200 lbs, ) There may also be medical waivers for many medical conditions (more on this topic later in the article). Best wishes. The broken bone will not dq you, trust me. Certain medical conditions are not eligible for waivers. One should read the questions carefully, and answer them truthfully, but it's never a good idea to offer more information than what is actually asked. Most of it is really insignificant but some of it is pretty substantial. If your recruiter encourages you to lie, please ask if there are waivers for the issue at hand. Note: Legal issues can be expunged or sealed. Based on his recruiter's advice, a Navy recruit did not report knee surgery he had undergone at the age of 14. Here is how I would handle this (please understand that I don’t speak for MEPS, recruiters, or the DoD. The recruiter did a check with the local law enforcement agencies and found no record of the arrest. © The Military Wallet 2007-2020. Their goal is to help their branch of service find the next generation of servicemembers to keep our military strong. That is where waivers come into play. Crazy friend is lying to get into the military. Can You Serve in the Army if You Have a Criminal History? Yes, it's wrong, but MEPS folks are pretty good about recognizing it. if he would have told the truth he probably would have been disqualified. The records are located and show a childhood diagnosis of asthma. I had to see a MEPS Dr and they had to get me a waiver, but it was no big deal in the end. Ryan started The Military Wallet in 2007 after separating from active duty military service and has been writing about financial, small business, and military benefits topics since then. It all depends on supply and demand as the difficulty tends to ebb and flow with these main factors. Individual recruiters are not authorized or qualified to make medical or legal determinations. You wouldn’t be able to attend basic military training if you have a broken finger. You can sign up for Airborne later, but it is not easy to get into. Recruiters often feel like they are between a rock and a hard place because they usually are. Getting into the military is possible. The MEPS is independent from each Service, and is not on any quota. 6. It’s also possible to increase one’s education in order to earn a high enough score on the ASVAB to be eligible to join the military. But there are many ways you can serve your country, including through the federal civil service or state or local government. There are many civilian jobs that work for and with the military. This quiet cancer in military integrity can have pernicious effects. This guy said he was a marine, but when asked where he went to bootcamp he stumbled on his answer was Ft.Bragg. You do not need to get Airborne in your contract. Get everything in writing from your recruiter. But you may otherwise be eligible once it heals. According to some estimates, approximately 7 out of 10 American youth are ineligible to serve in the US military (source 1; source 2). Photo credit: US Air Force Flickr Page; US Air Force Flickr Page. Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isn’t as difficult as you might think. This one’s rough because it’s such an effective ploy to get people into the military. What is the office that I have to provide the information? For example, you cannot “undo” a surgery. The 2807-2 requires you to verify your statements before signing, and you will be reminded multiple times at MEPS—both verbally and in writing. You can request or find a different recruiter. (The military requires that you report *ALL* arrests, regardless of the final outcome). If a recruit is found lying to get into the military, they are guilty of committing a felony. I'm in the usmc delayed entry program, my job will be infantry. The Enlistment Contract (DD Form 4/1) can't make this any more plain. But what if someone fills out the enlistment application dishonestly only to have the lie discovered by the recruiter or at meps before they have even signed up to be in the military? 7. There are many great reasons to join the military, including service to your country, training, adventure, benefits such as the GI Bill or VA Loan, good pay, an excellent retirement system, and much more. Well, that's up to you. I have read that lying to get into the military is a felony. You can listen to the recruiter and take your chances. The reason quotas are such a big deal, besides the fact that the military needs so many bodies to do the work, Congress mandates that each Service be at a certain number (end strength) at the end of the year. For the most part, recruiters are hardworking, honest professionals. Unfortunately, some factors can’t be overcome. Joining the military is a calling for many people. Getting into the military can be difficult, especially when the needs of the military are low (no war to fight) or the economy is poor and more people stream into the recruiting station looking for work. Privacy Policy. Law enforcement, emergency response, customs, homeland security, firefighting, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), etc. Lying to get in the Military. They know the regulations and the enlistment requirements of their service, and they work hard to legally process recruits for enlistment. Lying about your past drug use? It's not a misdemeanor, it's not the same as getting a speeding ticket. See for more research and information on this topic. It's a felony offense, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. So those types of jobs may be worth looking into. An Air Force recruit was arrested as a juvenile, and the record was later expunged. General Military Question. I also know a lot of people who lied at MEPS to get in. These doctors at the MEPS stations look for reasons to NOT get you into the military. The Services do care very much about doing the right thing and recruiters do get fired, usually without mercy, when they get caught violating the rules. I ended up with an underage drinking charge but at meps I told them I had only drank one time. This conversation was sparked by a Marine YouTuber who called out NavaTheBeast. When asked, “Do I get to do this when I’m in?” Outsiders looking in have wild ideas about military service. The reasons are many. You could also report the situation to the recruiter’s supervising office, or the Inspector General for the branch of service you are trying to join. If you can somehow locate the address or phone number of the recruiter's immediate commander, that's the best place to make your complaint. He served over 6 years on active duty in the USAF and is a current member of the IL Air National Guard. Close. I have a pre-existing medical condition that I know already is a PDQ, (permanent disqualification) but I am wondering if my condition is still waiverable. My point is, those recruiting quotas really are do-or-die numbers, even though they still have to be made legally and ethically. Or anything trump did, to escape the Vietnam draft than honorable, or dishonorable discharge on you... Knee surgery he had undergone at the recruiting Station, lying to join the military a. Had a felony same experience, but that isn ’ t always mean you can listen to the fact failure... 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Additional information to make their decision Criminal disqualifications for enlistment requirements, United states military enlistment,!

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