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pope francis wife

De la Rúa asked the Church to promote a dialogue between the leaders of economic and political sectors to find a solution for the crisis. [243][244][245] The pope has approved beatifications for a range of men and women including the likes of Álvaro del Portillo of Opus Dei (27 September 2014), the martyred archbishop Óscar Romero (23 May 2015) and several large groups of Spanish martyrs. Leadership Conference of Women Religious,[185] initiated under his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. [197], The Catholic Church in England and Wales as of April 2014[update] had refused to publish results of this survey; a Church spokesman said a senior Vatican official had expressly asked for summaries to remain confidential, and that orders had come from the Pope that the information should not be made public until after October. In the oratorio, Pope Franziskus suggests a bridge from the crucifixion scene on Golgotha to the suffering of the present. He called not for "a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases," but "a responsible personal and pastoral discernment of particular cases." Bergoglio told his authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin, that after the priests' imprisonment, he worked behind the scenes for their release; Bergoglio's intercession with dictator Jorge Rafael Videla on their behalf may have saved their lives. [271], On 27 March, Francis gave an extraordinary benediction Urbi et Orbi. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936[7] in Flores,[8] a neighborhood of Buenos Aires. It is believed he associates it with clerical careerism and hierarchy, though he did not apply this restriction to clergy working in the Roman Curia or diplomatic corps, where careerism is an even greater concern. Rather, I would like to discuss the theological ba… Pope Francis, who just celebrated his 84th birthday, will address his eighth Christmas message 'Urbi et orbi' ('to the city and the world') on Friday by video. [17][18] Two great-nephews, Antonio and Joseph, died in a traffic collision. [266] He encouraged priests to visit patients and health workers;[267] urged the faithful not to forget the poor during the time of crisis;[268] offered prayers for victims of the virus in China;[269] and invoked the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title Salus Populi Romani, as the Diocese of Rome observed a period of prayer and fasting in recognition of the victims. Throughout his public life, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, emphasis on God's mercy, international visibility as pope, concern for the poor and commitment to interreligious dialogue. [103] Alicia Oliveira, a former Argentine judge, has also reported that Bergoglio helped people flee Argentina during the rule of the junta. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011, has long been known as a theological and political conservative, often at odds with Pope Francis. Pope Francis QUICK FACTS Pope Francis Bio. The first eleven were under the age of eighty, and therefore, were eligible to vote in a future papal conclave while the last three were over the age of eighty, and thus, ineligible to vote in a papal conclave. [380] As of May 2013, sales of papal souvenirs, a sign of popularity, were up. [343] En route to the United States for a visit in September 2015, the pope stopped in Cuba. That way they are legally covered. [304], Pope Francis has come under scrutiny in the case of Father Julio Grassi, a priest convicted of child sexual abuse. To that effect , he sent his Papal apostolic blessing gift in form of a certificate to honour the couple. [272] In his homily on calming the storm in the Gospel of Mark, Francis described the setting: "Dense darkness has thickened on our squares, streets and cities; it looks over our lives filling everything with a deafening silence and a desolate void that paralyzes everything in its passage: you can feel it in the air, you can feel it in your gestures. [79][90] He sometimes made appearances at the annual gathering known as the Rimini Meeting held during the late summer months in Italy. [169], On 16 March 2013, Pope Francis asked all those in senior positions of the Roman Curia to provisionally continue in office. "[97] Artist and human rights activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, said: "Perhaps he didn't have the courage of other priests, but he never collaborated with the dictatorship. Francis continued his previous practice of elevating cardinals from the peripheries with an emphasis again on Asia and Africa, such as Patrick D'Rozario from Bangladesh and Dieudonné Nzapalainga from the Central African Republic, while also naming the first three American cardinals of his papacy and only one Curial appointment. [180] One of the male and one of the female prisoners were Muslim. [242], The pope has also continued the practice of having beatifications celebrated in the place of the individual's origin though has presided over beatifications himself on three occasions: for Paul Yun Ji-Chung and 123 companions on 16 August 2014, his predecessor Pope Paul VI on 19 October 2014, and two Colombian martyrs on 8 September 2017. [d], Francis also said that some cardinal electors had jokingly suggested to him that he should choose either "Adrian", since Pope Adrian VI had been a reformer of the church, or "Clement" to settle the score with Pope Clement XIV, who had suppressed the Jesuit order. [334], In response to criticism from Venezuela's bishops, President Nicolás Maduro said in 2017 that he had the support of Pope Francis. [384] In 2019 Pope Francis held a conference on the World Day of Social Communications highlighting the pros and cons of social media and urging users to use it as a source that liberates rather than enslaves. [201][202] Francis appointed a commission to advise him about reform of the Bank,[201][202] and the finance consulting firm Promontory Financial Group was assigned to carry out a comprehensive investigation of all customer contacts of the bank on these facts. [54][55][56] As a bishop he was no longer subject to his Jesuit superior. He is the first pope since Pope Pius X to live outside the papal apartments. Agencia Informativa Católica Argentina (1999–2012). [225] Francis approved the equipollent canonization of Angela of Foligno the following 9 October and then the Jesuit Peter Faber the following 17 December. [171] On 6 April he named José Rodríguez Carballo as secretary for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, a position that had been vacant for several months. [7] He was the eldest[9] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio (1908–1959) and Regina María Sívori (1911–1981). [33], Bergoglio found his vocation to the priesthood while he was on his way to celebrate the Spring Day. Although views about Francis personally were favorable, many Catholics disagreed with at least some of his teachings. [170] He named Alfred Xuereb as his personal secretary. [44] Before taking up this new appointment, he spent the first three months of 1980 in Ireland to learn English, staying at the Jesuit Centre at the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin. 23 September 2005. [274], From his first major letter Evangelii gaudium (Joy to the World), Francis called for "a missionary and pastoral conversion" whereby the laity would fully share in the missionary task of the church. He is credited with having a less formal approach to the papacy than his predecessors, for instance choosing to reside in the Domus Sanctae Marthae guesthouse rather than in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace used by previous popes. After graduation he taught literature and psychology in high school while pursuing a degree in theology. [218] As a follow-up to that summit, on 9 May 2019 Francis promulgated the motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi which specified responsibilities, including reporting directly to the Holy See on bishops and on one's superior, while simultaneously involving another bishop in the archdiocese of the accused bishop. This is a list of sexually active popes, Catholic priests who were not celibate before they became pope, and popes who were legally married. He counters contemporary versions of the gnostic and Pelagian heresies and describes how Jesus' beatitudes call people to "go against the flow". [49][c] As a student at the Salesian school, Bergoglio was mentored by Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest Stefan Czmil. [136] Also in March, Pablo Buera, the mayor of La Plata, Argentina, announced that the city had renamed a section of a street leading up to a local cathedral Papa Francisco. Controversy arose at the end of 2016 when four cardinals formally asked Pope Francis for clarifications, particularly on the issue of giving communion to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.[213]. The pope also continued his practice of bestowing the red hat on those from peripheries such as Madagascar, Pakistan, and Iraq, and like in 2016, created a priest as a cardinal. Bergoglio was the son of Italian immigrants to Argentina. During this trip, American-based AP and British-based Reuters highlighted the religious aspect of the pope's journey while Prensa Latina, the official state media agency, depicted it as a diplomatic visit. [16] His other siblings were Alberto Horacio (17 July 1942 – 15 June 2010), Oscar Adrián (30 January 1938-deceased) and Marta Regina (24 August 1940 – 11 July 2007). [252], The pope presided over a fourth consistory for the elevation of five new cardinals on the afternoon of 28 June 2017. In August 2014 Francis publicly denounced the alleged persecutions of Christians and religious minorities such as the Yazīdīs by the transnational Sunni insurgent group the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; also called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria [ISIS]). Several media outlets reported that Francis praised Abbas as "an angel of peace", though his actual words were the following: "The angel of peace destroys the evil spirit of war. [210][275] Then in his letter on the call of all to the same holiness, Gaudete et exsultate, Fancis describes holiness as "an impulse to evangelize and to leave a mark in this world". Read headlines covering new policies, the Roman Catholic Church, news, and more. [328], In November 2020, Francis named China's Uyghur minority among a list of the world's persecuted peoples. This was the new pope's first meeting with a head of state, and there was speculation that the two were mending their relations. While the timing of the closure may have anticipated a visit by Francis to the U.S. in September 2015, it was noted that the sisters' emphasis is close to that of Francis. Following the killing of George Floyd, Francis said in a message … Bergoglio was never mentioned. Francis soon became noted for making statements that similarly conveyed an openness to different perspectives on Catholic doctrine, particularly regarding social issues and sexual ethics. I do not want to conduct a socio-historical inquiry here, nor a Western-style television program pitting good against bad, so I prefer not to cite the names of the opponents who are currently skinning Francis alive. Woodhead said that many ordinary Catholics would have difficulty understanding theological jargon there. [184], In 2013, Francis initially reaffirmed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's program to reform the U.S. [348] Protests against his visit resulted in an alleged arson attempt at the Dormition Abbey. During the ensuing Dirty War (1976–83), a campaign by the country’s military dictatorship against leftists and other perceived subversives, between 10,000 and 30,000 people were disappeared (kidnapped, tortured, and usually killed) by the military and the police. [262][263], Pope Francis established the World Day of the Poor in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, issued on 20 November 2016 to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. "The plan comes amid a breakthrough for which Francis has received much credit. This was a significant appointment, because of the sometimes tense relations between the Society of Jesus and the Holy See. In the early 21st century Roman Catholics constituted more than one-sixth of the world’s population, many of them in Latin America and Africa. [203] Because of this affair the Promoter of Justice at the Vatican Tribunal applied a letter rogatory for the first time in the history of the Republic of Italy at the beginning of August 2013. Formerly, capital punishment was permitted when it was seen as the only means of defending human lives against an unjust aggressor. [360] While in Ireland he apologized for abuses by clergy in the United States and Ireland. [327] In September 2020, Pompeo urged Pope Francis to stand against China's human rights violations. They asked it on the grounds that it would be anomalous that married Anglican priests can be received into the Catholic Church and ordained as priests, by means of either the Pastoral Provision of 20 June 1980 or the 2009 Anglican ordinariate, but married Catholic men cannot do the same. In February 2019 Francis became the first pope ever to visit the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam, in a trip meant to promote religious fraternity and peace. [381], Pope Francis presided over his first joint public wedding ceremony in a Nuptial Mass for 20 couples from the Archdiocese of Rome on 14 September 2014, just a few weeks before the start of the 5–19 October Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family. [214], On 8 December 2017, Pope Francis signed a new apostolic constitution on ecclesiastical universities and faculties Veritatis gaudium, published 29 January 2018. "[110] Ricardo Lorenzetti, President of the Argentine Supreme Court, also has said that Bergoglio is "completely innocent" of the accusations. On 12 March 1960 the conclusion of his novitiate in the Jesus society, officially, Bergoglio became a result in this time, when he creates the religious profession. [131] In the past, one attack of sciatica in 2007 prevented him from attending a consistory and delayed his return to Argentina for several days. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Pope Francis was happily greeting children and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square on Tuesday when he slapped a woman's hand to free himself. During a visit by Dutch bishops in December 2013, Francis prayed for victims of sexual abuse and urged the bishops to reach out to them and their families. Three months after issuing Laudato si’, Francis made his first visit to the United States, where he became the first pope to address the U.S. Congress. [33] Bergoglio has said that, as a young seminarian, he had a crush on a girl he met and briefly doubted about continuing the religious career. [99] The following week, Jalics issued a second, clarifying statement: "It is wrong to assert that our capture took place at the initiative of Father Bergoglio (…) the fact is, Orlando Yorio and I were not denounced by Father Bergoglio."[100][101]. "[136] On the night of his election, he took a bus back to his hotel with the cardinals, rather than be driven in the papal car. A conclave was convened in early March, spurring hopes that Benedict’s replacement could be elected and installed before the impending Easter holiday. [68], Bergoglio made it his custom to celebrate the Holy Thursday ritual washing of feet in places such as jails, hospitals, retirement homes or slums. [132] But Bergoglio had come in second to Cardinal Ratzinger on all the ballots in the 2005 conclave, appearing as the only other viable candidate. "Haley Cohen, "Slum Priest: Pope Francis' Early Year", "U.N. should encourage redistribution of wealth, pope says", "John Allen, "Former aide says Francis may close Vatican Bank, "Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Profession: Servant of the Servants of God", "Acusado de tener vínculos con la dictadura; la derecha lo defiende", "Pope to hold major Holy Week service in youth jail", "Elige Sus Nuevas Autoridades La Conferencia Episcopal", "El cardenal Bergoglio fue reelegido frente a la Conferencia Episcopal", "Vatican defends Pope Francis' actions during Argentina's 'Dirty War, "Bergoglio presenta su renuncia como arzobispo de Buenos Aires, aunque seguirá en el cargo", "X Ordinary General Assembly (30 September – 27 October 2001)", "Synodus Episcoporum Bulletin 30 September – 27 October 2001", "Profile: New pope, Jesuit Bergoglio, was runner-up in 2005 conclave", "What I would have said at the Consistory", "Saint Therese of Lisieux – "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" Blog – Pope Francis and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: "To depend solely on the tenderness of God, "Argentine Cardinal Named in Kidnap Lawsuit", "Cardinal breaks conclave vow of secrecy", "Article based on diary says German cardinal became pope with 84 votes", "Ecco come andò davvero il Conclave del 2005", "One of Pope Francis' allegiances might tell us something about the church's future", "Francisco: 'El verdadero poder es el servicio, "Sainthood effort for 5 slain recalls Argentine 'dirty war. The shares in banks had led the local church to a propensity towards high spending, and the archdiocese was nearing bankruptcy as a result. DID YOU KNOW? [347], In May 2014, his visit to the State of Israel, where he delivered 13 speeches, was heavily publicized. He wrote: "I think often of persecuted peoples: the Rohingya [Muslims in Myanmar], the poor Uighurs, the Yazidi — what ISIS did to them was truly cruel — or Christians in Egypt and Pakistan killed by bombs that went off while they prayed in church." Central role 342 ], Pope Francis speaks during the Dirty War, Bergoglio became known personal! Prime example 2003–07 ) and his predecessor, Benedict XVI resigned, citing old and... The first Pope from the peripheries of the canonization of two Palestinian nuns having a `` soft ''... Held on 22 February 2014, Francis named China 's Uyghur minority among list... Cristina Bergoglio, now Francis, in sweeping encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Change... 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