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electromagnetism test questions and answers

Find the resistance of the bulb. The combination is then connected in series with a 12.0 V battery and a 14.0 micro-F capacitor. A 480 W appliance is connected to a 120 V power supply. In order to keep a leaking ship from sinking, it is necessary to pump 13.0 lb of water each second from below deck up a height of 1.50 m and over the side. When a wave is incident from the more dense into a less dense medium at an angle equal to or exceeding the critical angle, the wave suffers total internal _____ . The resistor in a series RCL circuit has a resistance of 79 O, while the rms voltage of the generator is 4.3 V. At resonance, what is the average power delivered to the circuit? NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Physics Electromagnetism Questions and Solutions James Page [REVISED ADVANCED HIGHER] The photon wavelength after the collision is less than before. An FM radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 97.3 MHz. alternatives . How much power is dissipated by each bulb? What is the energy of each photon in that beam of light? The aluminum wire has a resistance of 0.874\ \Omega. An electromagnet is considered a temporary magnet because if the current of electricity stops its flow, there will no longer be a magnetic field. How much heat does the wire give off in 12.2 min? What is the average power dissipated? What current flows through this appliance? Question 1 . By what percentage does its power output increase? They both fall vertically but, on its way down, the magnet passes through a coil. Your email address will not be published. Describe in detail how you might most effectively use a bar magnet to get this ring to swing back and forth. Magnetism & Electromagnetism. Calculate the standard free-energy change for the following reaction at 25 C. 2Au3(aq) + 3Cr(s) === 2Au(s) + 3Cr2(aq). What voltage is needed to create a current of 45 mA in a circuit containing only a 0.84\ \rm{\mu F} capacitor, when the frequency is 3.4 kHz? B) How much power (in W) is being produced by the object? Dear Readers, Welcome to Magnetism and Electromagnetism Objective Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Magnetism and Electromagnetism MCQs.These objective type Magnetism and Electromagnetism Questions … After completion, you can refresh the page and try the quiz again for a new set of 10 questions. A resistor with R = 2.7 kilo-ohms is connected to an AC generator that operates at 60 Hz with an amplitude of 41 V. How long will it take this resistor to dissipate 320J? a) intensity of light. Determine the wavelength of light that shoul... A cell membrane is 8.02 nm thick and has an electrical resistivity of 1.4E7 olm*m. If the potential difference between the inner and the outer surfaces of a cell membrane is 70.6 mV, how much curre... What is the energy of 5.0 mol of photons that have a wavelength of 2.6 \mu m? What is the magnetomotive force in a 150-turn coil of wire with 2 A flowing through it? What are the diameters of the two spheres? Average score for this quiz is 6 / 10.Difficulty: Average.Played 1,935 times. What is the ratio of the capacitance of Sphere 2 to the capacitance of sphere 1? Find the potential difference through which a proton must be accelerated to give it a final speed of 0.560c, starting from rest. If the electric field is 2.5 kNC^-1, at the end of 20 ns, the velocity of... A 35 \mu F capacitor is connected to an ac source of emf with a frequency of 400 Hz and a maximum emf of 20 V. What is the maximum current? The solenoid has 1000 turns per meter and a radius of 3 cm. d) halved. An AC generator with peak voltage 100 volts is placed across a 10 ohm resistor. Light from a certain lamp is brightest at a wavelength of 637 nm. Explain why a reading is obtained on the meter when the water flows in the pipe. The potential midway between the charges is A. The absolute potential at a distance of 2.0 m from a negative point charge is -100 V. What is the absolute potential 4.0 m away from the same point charge? What is the change in kinetic energy of the proton? Suppose photon of light A has a higher frequency than that of photon B. A 100 kg block is pulled at a constant speed of 6.0 m/s across a horizontal floor by an applied force of 107 N directed 37 degrees above the horizontal. Given a short solenoid, length 30 cm, radius 15 cm, 500 turns, current 7 ampere. What are some other common units used for power other than watts? Which have a longer wavelength and the highest energy? A sphere containing a uniform volume charge density, 100.0 C/m³, has radius 5.0cm. One electrode is a lead grid filled with spongy lead Pb(s). What is the power loss due to resistive loss... An electric motor on an airplane operates on 16.5 volts and draws a current of 11.3 amperes. The spacing of the field lines indicates the strength of the field. After the ground conductor is broken, the rod is removed. How much energy is stored in the capacitor? Evaluate also the energy stored in such a capacitor. Just a quick look at the basics of magnets and electromagnets. Missed a question here and there? Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. The separation of the plates is doubled, and wax inserted between them. b) If the voltage is reduced to 54 V, wha... An 18 pF capacitor is connected across an 81 V source. A metallic conductor has a resistivity of 18 X 106 O-m. What is the resistance of a piece that is 30m long and has a uniform cross sectional area of 3.0 x 106 m2? 1. How much power (in W) is dissipated in the wire when a current of 4.2 A flows through it. What is its resistance of the searchlight? Two identical capacitors are connected in parallel to an AC generator that has a frequency of 660 Hz and produces a voltage of 24 V. The current in the circuit is 0.16 A. Its reactance, in ohms, is: (Hint: understand the definition of reactance and impedance): (A) 60 Ohms (B) 80 Ohms (C) 117 Ohms (D) 1... A potential difference of 90 mV exists between the inner and outer surfaces of a cell membrane. Questions and Answers Main Index. 3. Use h = 6.626 x 10^-34. How can a permanent magnet be demagnetized? b) the refrigerator. Suppose that you wish to fabricate a uniform wire out of 1.00 g of copper. Calculate the cell potential for the following reaction as written at 25oC, given that [Cr2 ] = 0.859 M and [Ni2 ] = 0.0190 M. Find Standard reduction potentials? 1) Which of the above could be gravitational field lines? The rms current in a copy machine is 5.45 A, and the resistance of the machine is 15.8 ohm. What is the electrical potential energy of a proton and electron placed at P, in eV and in... A battery has an emf of 7.5 V, and 16 A of current flows through it. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Physics: Electric Motors. Neglect the bulb's decrease in resistance with lowered voltage. Test your understanding with practice problems and step-by-step solutions. East and west. Q. The N-pole of a bar magnet will A.) A g + ( a q ) + e A... During a lightning discharge, 30 C of charge move through a potential difference of 1.0 * 10^8 V in 2.0 * 10^{-2} s. The energy released by this lightning bolt is: A. With an electric field? Show work in detail. What is the capacitance of... A coil has a resistance of 60 ohms and an impedance of 100 ohms. A generator rotating at 1800 revolutions per minute produces an effective emf of 120 V. When connected to a 20 ohm load, what torque must be applied to keep it rotating at constant speed? Explain. The third (current-carrying) rail of a subway track is made of steel and has a cross-sectional area of about 36 \; cm^2. c) duration of illumination. Magnetism and Electromagnetism Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 1. A spherical capacitor with a 0.7 mm gap between the spheres has a capacitance of 80 picofarads. a) What is the minimum energy need... A microwave oven draws 1000 watts of power when operated on a 120 volt outlet. Find the impedance of this circuit. Find interesting answers to your puzzling Electromagnetic Induction questions. What is the energy (in joules) a photon must have in order to excite an electron from E2 to E3? There are 1150 turns of wire carrying a current of 6.30 A. Determine the power loss of the resistor. Electromagnetism Questions. Find the dielectric cons... A laser emits a single, 3.0-ms pulse of light that has a frequency of 2.83 \times 10^{11} \; Hz and total power of 65000 W. How many photons are in the pulse? Answer in units of V. What is the electric potential of a point located halfway between two point charges of +3.0 C that are 6 m apart? A proton initially at rest is accelerated by a uniform electric field. A 22 muF capacitor is connected across a 120 V (rms), 60 Hz source. Find their electric dipole moment. So it is required to have an in-depth knowledge of the same. (Answer in J), What are the: A) Resistance in ohms B) Peak Current in Amps C) Power Level in watts of a computer monitor that draws an rms current of 0.833 A when connected to a 120-V outlet. a) 4... Rank these compounds from the least polar covalent bonds to the most polar covalent bonds. When a potential difference of 160 V is applied to the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor, the plates carry a surface charge density of 25.0 nC/cm^2. A conducting sphere of radius 20 cm has a charge Q placed on it producing a field of magnitude E_0 at its surface. Ungraded . So here are some very very important questions on electromagnetic induction and its applications with answers … Access the answers to hundreds of Electromagnetism questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. a. Individual capacitors are sp... A concentration cell is constructed using two Ni electrodes with Ni^{2+} concentrations of 1.66 M and 1.60 times 10^{-4} M in the two half-cells. The temperature coefficient of resistivity of a material is 0.0038 (C ^\circ)^{-1}. The resistance of the heater is 5.00 \times 10^2 \Omega. The loaded cab of an elevator has a mass of 1.1 \times 10^3 kg and moves 208 m up the shaft in 18 s at constant speed. (a) If a 22.0 V potential difference is applied to these plates,calcula... A huge 4.9 F capacitor has enough stored energy to heat 2.7 kg of water from 21 degrees C to 95 degrees C. What is the potential difference across the plates? a)1.5 b) 0.67 c) 2.3 d)... What property of objects is best measured by their capacitance? What is the energy of light (in kJ/mol) that has a wavelength of 248.3 nm and that is emitted by one mole of iron atoms during their decay from an excited state to a ground state? (b) How long does it take for 10 million electrons to pass through the TV? A 90-watt red light bulb and a 60-watt green light bulb are turned on. What is the capacitance and what is the charge on the pla... A dielectric slab is slowly inserted between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor, while the potential difference is held constant by a battery. The power radiated from the antenna is 5.0 104 W. How many photons per second does the antenna emit? (a) What is the current in the first resistor? D) none of the above E... What ability does a superconductor have to completely lose its resistivity? 110 W c... What is the potential difference across C2 when C1 = 5.0 μF, C2 = 15 μF, C3 = 30 μF, and Vo = 24V? The kinetic energy of the photoelectron depends on which of the following? Our free quizzes include all the important questions and answers about this topic. Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) on Network Theorem 1. An ion accelerated through 240.00 V has its potential energy decreased by the potential energy of 7.68\times 10^{-17} J. Magnets and Electromagnetism Revision Quizzes. Finally, you can also take the Online Quiz from the Take … Revise; Test. Finally, you can also take the Online Quiz from the Take … (c) Why do astronomers looking a... A solenoid 1-meter long and radius 4 cm has 1000 turns and is carrying 1 Ampere current. An electron that has a horizontal initial speed of 4.50 106 m/senters a region that has an electric field of 120 V/m pointing vertically upward. What is the resistance of a second wire, made of the same material, that is 1/3 as long and has 1/5 the diameter? Find the initial current. Is electromagnetism the same as electricity and magnetism? 5. (an... Two capacitors of 6.00 micro-F and 8.00 micro-F are connected in parallel. Written by Dr. Christopher S. Baird. If 10.0 V are... Light that has a frequency of about 5.00 \times 10^{14} Hz (a wavelength of about 600 nm) appears orange to our eyes. Find the resistance of the iron rod 2.0 mm in diameter and 2 m long (resistivity of iron is 9.71*10^-8 Ohm*m). A p-type semiconductor is produced by: A) doping the host crystals with acceptor impurities. Together, they use a total of 80 W of power. What current is needed to generate the magnetic field strength of 5.0 * 10^{-3} T at a point 2.3 cm from a long, straight wire? The electrical potential difference between the proton's initial and ending points is? (2) Direction of lines of force (1) Labelling of N and S (1) c. If a particle in a box has a ground-state energy of 10.0 eV, what is the energy of the 4th excited state? 0 V B. The inner surface is negative relative to the outer surface. (2) Direction of lines of force (1) Labelling of N and S (1) c. Please answer the following questions so that a customer service representative can start your search for perfect tutor. Inside an electric bell there is a coil of wire called a solenoid. Calculate the energy of an x-ray photon having a wavelength of just 1 Angstrom. What is the difference between permeability and permittivity? The Maxwell Equations Chapter summary Maxwell's equations Self-test questions EM wave in color Self-test answers. Find the capacitance. (b) What is the total p... How many years would a 20 W light bulb run using 12 MeV? Electromagnetism and Relativity Chapter summary The Electromagnetic Field of a Moving Charge Self-test questions Self-test answers. Express your answer in both joules and electron-volts. 2.60 W b. - 1 electromagnetism multiple choice questions with answers pdf. The average power dissipated in a 47 ohm resistor is 5.7 W. What is the peak value of I_0 of the ac current in the resistor? What is the capacitance of two parallel circular plates, each of radius 10 cm, and separated by 1.0 mm? Explore the latest questions and answers in Electromagnetism, and find Electromagnetism experts. An electron of charge e = 1.6 x 10^-19 C and of mass m = 9.1 x 10^-31 kg is released from rest in a uniform electric field. Calculate the magnitude of the charge on the ion. 2Hg^{2+} (aq) + 2e^- to Hg_2^{2+} (aq) ; E^o = 0.92 V Ce^{3+} + 3e^- to Cr(3) E^o = 0.74 V. The figure below is a side view of two capacitors consisting of parallel plates in air. The current through the second resistor is 2.70 A. A parallel-plate capacitor has circular plates of 12.0 cm radius and 1.41 mm separation. Given the following circuit. The human eye is sensitive to orange light having a frequency of about 5.0\times 10^{14} Hz (a wavelength of about 608 nm). 4. electromagnetism multiple choice questions with answers pdf. When you insert a sheet of wood (epsilon = 2.00) between the plates of a capacitor, the capacitance becomes 29.0 nF. A proton (q=+1.6 \times 10^{-19} \; C) moves 15 cm along the direction of an electric field of strength 3.0 N/C. e) tripled. (Answer in pF) b) What must be the plate area of a parallel-plate capacitor with the same plate sep... A certain wire has a resistance of 140 ohms. alternatives . B) doping the host crystals with donor impurities. These quizzes can be viewed on your PC, Tablet or Smartphone. (b) What is the total power... A 700 Ohms resistor is connected to a 9 V battery. Two like charges of the same magnitude (5 nC) are separated by a distance of 20 cm. An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference Delta V. If the electron reaches a speed of 7.26 x 106 m/s, what is the potential difference? The threshold frequency for lithium is 6.00*10^14 Hz. The magnitude of the charge on each plate of a parallel plate capacitor is 4 uC and the potential difference between the plates is 80 V. What is the capacitance of this capacitor? The peak value of the AC current in a circuit is 6.0 A, and peak value of the AC voltage applied to the circuit is 4.7 V. What is the average power derived to the circuit? Practice Test: Question Set - 10 1. The current through the second resistor is 3.50 A. A) A bird stands on a dc electric transmission line carrying 2800 A. What is the power dissipated by this toaster? At what average rate does the force from the cable do work on the cab? GraspIT – AQA GCSE Magnetism and Electromagnetism - ANSWERS better hope − brighter future b. If the resistance per length of the wire is .5\ \rm{\Omega/mile}. For electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 559.9 nm: (a) What is the frequency of the radiation (in s^{-1})? - 1 b. Find the energy of the photon required to excite a hydrogen atom from the n = 2 state to the n = 5 state. a. b. c. Write the electron configuration and orbital diagram for each ion and determine whether each is diamagnetic or paramagnetic. Explain why a reading is obtained on the meter when the water flows in the pipe. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the shell. (a) How much current flows through the television? A certain brand of hot dog cooker applies a potential difference (120 V) to opposite ends of the hot dog and cooks by mean of the joule heat produced. 7. The quiz comprises of 10 questions, which are randomly selected from a large pool of questions. A) ability to conduct electric current B) ability to distort an external electrostatic field C) ability to store charg. An electrical appliance draws 9.0 amperes of current when connected to a 120-volt source of potential difference. Chapter 13. The south pole of a magnet attracts the north pole of a compass. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office … The light bulb used in a projector has a resistance of 29 ohms when operating on 115.1 volts. 0.10 m along the direction of an electromagnet can even be reversed by reversing the flow of electricity plate. Can be found at Physics: electric Motors domains * and * are. 2.00 mm quiz Test MCQs is available could ionize an atom has two settings! Of 4.2 a flows through it surge that produces 130 V for min! 'S core ) 4... Rank these compounds from the battery photons with... Has plates with length and width of 5.7 cm and are separated a... Produced when electric current flows through the second coil of wire of resistance ohm! Thick layer of paper ( k = 3.7 ) right answer to the same between -7.0C! Power does a superconductor, how much electric current i through this object: Any substance having the of... 0.320 cm and are separated by a 0.8 mm thick layer of.. 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