vietnam c ration cigarettesNosso Blog

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When we were operating our radio nets in the outback wilds of Fort Riley, KS, wed put our For sure peaches were like gold I was one of the few guys who didnt like them and could trade them for almost anything. I was with the First Air Cavalry, (67-68) when we moved the whole division from An Khe to what eventually became Camp Evans, (we called it Tombstone, because we were camping in a Vietnamese cemetery) The first brigade of the 101st Airborne was under the operational control of the Cav at that time. A whole heat tab had to be used. 10 days later gulfort, mississippi.. jus lemme have a p38.. The Army also sends out a Sundries Pack or SP for each platoon, containing writing paper, envelopes, blue ink pens, foot powder, toothbrushes and paste, chewing gum, m&ms, Hershey bars, Almond Joy, Mounds, Three Musketeers, Snickers and assorted cartons of cigarettes providing us with many of the simple articles that helped make life a little easier. To you and to all the crew chiefs and gunners, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you. Every once in awhile they would send us out real food and some Beer and coke. 4.5 out of 5 stars (128) . shows storage age and wear and is still sealed. Cigarettes were bad for your health along with bullets. I always made it in a c rat can. Moat says though he warned his children over the years not to touch his pound cake, he did let them eat some other rations when they were growing up in the 1980s, including canned spaghetti and crackers. When out on missions, infantry units were re-supplied with . The Meal, Combat, Individual (MCI) was the name of canned wet combat rations issued by the United States Armed Forces from 1958 to 1980, when it was replaced by the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). My first thought was that Crap,weve killed someone,but thankfully the only problem was that every bottle had been stolen off the tables,and he wanted to know if we would make him some more,which we did,and they were also stolen. I was a helicopter crew chief in 1967 with the 25th Infantry out of Cu Chi. The accessory pack with each meal was sealed in a foil pouch. I explored the possibility of having the hardware removed and obtaining a medical waiver, but the consultation I received from docs and my own inner wisdom left me deciding on the path I am currently on. I was always thankful that there was a medic around after I ate the Spiced Beef. $100.00 Vintage Complete Sealed Vintage Complete Sealed Vietnam Era Us C Rations Accessory Packet Wspoon Vintage Complete Sealed Vietnam Era Us C Rations Accessory Packet Wspoon. Pingback: A brief history of coffee in the US military, Your website really help me and my grandson doing a paper on me. We just sold out all of our products in February 2018 except for this hot sauce,which we are going to sell as private label. Nuac mam.gag. Man do I remember C rations. "Peanut butter and crackers was the best," Orbell said. You don't want soldiers in war zones endangering their health! C-ration cans inside our huge transmitter, and after a couple hours sending messages back and forth we could remove those cans and enjoy a delicious hot meal e.g., my favorite, Ragout of Beef. the cigarettes are sold as a 50 year old collectible and are not intended for consumption. Very interesting. My Vietnamese would give me a rice ball, or a cooked and salted ballof chicken, or some fish with Nuoc Maum sometimes I carried a can of chili when I could get it at the PX in Saigon. Yes they did in WWI, WWII and right up to Vietnam. Vietnam Equipment VE-547 Choice Vietnam Jungle Boots, size 12. C-packs also contained cartons of Cigaretts, M&Ms and other favorites, Ham and Limas was the favorite for this purpose. We got a hot meal in the jungle only after a firefight. These were the times that made it ok. I drew ham and eggs. Sincere thanks to all of our military veterans who have bravely served our great country in times of war and ate their share of those C rations. I really enjoyed reading these replies about c-rations and your experiences in Vietnam. Give me an address and Ill send you one. The 10-in-1 Ration included packages with 10 cigarettes each. Anyone able to help me out? View history. Those wonderful recipes that you made up so the Cs were more palatable. of my hand did not care about cut hand But mad till this day Vietnam C Ration Cigarette : Top Picked from our Experts $100 VE-546 Choice Vietnam Jungle Boots, size 12. yes crissie it was a mess kit one side flat other side had two compartments and you had silverware so to speak. Marines were not great cooks, but they were inventive. A Marine tank commander serving in Vietnam in 1968 noted his unit was frequently supplied with older stocks of C-rations, complete with early 1950s dates on the cans. A plastic spoon. They learned quickly when the cans exploded and Messed up my airplane said the M/Sgt who was the flight engineer sitting across from the voltage regulators. and heat a canteen cup of water and it provided you with quick hot water or c rations. Thanks for your. Cases of C-Rations are assigned and split among a squad of soldiers theres an ample supply to cover three meals per person 4.5 pounds of canned wet food for each days adequate nourishment. L/Cpl P.T. Got some Phillip Morris cigarettes in a dark brown package PM quit using the dark brown package in the late 1940s thats how old some of the Cs were. Bill McD Yes of course the C-Rations survived the bears. The only thing I find myself craving from time to time was the instant coffee with of course dry creamer and sugar although I think it was making it in one of the C ration cans that gave it that special flavor. just outside of Da Nang, we were working with the KMC. About C-Rations. Through some investigation he found the manufacturer of it was Sara Lee. When out on missions, infantry units were re-supplied with food, water, ammunition, clothes and other items by helicopter every three to five days. $50: VE-1125 Vietnam Grenade Carrier. Ive eaten both and they do indeed taste the same. Only hot meal was the last morning for chow. This is the official Quartermaster's description of C-Rations used in Vietnam "The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. No heat tablets before Vietnam. In 1975 they stopped putting cigarettes in rations which raised hell with US troops everywhere. With this type of stove only half a Trioxin heat tab was needed to heat the meal and then the other half could be used to heat water for coffee or cocoa. I do remember about a week after I was out in the field we received a case of onions by mistake. In addition to the two carboard parts, you will need four cigarettes & two pieces of foil. Also read a lot about their c-rat experiences too. There was a reason they were called Ham & Motherfuckers. We used to make stoves by using a can opener to open up the two sides of a small can on both sides (which were then pushed in). I collect all of the C-Rats rejects and I have plenty to eat. Upon further review it becomes clear that the lists of "things" have a much deeper meaning and carry an abundance amount of . Always cigarettes, toilet paper and matches. I thought that smoking American cigarettes was a big mistake. C-Rations used in Vietnam This is the official US Quartermaster's description of C-Rations used in Vietnam "The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. Pour out all of the heavy syrup, and 3.) Thought it was really good. when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. Doc Shyab. But, Nuac mam still sucks ass! I was a cold war veteran spending my 3 years in Germany, but we were issued them for field trips, alerts and exercises. Back in 1958 while flying the Pacific we had only Cs for flight lunches on aerial Tankers. $40 : VE-1124 Mortar carrier's shoulder pads, to support the metal barrel. We, the Army Inspectors, condemned them all. Would turn to soup. All individual empty cans and trash were buried prior to leaving the table unless he had another use for one of the cans. I do not smoke so I save the small pack of cigarettes. So I gave my last Cs to a Boy Scout Troop and switched to freeze-dried packets (civilian version of MREs) . Often got Cs that had been packaged right after the Korean war. Nov 16, 2013 at 2338hrs, Being an MACV Advisor C-rations always tasted good when ever we had a chance to beg some. Although officially a new ration, the MCI was derived from and very similar to the original C-Ration, and in fact continued to be called "C-Rations" by American troops throughout its production life as a combat ration (1958-1980). Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I would have beer almost every day. The ham and eggs were inedible. Vietnam War Pin Badge Reproductions. I remember the first time we got to sample some Cs just after we went threw the gas obstacle back in basic training. in Nam and why I dont like fruit cocktail to this day.In the last part of my tour, it was pecan roll and coffee. Thanks for this article and thanks all American officers and soldiers in the field of VN war. Blocks of c 4 began to be available, this spared claymores. Its chief use was to hold several ounces of insect repellant, which we then set afire and used in place of a heat tab, which were in short supply. Matches The suggestion of including matches was done at the same time as the inclusion of the cigarettes. Most of them were manufactured the year I was born, or the next after. I did that too but I wondered sometimes if a 7.62 round could ignite it. Steve Miller Hated Ham and Lima beans. My two favorites were green eggs and ham and yes, ham and lima beans. I was with the 173rd Airborne/2ndBn 503rd Infantry. Vietnam C Rations and Stuff Cigarette Coupons Free Printable Free Coupons By Mail Newport Cigarettes Nostalgia Marlboro Cigarette Vintage Metal Signs Okinawa American History Vietnam War - included in each C-Ration; great for batering if a non-smoker Military Life Military History Military Food Veterans United Military Signs Military Ranks Loved the lerps when we could get them. $79.95 Vietnam Us Army Years later I wonder if the paint was lead based? C-rations combat rations. Daddys description was not very glowing! To eating our faithful C rations. Thanksgiving and Christmas 1967 saw one beer per guy allotted to the troops. An afternoon like this was a celebration, unfortunately, it only happened about once or twice a month. Message me for more detailed photos and orders in bulk. Each ration was composed of a B-unit and a M-unit; total weight was approximately 7 pounds. My father told me that it was a food container, made of stainless steel, where the lid doubles as a frying pan of a sort, and the strap handle could extend into a handle for the pan (I hope that made sense..). Cigarettes disappeared from rations in 1975, but their legacy was a . Now I know why I lost 40 LBs. or four? The dream of being a SEAL, US Marine, PJ, Delta, Recon, and the like is still very much alive within me to this day. Ah! I could not find a meat and beans recipe. One SP was intended to meet the requirements of 100 men for one day, but we usually saw one SP per platoon (30 men) every two to three weeks. Never ate either one of these meals while in country. He dared anybody gutsy enough to join him, and retired Lt. Gen. Paul T. Mikolashek, who was theU.S. ArmyEurope commander when Moak served overseas, took an even bigger piece. and more. Used to put them on the voltage regulators to heat. Never know when you may have to open a can of crackers! Wait until they run out of cigarettes and trade them for C-Rats. We had would get rations of beer and soda dropped off often in the jungles. Never told 2nd Lts about the hazards of heating an un-opened can. The 4 meals I remember are 1- chopped ham and eggs 2 beans and wieners 3- ham and lima beans 4- beefsteak and potatoes. The desserts and the B units got better, too. We had C Rations to eat while in the Pentagon Oct 21st 1967 while the war protest march was going on. Many boxes of C's had WWII dates, but the smokers still smoked the cigarettes from those old boxes. I was hoping you could help me identify a certain piece of equipment that soldiers used to cook/reheat their meals during the Vietnam War. I was at Pleiku AB 67-68 and we used to open up the tin of peanut butter, take a match and light the top layer of oil, and it burned excellent! Toilet paper and mosquito juice in band on our steel pot to keep them dry. Each usually consisted of a can of some basic course, a can of fruit, a packet of some type of dessert, a packet of powdered coca, a small pack of cigarettes, and two pieces of chewing gum. Kevin. My dog would not eat the ham and lima beans. Your email address will not be published. Today Gover keeps a . Potable water ( without iodine tablets mixed) was difficult to obtain in the field. We always had plenty of rice. Army here, 67-70, most of 70 spent in Vietnam. meal eggs always looked greenish . It was intended to be issued to U.S. military land forces when fresh food (A-ration) or packaged unprepared food (B-Ration) prepared in mess halls or field kitchens was impractical or not available, and when a survival ration (K-ration or D-ration) was insufficient. We have a great picture of my father, brother and i with our pup tent set up in the back yard cooking C-Rations on my dads small portable 1 can cook stove. I found that these meals are easy and quick to prepare and they rehydrate []. Little known or unpopular brands. My father used to grumble about C-rations from his service in WWII, also, so it was interesting to read this site. C rations boxes contained three meals for each of eight men. Thanks for your service. I can only remember seeing cases of C-Rations stacked inside APCs along with several five-gallon containers of water when we came upon them in the jungle. The small cans included in the meal were ideal for making a stove. My father was in the Korean War and war in Vietnam, near the end of his 20 year military service in the US Army. Good grief.that was 50 years ago and I had just turned 18. C-rations and m-60 mechine gun and GOD are what got me through tough times . Toward the end of my tour, we began having access to the freeze-dried LRRP meals. A generation full of Peace&Love did not belong in Vietnam ever! Only once was stupid enough to eat the WHOLE LRRP ration at onne, swells up pretty big after the water goes down! If I admit to actually liking and trading for ham & lima beans, does that imply Im strange beyond? 2. Oh man, I love your story. Took me back,soldier. Every C-Ration meal contained a single four-pack of cigarettes; ten different brands were primarily offered, but like the meals, some were more popular than others. When I had my first taste of LRP Rations I thought it was food for angels. In Vietnam I was with Regional and Popular Force troops in Rung Sat Special Best dessert was peaches & pound cake, but you had to trade for stuff. My older sister, younger brother and I could only imagine what those canned meals tasted like. I , however, could not find its same taste and flavor in America after 30 years in USA. I was there during the transition from C-Rats to MREs during the early 80s. Answer (1 of 10): I served in the Regular Army, Feb. '61- Feb. '64 and saw many brands of 5 cigarette packs in the C-Rations that we were issued. A few of the troops didnt like to drink beer. The 1st Inf Div was not allowed beer in the field due to some previous incident. These reminiscences take me back. In 1966 during the Vietnam war Brig. I came from Landisville PA in Lancaster County that was only 12 miles from Lititz. Use the removed lid to cut 4 thin slices from the biscuit, toss the unused biscuits. took the fire extinguisher and use it to get our cokes cold. Change). They loved hearing how Tabasco Sauce made even C-rats mostly palatable. As a historian, these are important details as even food technologies change. 98 the LEMCO Cha Rang Valley 66 67. Reunion 2006 Grand Lakes O The Cherokees,OK, Audie Murphy Presidential Medal ofFreedom,,, Army C Rations: 21 Cool Facts - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. Move away from the Chopper and light with matches from C-rat. unopened vietnam c-ration accessory pack with cigarettes. The Vietnamese will sit for hours with a homemade fishing pole fishing. I got pretty good at stealing C4 to cook with , and those LRRP rations . I do! Brings back memories of a distant time.. 3-1969 to Feb 1970. Beat the heck out of what we scrounged up to eat with our counterparts.

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vietnam c ration cigarettes

vietnam c ration cigarettes