sam heughan tumblr just make it a doubleNosso Blog

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One of my dearest gay friends is in a relationship with a gay guy who feels he has to closet for his career (sport based), and he is probably right. An ageing balding queen who can't find a partner. It's going to take a long time for homophobic HW to change as long as the JA types are around making money out of Anything But Gay, but it will. I am certain because Ive been spilling some tea lately on the private blog. 4,461 notes. ; He might be; No, Yes, Maybe; Not of course that it matters if he is (like hell), but hes not; Ah, hes just fucked up when it comes to women, doesnt mean hes gay! Her hair isn't thinning, it looked nice and flowy, good length and I liked the shoes. And I can promise you, he is gay. Heres a question some of you need to answer. Cree bodily jumped SH at the Paris con today. Sam Heughan Spends His Afternoon Shopping in NYC Sam Heughan is enjoying a day out in New York City. [quote]Artists hire PR firms who work for them. Sam Heughan talks . He really only becomes animated these days when talking about Whiskey and Tartan Scarves . I think that's the joy of it, being other people." [Sam . JEESUZ], back to POSTER 2: you do know any gay guy in the closet and hiding who admits publicly to be gay and whose friends out him?? [R580] Agree, the whisky bottle is a far more respectable companion than the doesn't pose for vulgar, scantily clad, crutch displaying, sexually provocative pictures on Instagram! What a toxic waste dump. Havent checked it all out yet but the visuals are pretty stunning. Message for Sammy take off the mask it feels great!! A hell of a lot of celebrities are on it, and it probably attracts a lot of wannabees and IG posers - if they can get on of course. Then why does Purv re-invent, extrapolate, fabricate and pretzel herself so hard into selling the straight narrative? My point is the talk you see going around is nothing compared to what folks say and admit privately." Balfe is also attending so a last gasp breadcrumb or two? He seems very fed up with all her bitchy jokes and comments(which I understand). Tomorrow I contact Starz legal and PR departments to go on record about this toxic stalking of fans. Our extremely masculine looking gay friend was tempted to lean down and croon 'Wanna bet? Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." In the two months since the blog has gone private, Ive written extensively about Sam and Cait but Ive only written about Paul Camuso twice. Anyway what a wannebe app , imagine having to date a "normal" person smh. Being featured in a gay magazine? Sam is well suited to his role in OL not because he is gay but because he is a fine actor. Wonder if Heughan will take someone with him to the 'Bloodloss ' premier or just his usual bottle of Sassenach Whiskey ! Thus type of article doesn't do SH many favours. But the die-hards persist - 'I will never believe it !!!' Thought I recognised her sign-on address or whatever you call it from a few book reviews so I checked out her Facebook. Yes, here we go again.Straight (pun intended) out of the JA bearding playbook : - The pap walk just happened to be in a very busy tourist area on a Saturday afternoon (so private, unlike his real private life) with fans there with their cameras for that candid shot; - various bloggers had just happened to be fed a heads up name, which they did not pass on - spoilsports; - shes US and US based - convenient for FIFO; - Apparently he just happened to follow her on IG before he went to Vegas, and she has Lionsgate links and attends a lot of their events. I guess his integrity is of no value to him. May be she either has no idea. Its sad. You first have to create an account, then go to the blog and click on the button to request access. Love everything about what she's wearing. Graham did not invite Cait to his wedding !!!!! The trouble is when he gets what he will no doubt see as good publicity like this article, it only encourages him to keep Monty and Melissa on the payroll. Recon Heughan has his HW career at stake with Bloodshot , he can't afford another Turkey like 'The Spy Who Never Did Anything To Me ' ! - Hunts with aggressive flock members such as Shitner and Camuso. - Collects breadcrumbs, sometimes makes her own, and arranges them in patterns while claiming that she is only presenting the information and it is up to others to interpret them (but then presents her interpretation as orthodoxy). [3] Don't date at all blaming the pressure of work etc but this would not stop the speculation that he must be gay. Despite a lot of effort, Starz has not been successful in selling Skelton and Rankin as the new couple to ship (off-screen Skelton/Rankin relationship hints have looked as fake as SH/Mauzy). Okay , so I exaggerated the size a little. Wonder if he who has so obviously bearded, scrubbed etc etc is aware of Paul's words : I'm a supporter of gay rights. Forget Coleen versus Rebekah, the . His IG resembles that of his dates/beards. But, butthey don't look 'camp' enough and 'fun' enough to fit into 'that world' that he said he 'loves' in that appallingly stereotyping and oh-so-conveniently timed 'denial'. r572. It was every single woman who trusted me to keep her words safe. It was originally a dating app (started 2015) but now it's also into professional networking for members of the entertainment industry. Pity it wasn't done long ago and we could have been spared all the squeee!!!! Ask me anything Follow. Or even dirks? Not only Americans. Doubt if she'd ever win the thing unless a lot of money and shmoozing is spread around. The gay talk just won't die, will it? The pair were photographed kissing (. gay people. So hed be happy with the years results. Just before the GGs - not unexpectedly he's not getting any buzz at all for a nom (although Tobias Menzies is, for the Crown). She looks incredible. So it seems she would have been moving to Glasgow anyway. I think he loses that right by constantly overselling himself at every given opportunity. The artist EMPLOYS the PR company. Sammys Year in Review: Well, 2019 started out in Feb with a bang, or rather a bash. Purvs reply: Anon, Sam hasn't "played" Newman until it's SHOWN to the public. ", [quote]Any SM linking Sam with anything gay has been scrubbed!! This is the best interview of SH Ive ever seen. Doubt it's the case though - all too familiar innuendo, bearding, I'm straight!! So I would expect that a TV series with trite dialogue, highly improbable story lines, weak characterisation which has to change with each new twist in the plot and mostly wooden or over emphatic acting would present few problems. He tries harder than most. He was certainly not relaxed but that could have been because his too tight purple suit was cutting off his circulation !He is obviously very passionate about whisky. Check out the site - a few legit and well-known but most of them look like wannabes or never was-es. Please click here to register for free. One of a kind. correction not a blog, a fan account. Sounds familiar indeed, no coincidences so this is simply Viewpoint's strategy? But, a new angle.. drum roll..steady..wait for it. '"Camuso and his sidekick Purvelina control this disgusting site". Sam, pull your pants up - OK, you're shilling Under Armour briefs (on your IG too of course), but it just gets the worshippers too excited (can't believe the sighing on tumblr about his pants), but why not alternate it with sponsorship by a strong belt company? [R330] If he doesn't take a woman, who is girlfriend material to the occasional premier/party then the Gay rumours might go into overdrive. It's not objectifying at all of course. She does look rather like her. Hello. A little goes a long way. [R545] I should think he is uncomfortable.a gay man from a modest background and small Scottish town he's now having to mix with and be photographed with pouting, inflated 'trout ' lipped HW actresses . Is anyone buying this crap? Heughan looking totally ridiculous in Paris wearing juvenile ripped jeans . I dont have the ability to solely grant you access through an email request. But with no major starring roles in the offering he decides to go it alone and produce and star in his own plays and films.Would not surprise me if he mounts a production of 'The Scottish Play' , directed by Graham Mactavish, with Heughan as Macbeth. As to the "Paul Newman movie," that's the sort of prestige project that may not rely too much on someone with a two-day part showing up on the red carpet with the bimbo-beard du jour for its publicity. Blog comment : "Notice the new stance for Sam, legs apart = indicates security and feeling in control. Supposedly for the attractive, successful, cool, wealthy, with thousands of IG followers, with a friend or friends already on there to recommend you [Ruby Rose is a member], for the 'cosmopolitan elite'. He cant be! Well, well.a couple of formerly staunch Sam/Cait shippers on tumblr are now saying 'I'd ship Duncan and Sam'. And the longer the pretense goes on, the greater the criticism if the veil slips. Now I'm not so sure it won't be Sam who beats her to it. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. It is just for the money. He would never pick a real woman, which the other guys at first didn't understand. "I think it's more about the characters you tell. Till such time as he comes out of the closet [ and I do look forward to that day ] option [4] seems the least hard work and the one that keeps his chosen career on track. [quote]I hope that writers stop relying on this trope because it does very little to explore what makes straight people homophobic, which is by far the most urgent issue. Returning to our suggestions of music for Heughans Raya application how about Roll Over Beethoven..Chuck Berry [check out the lyrics]. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. McTavish would have to get something, preferably financial, out of it - see his latest $$ scheme ($64 per video, with a percentage going to charity but I'll bet he gets most of it). It's come down to that. Maybe he won't want to do it again. Ageing does not make him look more masculine. This way he can hint that he's looking for love, he's a player, (although still throwing out a few hints to keep the Heughan/Balfe shippers happy - and spending their $$). hmmm never seen this before. Directed by Grayham Mactavish and staring , a mostly naked, Sam Heughan as Macbeth. It's a smart move - he doesn't have to bother so much with being 'seen' with a 'gf' (without photos of course, just a lot of innuendo, or with photoshopped hands, cropped images etc) - there doesn't seem to have been a Miss September, and October is passing fast. Our advice is that you should not click on the link and whatever you do, don't read their truly terrible articles. But wait.. she was saying just a few days ago that because Hannah James was staying at the hotel where Sam was attending the TCA event, it's 'Samnah', people!! Scott played a fan-favorite character as Waller-Bridges love interest, who also happens to be a priest. Huge fan of BSG and I like OL a lot. Sam Heughan was asked about rumors that he's going to be in ACOTAR. I dunno - he's not as androgynously beautiful as he was in his 20s, but he's still pretty gorgeous. She is staying at a hotel where the OL crowd are spending time for the TV Critics Awards interviews etc. Can't believe Heughan would be so stupid as to go down the beard route again, she may be just a work associate. Apparently there is a new interview with SH out (mentioned on tumblr but no detail on who it was with and where it is to be found) - according to tumblr comments, in it he refers to being very, very busy and finding it hard to date. R55 We don't know that he doesn't have a partner, remember he shared a suite in Memphis with "a guy who handled everyting"? You are always welcome Jennifer Allen :-). She said: The protagonist is so handsome. Boring, poor acting (no surprise there) awkward sex scenes. Appears to be the direction he wants to follow. totally agree with the "no win" part. 'No, no, it is the 21st century and closeting and bearding is no longer necessary !' For the people up the back 'If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? He doesn't want to lend his name to existing products, he wants to invest his own money in creating his own product(s). And totally adorable. Seemed to be about one every month or so usually very young, usually blonde, short, athletic, conveniently offshore, and a shared belief that their thong-clad bum was their best side. But wait, theres more. This foray into the very competitive whisky market is clearly geared to the OL fandom (and the worshippers will of course snap it up), and it's OK - whisky is whisky - but on first indications it doesn't seem likely to have broader appeal in the longer term. Is that ok? I think his body is extremely masculine , although not his gestures.In the early days when he had long curly hair , scruffy beard and a tendency to wear some kind of lip tint I thought he looked disturbingly like a fairground bearded lady with strong cross dressing vibes but he still had that beautiful androgynous face. . [R585] Will the film even make 4 weeks in cinemas, aren't they going to be shut down due to the virus ? Just occasionally there are comments here about people who have stopped watching Outlander when they found out that SH is gay. Wouldnt JA want something a little classier for such a major star? I have said in the past if I feel threatened, I will take action. {R394] Agree, Heughan is massively exploiting his OL fame and his fans and when the series finishes his products won't be so commercially viable. It's Holy Hetero Heughan all the way. Stalking trainee cheerleaders? [R373] What's next ? Is he bi? When he's not busy filming season 7 of the Starz show or promoting his new book Waypoints, it seems like the actor has . Thank you. r513 Bloodshot, now scheduled for wide release on March 13, will be dead and gone by the summer of 2020; if early reports of its crappiness are to be believed. Well, we tried Sassenach Spirit last night (a bottle brought back from US yesterday after a tasting event there). A blogger is saying Camuso was invited to the OL5 premiere. Just over a month until "Waypoints" is released! I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. Is that a more difficult sell? Yes, you did read that correctly. They didn't give a link to the poll but I found it with a little Googling. Hardly conducive to forming new relationships, especially casual ones. By following the JA bearding manual so closely, all they did was draw attention to the parallels with the Shamzie fakery. I don't know that he doesn't give a fuck..he might just call him of send him a (personal) message. Gee, they were there together!! Didn't say much at all, and in carefully neutral language. Thanx. There's a queen here alright, but it ain't me and it ain't Jess. He was raised from a mother, who managed her life, who went from a hippie girl without the father of her two sons to a grown, earthed woman. I hope Sam reads here sometimes because DL has already given him tons of new ideas for his company. Only had room service, didn't come to the bar, never was seen checking in or out. I said it on my private blog. It looks like Mr. Tennent's Lager is concealing a beer gut. Any botox she may have at this point isn't over the top. Garrett Clayton tells a similar story of Hollywood homophobia [quote]The Teen Beach Movie actor told Gay Times magazine that he often felt pressured to remain in the closet, with key industry figures encouraging the 27-year-old to "butch up" the way he looked and behaved in the public eye. But I do hope he puts more energy into acting than he does $$ orange shoes, hand woven scarves,whiskey,, Kinder Eggs , chewing gum, beer, coffee, Dunnhill suits, Barbour clothing.have I left anything out?oh yes underpants ! r335 He will stop throwing out even tiny little breadcrumbs to the shippers when he assesses that he can't get any more money or any more hetero image from them - gotta keep those determined worshippers happy with closing their minds and opening their wallets. R344 thanks this rings true and explains a lot. That's a first. Another stage(d) act, Prelude to a Beard? But, I digress. Its definitely possible unless all of Ss extended travel partners are just bros. Moreover, the gay community is highly protective and no gay director would have talked to this supposed source about his lead actor. Looks like his Burns Night gig was a big win last night. [285] Thanks. R325 he indeed doesn't seem to like many interviews. ) The Sam is closeted gay brigade have always used that Tweet as proof that Sam is gay. And she may have two children. QUOTE "the gay rumors are spreading everywhere, even in tumblr -where it was a forbidden subject in the past. r530 Maybe he'll do a presentation of a bottle of it to someone on the red carpet like he did to Balfe at the OL premiere - that was a bit awkward. Sam Heughan was educated well, he was struggling in his life a lot. he must be dating her. Back in the summer, D just happened to be in Glencoe at the same exact time Clanlands was filming there. Can't help wondering if Heughan isn't being exploited by the guys who work for him [ Alex etc ] as much as he is exploiting the fans. You might even sell some whisky. Madden has never denied being gay like closeted Heughan did in his embarrassing 'gays are camp' interview the night before TSWDM premiere. Re speculation a while back that Eiza could be Heughan's next beard, nuh. This is not healthy. His recent twitter post, whether it was actually by him or his PR, did make a very valid point many of the posts and comments to and about him ARE objectifying, and would NOT be acceptable if they were made to or about a woman, so, he's right, they shouldnt be made to or about him. LuHaFraser. Didn't JJ get the memo about promoting the hetero stud? Purv adds - Diana Gabble-on said he was not gay well, of course she would!! Scottish BAFTAs on Sunday. R475 I wonder why JA feels she needs to watch him all the time, I don't think it's good for his image to have a "babysiter". [R206]Agree, the R. Dahl biopic more Heughans style, with great actors in it. And serious signs of a cult: fans willingly shelling out money; some of them trailing around the world to attend every event so they can be in the same room as him; some shrieking at other fans who don't seem worshipful enough; vying for his attention to be seen as 'best fans'. As Henry once shared, his lifestyle makes it challenging to maintain a relationship. Yes, he is pretty and yes he pings, but there is so much more to it than that. Newbie here. I hope Heughan feels some form of shame or guilt for exploiting them.. r164 Yeh, demented is the word - they seem to think that buying merchandise from him will somehow give them some sort of personal connection with him. Still living in a cage.Freudian slip? But yes, max 4 weeks in the theaters, then straight to DVD or VOD in Europe. But please keep talking, so everyone can see you for what you are. I couldnt stop. Someone is certainly suddenly putting a lot of money behind him with this gust of bets. We've seen countless examples. Now he looks tired, worn he has aged 10 years :-(. {R194] Also noted the trend to place Skelton beside Heughan instead of Rankin. Sam seemed confident as well. At least, he knows how to do it while he has a camera on him. r366 Yeh, it can be pretty frustrating. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. Over to you, SH. Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so. Busted face. Kind of shoots holes into all your theories, doesn't it? Exactly. ?? Have a cuppa and a few cookies and you'll feel calmer in the morning. Anybody old enough out here to remember Gabriela Sabbatinis fragrance? Cinemas are not allowed to have more than 100 people in a room here and I think that after this weekend they will be closed altogether. If I were him I'd stay away from EDA, all the fans and Peakers..or maybe he enjoys the attention. You take on board their life to live like they do. Short term $$ can't buy career satisfaction. Some people interpreted it as Sam was saying he wasnt straight aka he was gay. We are all on the same side so let us all have a dram and move onward and upward. An interesting twist on bearding - letting weird fans grab him and try to feel him up so he looks hetero (when he just looks more than a bit sleazy). These cultists would never accept a gay Heughan. That speed dial to Just Jared must be a bit wearing on Heughan's fingers. Someone (PR, JA, himself?) [R397] Bet it's Heughans money that's paying for most of it Always thought someone was behind him, encouraging him to exploit the fans to the maximum. If the HW powerbrokers thought they'd still make the $$ out of casting openly gay actors in leading/romantic roles, they'd probably do it. Contrary to Extreme Shipper and Hater popular belief, I don't fake anything or "make up narratives," I don't need to or want to, I simply POST INFO SENT TO ME. R423 yes I saw he liked it, maybe he will come out again when he's 57 too, R424 Heughan and Georgia were at the same place with thousands of others, must mean he's dating all the other women there too of course. I'm pretty sure this is Sam Heughan from Outlander - lovely guy in real life. - Replying to @fiftiesteacher @chrisazzopardi and 4 others Yes, he is, Rhonda. Well, at one point she shows him 3 fingers and he says to her, haven't we done 3 . Yes, he's sweet and smart and talented and handsome. He never looked more manly and sexy and a little bit androgyn and vulnerable. Who will Purv be promoting next week? Variety review for Bloodshot. The FF and WW buttons used to be separate but I remember reading in another general thread some time ago speculation that the FF button had been disabled - don't know if this is the case. They'll be pushing for her to get another GG award (the last two of which were completely undeserved). Fact is, it's the troll who's the blatant homophobe; she knows Heughan is a closeted man pushing 40 with no hetero relationship history, who was openly gay during his London theater years. He is an extremely handsome guy, even dosed up with Ibuprofen for a cold) but Monty can turn him into a Ken doll. Sam Heughan (@samheughan) on TikTok | 1.4M Likes. r584. And meanwhile Purv can rave on pushing the player avenue. But then it's not nearly as HW and $$ as he seems to be aiming for, so those jeans knees will continue to fray (and the hetero games will continue). I think Bloodshot will end up the same way as the Spy movie.For Sam I hope he can go home soon, be himself again(or at least as far as possible). My source doesnt want to be revealed! - Enjoys ruffling feathers of birds of other flocks. I feel sorry he has to deal with these crazy fans. I need a holiday. Didn't Ross Morell say he wasn't "that well endowed"(see previous threads) before he deleted his twitter account that is. Note words getting ready to play. , Thanks for sharing this great memory @mariaae. Log in Sign up. Hope they'll have fun and won't skip the gay bars. As seen in recent publicity interviews, Heughan looks 10 years younger without the scuffy beard,hope he keeps it like that. The moment she turns her back on him", R470 he did always say theater was his passion, watching this interview it does feel like he's tired of all the same questions. Then the same poster went to a Con in the US and met him and he praised the posts he had previously complained about. The Outlander star took to social media on April 30, while celebrating his 41st birthday with a gym . From what I have seen he can go from manly to over the top effeminate in a split second. R359 snowboarding riskier than skiing for sure. Roses are red Violets are blue Heughan is gay Wish you were too. This story is so much second hand embarrassment and is just an unbelievably bad timing and storytelling. Remember when P was spinning a yarn about the "The lion and his cute lioness". [R336] Excuse me, Im trying to eat lunch right now, and your visual imaginings are boggling something other than my mind. Great look, SH. You panicked. haha Heughan has advertised on his IG stories that he's going to the British Luxury Awards in London 18 Nov. Dunhill is up for an award, so more shilling coming up - gotta maintain that brand! Species : Purv - (more accurate naming M3 - Minister of Mythical Matings). Nah, that's just your cover story. Make it more androgyn. Yeah it's horrible no more premiere league here either but health comes first. His other notable TV and movie credits include A Princess for Christmas (2011), The Spy Who. Something came to mind today when I saw Sam is following another blonde bimbo with fake boobs on IG. Jesus, Heughan. He's a swinging bachelor for all the 'horny grannies'. We've seen it before. And now it's Samiza, folks!! Tumblr-ite comment about the Wizard World dealings: "This, this right here, the newest Instagram with fans, is what I am concerned about. DLC is also still posting from LA. An ageing balding queen who can't find a partner. By Janaya Wecker Published: Mar 6, 2022. Maybe, maybe not. Heughan and former Outlander cast member, Graham McTavish, who played Dougal MacKenzie, appeared on Good Morning America to announce their new show coming to Starz . our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. They speak for themselves. I suspect that Sam wants to keep the guy at arm's length. Heughans no longer a serious actorhe's a brand. Siri, what happened to the Village People? Let's tell Alex and Sam they're missing out on a grand opportunity if they won't give this a try. I've recently been reading Guy Hocquenghem in an attempt to understand the homophobic mind and why heterosexuals get to decide what is sexually normal or abnormal i.e. JA would be lost without DL;). malu1997 Follow Couple behavior! If you requested access to Todays Fresh Hell and havent heard back, Im not ignoring you. Wasn't so important that Cait be sold as a single, heterosexual woman. r529 Spite can keep you going for quite a while - and there's his latest divorce to finalize before he beams off. Seems OK so far bot not sure that appearing in 'smart trash' is really going to expand SH's horizons. WTF? Just a little research should do it, eh? This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. As season 4 of OL was incredibly bad with wooden performances for CB and SH and cringeworthy acting from the supporting actors I can see many fans of the books sticking pins in their eyes rather than watching season 5. As for the upcoming third season of "Outlander," showrunner Ronald D. Moore teased to Gold Derby recently: "It's very exciting. .BAM!!! Does not ring true. I assume most of you would do the same, as well. I didnt say it publicly. Here's a very symbolic manip And here's the real pic with Sam and Graham. Dive in! [R357] Perhaps he's snowboarding .is that less dangerous?. Now this WOULD be hilarious. is spending a lot of money laying bets on him. Anyway they will not make significant money in Europe cause of Corona at the theatres. Then SH/JA/PR team decided to go for hetero player lets see, we had Yoga Girl, mystery blonde, Ochoa, Hannah, Georgia, and probably a few more Ive forgotten. Also Cait must have glued herself to the walls at Graham's wedding lol. Also the comments from skeptics. There's the openly gay; the gay and everybody knows it but nobody talks about it; the married, closeted gay who doesn't talk about it; and the screaming Ill sue you if you say I'm gay person. Must be tiring with all this manipulation, even if it is profitable. Some features on this site require registration. Suspect it might be something of a 'vanity 'project for him. Sleek new adverts for MPC large bottoms in sight., only beautiful people stretching and lifting !. r283 I couldn't find much either, except that the character is a/the cybernetic villain, so he could get quite a bit of screen time. [ Well since your wondering it's very Freudian ! ] If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? He writes books, makes whiskey, participates in fitness challenges, acts on Outlander, and apparently, does a lot of his own stunts. There's apparently been a bit of a flurry over the last 24 hrs on Hiddleston too, for whatever these numbers are really worth.

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sam heughan tumblr just make it a double

sam heughan tumblr just make it a double