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With that, Castle then left the apartment and walked back into New York City, intending to speak with Curtis Hoyle, as he trusted that Hoyle would actually be able to give him the honest truth about their situation and what to do. So even though Matt Murdock and Frank Castle first encountered one another at the end of the Season 2 premiere, and continued to violently grapple with each other for the next few episodes, it wasn't until the Punisher was in custody that Nelson & Murdock and resourceful assistant Karen Page, in particular began piecing together the story of the flesh-and-blood man behind the terrifying sobriquet. He also avoided killing Daredevil, and when presented with the chance to kill him, Castle simply resorted to knocking him out. Hardin agrees with Ogden and orders him to contact the state police. Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. Micro found Henderson in a cabin in Kentucky. Castle leaped out of the window while the final agent continued shooting at him. Castle was able to take the wounded Daredevil hostage onto a rooftop for interrogation and a discussion about their differing methods of justice. . Didn't wanna raise her alone, but she understood if I did not want to hang around. My parents were basically senior citizens. Hoyle said that John Pilgrim arrived to take her, but Bendix ran. He's, like, a total creep, but it still seems a bit borderline, even for you. Although they were then ordered to go into Kandahar and capture the target, Castle warned against it, believing this was a trap for Cerberus Squad, with Russo agreeing. All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. As the cars were about to collide, Madani's car was hit by Micro in the van. Castle said that if Martin laid a finger on her, he would kill him. Well, you can kiss my ass! However, they found a bowl of meth, figuring out his addiction. [2], Look around, Red. Seeking to clear his name, Castle sought out Karen Page, who had been working with Mitchell Ellison at the New York Bulletin to write a story about him. Castle grew proud and happy as she did it right. He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. Daredevil began trying to predict how many missions Castle had done and how long he had been on his crusade of violence against the criminals of the city, but Castle remained silent until Daredevil suggested Castle could walk away from his mission, to which Castle turned the question back on his hostage and questioned if he could ever stop as well, which Daredevil did not answer. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. ""Makes two of us now. Castle completed the story by informing Daredevil that the woman had left a husband and children after Grotto had killed her. Gaining the advantage in the fight, the Russian then head-butted the Punisher, before throwing him across the room, as the Punisher had then attempting to kick the Russian in the chest, but finding that this had no effect on his opponent what so ever, who had then managed to pick the Punisher back up and slammed him back down onto the floor again. When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. What you're doing for my family, I'm not gonna forget that.Frank Castle and Micro. However, Russo was altered to this as Carl called out to Madani for help, as Russo spun around and managed to shoot Madani directly in the skull, as her lifeless body dropped to the ground. Russo then marched up to the wounded Castle, scolding him. Here, Captain America is one of the main causes of Punisher's misery. Castle greeted Jerry who had come to investigate the noise he had heard on the rooftop and Castle claimed to be just up there for a cigarette to avoid his crazy sister, whom Jerry assumed was a woman named Betty. Castle then listened as Quinn noted that the time came when things needed to change, as he commented that sometimes life made those decisions for you. The Punisher eventually managed to uncover a conspiracy that linked Bendix to Anderson and Eliza Schultz, while also fighting back against Russo's Crew. The Punisher was then kicked in the side, as the Russian dragged him back onto his feet by his hair and proceeded to punch him across the face repeatedly, with the Punisher struggling to stay conscious as he was then brutally beaten down by the Russian. The Proud Family (26) The Punisher (48) The Purge (99) The Queen's Gambit (23) The Rain (11) The Ranch (40) The Real O'Neals (179) The Reaper (2) The Recruit (5) The Red Line (28) Castle started to interrogate him until a three-minute countdown starts. A subreddit dedicated to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Bendix questioned what to do now and how they would go after Poloznev to get answers. ""No one's asking for our opinions. Daredevil jumps down to engage him further, all the while trying to calm him down and prevent him from killing anyone further. As they sat down for a beer together, Russo questioned why Castle had not reached out to him, noting that Dinah Madani was aware of Castle's survival. It's a sewer. The Punisher picks up right where Daredevil Season 2 left off, trusting fans to be able to remember key plot points about its titular antihero's development. Castle repeatedly smashed the tank into Pilgrim before getting him on the ground. No record of it exists, meaning that it was not approved by United States Congress and therefore illegal. And if not her personally, then is she perhaps helping to cover up for someone even more powerful? It stinks and it smells like shit and I can't get the stink out of my nose. This virus affects multiple superheroes and villains as well, which is why it's also where Punisher does much of his hero killing. Another Captain America death comes in the Punisher Kills story line. Castle cleaned and maintained Micro's gun. While Madani took down these notes about Walsh, Castle suggested that he could take down Walsh for her, in order to keep Madani away from it, although Madani suggested that Castle might not be strong enough with a broken wrist. Frank "The Punisher" Castle is not the typical Marvel superhero. In order to track down Sergei Konchevsky, Castle had sought out the assistance of Turk Barrett. Taking numerous cans of gasoline from the docks nearby, he doused the boxes of heroin, while taunting and calling for the Blacksmith. As per Castle, Mahoney gave chase to him and cornered him into an alleyway. He then made his way up to that room only to see that he had killed three innocent women. Castle then left with Hoyle, leaving Bendix behind and not apologizing. Later, Bendix texted him the location of where she was. Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. With the Punisher now on the Carousel, he was then suddenly hit by multiple flashbacks of his wife and two children playing on that same Carousel on the day that they were all massacred in front of him. Stay back. It does, however, provide the Marvel-Netflix corner of the universe with yet another dark and nuanced vigilante. Castle heard this and found enough strength to spring up to his feet, fighting until his last breath. Castle had then managed to break inside Barrett's car and then waited for him to lock up his Shop, as Barrett stepped inside of his car and noticed Castle there, much to Barrett's frustrations. However, Castle then witnessed the Russian grabbing Barrett and kidnapping him, although Castle chose not to help Barrett. Like a rat in a jar? But you saved my life. As Castle treated his wounds, Daredevil asked why he was still alive and had not had his mask removed, but Castle ignored his comments, only informing him that he had no interest in his identity and began going through all the boxes of weapons he had stored on the roof for killing the Dogs of Hell. Putting inside his laptop, Castle watched the disturbed contents of the disc and was angered by it as it shows a recording of an incident in Afghanistan where he was part of Operation Cerberus and showed the murder of Ahmad Zubair. Castle then allowed Page to go to the New York City Police Department while he stayed hidden. [22], You can't leave, Frank. Yeah, that makes sense. Daredevil: Directed by Mark Steven Johnson. While Punisher was in cover, Russo continued shooting at him, as the Punisher waited for an opening and fired back. Now it's time for the rest of the world to learn that Frank Castle is still out there and still as bloodthirsty as ever. Changing the subject, Hoyle then told Castle about how he was dating Delia Robinson, which pleased Castle, although Hoyle insisted that he did not want Robinson to get anywhere near the war with Russo. As with many of the heroes on this list, The Punisher killed The Hulk during the former's run through the Marvel cast of characters. As most of the men had departed, Punisher entered the Gym, where Kazan then asked Turk Barrett if this was his friend, although Barrett insisted that he was no friend of his, while Punisher had questioned who was waiting to kill him at Barrett's Shop, while Kazan had then questioned what the Punisher had to do with the Chicago business. [15], If you're gonna look at yourself, really look in the mirror, you got to admit who you are. Getting up, Castle told Madani about Arthur Walsh, explaining that he was the man who sexually abused Russo when he was a child at Ray of Hope, with Madani making it clear that she already knew the story. He was the Whirlwind. Castle warned Pilgrim that Schultz was in the trailer, but Castle's phone could set off the C-4 strapped to his chest. Castle told her to grab the gun and push it away hard. While Russo held back the knife, he looked the Punisher directly into the eye and smiled, before then drawing his own Hidden Blade, which penetrated the Punisher's arm. Hey! When Castle answered, he claimed that the caller had the wrong guy, to which Micro had used Castle's real name and noted that he was seemingly a dead man following the explosion at the Blacksmith's ship. I'm the one that does the killing. When Madani then asked Castle for an update about their current situations, as had simply insisted that she would not really want to know that, while Madani then admitted that she had already sabotaged her own career with United States Department of Homeland Security already just by helping him and bringing him and Amy Bendix there. This is S2, S3 is really good though,it is definitely worth a watch. As Castle tried to get Hoyle safe, he noted that nobody else needed to die, to which Russo vowed to hurt anyone Castle ever cared about to get to him.

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punisher family death scene daredevil

punisher family death scene daredevil