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On July 29, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised the issuer credit rating to 'CCC' following the issuer's completion of the distressed exchange. Moody's Default and Ratings Analytics team publishes Moody's default studies, ratings transitions and ratings performance studies for corporates, financial institutions, sovereign and sub-sovereign, public finance and infrastructure sectors. We use rating modifiers (plus and minus signs) to calculate upgrade and downgrade percentages, as well as the magnitude of rating changes, throughout this study. On April 24, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Chilean casino operator Enjoy S.A. to 'D' from 'B-' after the company announced suspension of its shareholder meeting to treat a capital increase while the board decided to file for judicial reorganization. The transactions announced represented about 23% of total first- and second-lien term loans. . . On June 26, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Irving, Texas-based CEC Entertainment Inc. to 'D' from 'CC' as the company filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. On April 22, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Massachusetts-based department store operator Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC to 'D' from 'CCC-' after the issuer missed paying interest due on unsecured notes maturing October 2021. On April 28, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Delaware-based physician staffing and ambulatory services company Envision Healthcare Corp. to 'SD' from 'CC' after the settlement of its debt exchange offer on the notes due in 2026 and offering on 53-55 cents on the dollar for the new secured term debt. A default is assumed to take place on the earliest of: When an issuer defaults, it is not uncommon for S&P Global Ratings to subsequently withdraw the 'D' rating. On July 17, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Marshall Islands-based offshore driller Seadrill Partners LLC, a subsidiary of Seadrill Ltd., to 'SD' from 'CCC' after the issuer announced that it would use the 30-day grace period for interest payment. From Jan. 1, 1981-Dec. 31, 2020, a total of 21,693 first-time-rated organizations were added to form new static pools, while we excluded 3,098 defaulting companies and 11,448 companies that are no longer assigned ratings (NR). Date Document Type Title Issuer/Entity 24 Feb 2023 Data Report Fleet Lease Securitizations: Loss Severity Modeling Selective defaults accounted for just over half of all defaults in 2020. On Aug. 19, 2020, we withdrew our issuer credit ratings on the company at its request. The nonfinancial sector tends to have a much higher share of companies rated speculative grade, with 60.6% globally as of the beginning of 2020, compared with just 24.7% of financial services companies. On Nov. 23, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Oklahoma-based exploration and production company Gulfport Energy Corp. to 'D' from 'CCC-' after the issuer elected to skip its interest payment on its 6% senior unsecured notes maturing Oct. 15, 2024, and enter into a 30-day grace period. S&P Global Ratings had previously withdrawn the issuer credit ratings at the issuer's request. Performance of project finance bank loans during the pandemic-fueled default cycle in 2020; Key findings for the power, infrastructure, and oil and gas industry sectors . Cross-Sector: The . On Feb. 14, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Kansas-based Pizza Hut restaurants franchise operator NPC International Inc. to 'SD' from 'CCC-' after the company decided not to make interest payments due Jan. 31, 2020. On June 10, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Michigan-based inventory service and data collection provider RGIS Holdings LLC to 'D' from 'CCC-' after the issuer missed an interest payment on its secured term loan due on April 30, 2020. *This total does not match table 1 because it excludes confidentially rated defaults. Sources: S&P Global Ratings Research and S&P Global Market Intelligence's CreditPro. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in 2020 led to one of the deepest recessions since the Great Depression roughly 90 years ago. On July 10, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Florida-based consumer products manufacturer and seller Tupperware Brands Corp. to 'SD' from 'CC' after the issuer completed a distressed exchange, for about US$97.6 million of its US$ 600 million, where noteholders received less than par value. There were three additional defaults in 2021 following our last report on Dec. 9, 2021: Malaysia-based engineering and construction company Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd., China-based (Cayman Island incorporated) real estate company China Evergrande Group, and One confidential issuer. On April 1, 2020, we raised the issuer credit rating on Yida to CCC-' from 'SD' on a reassessment of the company's credit profile. Moody's optimistic scenario entails a strong recovery leading to a default rate forecast of just 2% for the year-end and maintaining around the 2% area for the initial months of 2022. On June 16, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Missouri-based propane distributor Ferrellgas Partners L.P. to 'SD' from 'CC' after the issuer decided to not make the final maturity payment on its US$357 million unsecured notes and entered into a forbearance agreement with its debtholders until July 31, 2020. Therefore, every update revises results back to the same starting date of Dec. 31, 1980, so as to avoid continuity problems. Earlier, on Dec. 30, 2019, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Constellis to 'CC' from 'CCC+' after the company entered into a new $110 million priority first-lien term loan. On Nov. 25, 2020, S&P Global Ratings raised the issuer credit rating to 'CCC-' from 'SD' following the debt repurchases. S&P Global Ratings lowers its rating on an obligor to 'D' or 'SD' if the obligor is conducting a distressed exchange offer. KIS Research and revenue from providing ESG research, data and assessments. The number of defaulters that began the year with active ratings more than doubled in 2020, to 198 from 94 in 2019. Source: Moody's Investors Service, "Moody's Corporate Default & Recovery Rates Study 2019" Senior Secured Loans Equity Unsecured Debt (ie, high yield bonds) Subordinated Bonds Senior Unsecured Bonds Loans 28.0% 47.0% 80.0% Recovery Rate 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1 Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence, Wells Fargo, March 31, 2020 of 15.1%. For the purposes of this study, a corporate rating may also be withdrawn as a result of mergers and acquisitions. On Aug. 17, 2020, S&P Global Ratings withdrew its ratings on the issuer. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at Of the 226 corporate defaults in 2020, the majority (146) were from companies in the U.S. and associated tax havens (Bermuda and the Cayman Islands). But in both cases, defaults and downgrades were largely limited to the lowest rating categories, resulting in generally strong ratings performance in 2020. S&Ps opinions, analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security. When an issuer defaults, we assign that default to all of the static pools to which the issuer belonged. We utilize the Lorenz curve, a graphical representation of the proportionality of a distribution, as one measure of ratings performance, and we summarize this via the Gini coefficient. *This table compares the net change in ratings from the first to the last day of each year. On June 19, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Hudson, Ohio-based fabric and crafts retailer Jo-Ann Stores LLC to 'SD' from 'CCC' as the company repurchased $5.6 million of its second-lien term loan at a 57% discount in the first quarter of fiscal 2021 ended May 2, 2020, and subsequently agreed to repurchase $206 million face value of first- and second-lien debt at approximately 50% discount in the second quarter ended Aug. 1, 2020. A key consideration when analyzing transition matrices that present averages computed over multiple static pools is that the standard deviations associated with each transition point in the matrix are large relative to the averages (outside of stability rates). On Aug. 6, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on U.K.-based pizza restaurants operator PizzaExpress Financing 1 PLC to 'D' from 'CC' after the issuer opted for nonpayment of interests on it secured and unsecured notes. On June 29, 2020, S&P Global Ratings withdrew its ratings on Intelsat. On Feb. 18, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Texas-based home dcor and furniture retailer Pier 1 Imports Inc. to 'D' from 'CCC-' after the issuer filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The issuer agreed with certain majority debtholders to convert US$2.2 billion of existing debt into new equity. It had other coupon payments of US$8 million each in August and October. On July 30, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on U.K.-based retailer Missouri TopCo Ltd. to 'SD' from 'CCC-' after the issuer converted its 80 million second-lien notes into a payment-in-kind (PIK) toggle instrument. Difference between last four quarters and weighted average, Largest corporate defaulters by outstanding debt amount, Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co. LLC. On Aug. 6, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Switzerland-based offshore drilling contractor Transocean Ltd. to 'SD' from 'CCC' after the issuer opted for an exchange of US$356 million due in 2023 for US$ 213 million new debt at a higher interest rate. On March 12, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Illinois-based engineered fastener distributor Optimas OE Solutions Holding LLC to 'SD' from 'CCC+'. We viewed this transaction as tantamount to a default on the term loan because the company's operations were distressed, making it difficult for it to meet its obligations. NPC is the largest franchisee of Pizza Hut and Wendy's restaurants operating nearly 1,600 locations in the U.S. On July 1, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered the ratings on the issuer to 'D' from 'SD' following its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, following which, on Aug. 5, 2020, the ratings on the issuer were withdrawn. Its rating history after the default event is included in all calculations as entirely separate from its experience leading up to its earlier default. (See table 15 for the 13 publicly rated investment-grade defaults during this period.) Table 11 presents the average and median times to default from each rating category for all subsequent ratings. Ratings For these counts of large downgrades, we include movements to 'D' (default) along with what we normally report as downgrades (that is, downward movements between active ratings). In 2010-2020, about 77% of the initial ratings that S&P Global Ratings assigned to new issuers were speculative grade. Rating-related publications may be published for a variety of reasons that are not necessarily dependent on action by rating committees, including, but not limited to, the publication of a periodic update on a credit rating and related analyses. On June 24, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Salt Lake City-based drilling services provider and manufacturer Boart Longyear Ltd. (BLY) to 'SD' from 'CC'. *Or Dec. 31, 1980, whichever is later. These average matrices are a true summary, the ratios of which represent the historical incidence of the ratings listed in the first column changing to the ones listed in the top row over the course of the multiyear period (see tables 33-40). Crew Group Inc. to 'D' from 'CCC-' following the company's announced petitions filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. S&P Global Ratings viewed the repurchases as a distressed debt restructuring given the significant discount to par, cumulative size of the transactions, and W&T's weakened credit profile brought on by the weak and erratic pricing for crude oil and natural gas in 2020. to 'SD' from 'CCC-' after the issuer missed principal payment on its IDR150 billion domestic notes and entered a 10-day grace period. On April 7, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Tennessee-based health care service provider Quorum Health Corp. to 'D' from 'CCC-'. On Oct. 19, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on California-based health care provider Alliance HealthCare Services to 'SD' from 'B-' after the issuer completed a distressed exchange of its second-lien debt. On April 14, 2020, S&P Global Ratings withdrew the issuer credit rating at the issuer's request. S&P PARTIES DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, FREEDOM FROM BUGS, SOFTWARE ERRORS OR DEFECTS, THAT THE CONTENTS FUNCTIONING WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR THAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WITH ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. Any Passwords/user IDs issued by S&P to users are single user-dedicated and may ONLY be used by the individual to whom they have been assigned. Defaults US HY default rate: According to Moody's Investors Service, the U.S.' trailing 12-month high-yield default rate jumped from August 2019's 3.1% to August 2020's 8.7% and may average 10.6% during 2020's final quarter. Transition matrices that present averages over multiple time horizons are also calculated as issuer-weighted averages. This transaction of extending the maturity date and 40% discount at par was not a healthy sign for the company's operational performance. Despite increased defaults overall, there were no defaults that began 2020 with an investment-grade rating (see table 4). On March 17, 2020, we withdrew our issuer credit rating at the issuer's request. In the transaction, the issuer raised another US$200 million notes due in 2026. On July 1, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term issuer credit rating on Mexican lodging company Grupo Posadas S.A.B. All speculative-grade categories had higher default rates in 2020 than their long-term averages, though in the cases of the 'BB' and 'B' categories, these increases were relatively small. With an increase in the number of defaults in 2020, the total amount of affected debt also rose, to $353.4 billion from $183.2 billion in 2019 (see chart 6). On July 2, 2020, S&P Global Ratings withdrew its ratings on the issuer. Global: Default and recovery rates for sustainable project finance bank loans, 1983-2020 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE. For example, for the entire pool of defaulters in this study (1981-2020), the average times to default for issuers originally rated in the 'A' and 'B' categories were 14.1 years and 5.1 years, respectively, from the initial rating (or from Dec. 31, 1980, the start date of the study), whereas issuers in the 'CCC' rating category or lower had an average time to default of only 2.2 years. The CreditWatch negative reflected Avianca's weakening liquidity and that the absence of extraordinary financial support from shareholders or the Colombian government could force the company to default on the repayment of its 8.375% senior unsecured notes due 2020.

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moody's corporate default and recovery rates 2020 pdf

moody's corporate default and recovery rates 2020 pdf