how does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancyNosso Blog

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3. I was on the depo shot for about four shots and you get one shot every 3 months. I have taken a few home tests 2 showed faintly positive and 2 showed negative, but at the same time I had a tubal ligation done when my youngest was born 6 years ago..could I be pregnant? Sensitivity to smell and taste is very common during pregnancy. The pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause your tummy to feel full, rounded and bloated so if you're feeling swollen in that area you could be pregnant! Though your larger twins might look enticing to your partner, make sure you let them know that they are welcome to look, but touching should be kept to a minimum. please help!!!! :D. thanx molly. What does stomach feel like in early pregnancy? So if you have a period that is early and much lighter than normal (sometimes implantation bleeding is described as just a few drops of blood), you could still be pregnant. Ok how do I start Well almost a week ago my husband came in me and I was kinda freaked out but not really. One woman doesn't stop vomiting for weeks in the first trimester, and another might never even feel nauseous (lucky!). I don't keep track. Recognize that 99.9% of other expecting mothers have felt the same way that you do. This usually occurs around the predicted time of the period or a couple of days before. You might think that frequent urination is limited to early pregnancy; however, it's quite common in the first trimester as well due to increased blood flow to the pelvic area. I done a test and it said negative but my friend said I tested well to early. Food aversions or cravings. All throughout pregnancy, but especially at the start, hormone levels will be fluctuating. Schedule regular time to go to the bathroom after your mealtimes. Youll probably want to invest in some different kinds of bras, which could be larger, made out of cotton, and underwire-free. If you simply cant get your mind off of something, try distracting yourself by taking a walk, doing another activity, or calling a friend. Morning sickness tends to be worse on an empty stomach, so eat a couple of crackers before bedtime. If your pregnant belly feels tight and heavy, it's usually because your uterus is expanding to accommodate your growing baby. I've been throwing up for almost 2 weeks now,I get lower belly pain,my back hurts,my feet recently started swelling up from jus sitting down too long,I'm smelling things that's far away,I made a pregnancy test and it came back positive bt idk if to trust it cause I pocs and I really want to have a baby,if i'm not I'll jus give up hopeso any advice would be welcomed. The hardness of your stomach while pregnant can be more pronounced if you eat a low-fiber diet or drink a lot of carbonated beverages. You should eat a diet rich in fiber, but dont overdo it too fast. I took a pregnancy test a week after I had sex and I know it was too early and it was negative.I took one about a week ago and it was still negative. We had sex using that method the day I finished my period. Went and got 3 first response preg test and it came out negative. Many women will recall in hindsight that they indeed had sore breasts shortly after conception though they didn't take note of it at the time. Tender and swollen breasts. my tummy in the morning is flat and then by 6 or 7 it starts to get uncomfortable for my jean button to button up. My boobs aren't sore, I'm not getting any cramp, I get back ache, my stomach constantly hurting especially if I haven't eaten, I'm really sensitive lately, constantly hungry. If you find yourself sick for no apparent reason, you may be pregnant. The last time I had sex was about 4 weeks ago. bright red . :) Good luck hun :). please help .! Well it's 10/11/2011 today and i have not gotten My period. Anyways, I was taking "No to morning sickness tea". I'm having my mensus but I'm feeling dizzy , fatigue & I feel like barfing at times . Wearing a bra to bed might help ease the pain as well. im 19 years old . At him I'm always tired and I've gained about thirty plus pounds and my breasts have gone up to high AC cup and my stomach is getting hard around my left side of my waist what should I be thinking?? Idk if it's too early to find out but I've been having all the signs so I really don't understand. Is your stomach hard or soft in early pregnancy? Your breasts may also be more tender than usual and you may have a heightened sense of smell, one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. People who are in their first pregnancy usually don't start showing until twenty weeks or later.1 Those who have already been pregnant might start showing sooner. Breast tenderness can start as early as one or two weeks after conception. Can I be pregnant four days before my period because me and my boyfriend was in me webothed with out clothes and he pulledout before he cumed I put pants ack on before he ejcleted. Some women even experience a metallic taste. I'm 24 yrs old. Okay, so I am on the patch and have been for over a year. Early signs and symptoms include implantation bleeding or cramps, which can occur 5-6 days after the sperm fertilizes the egg. I have a problem and hopefully someone can help me out with this. And foods i find really nasty, im starting to eat them. Almost every woman experiences some digestive issues during their pregnancy, though not everyone experiences it in the first few weeks. Feeling pain in your lower abdomen or feeling like your stomach is hard, swollen, or heavy are not early signs of pregnancy. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, and if you've missed a period, you should definitely take a pregnancy test. I'm 17 and my fianc is 19 and I have had three miscarriages with him and now I'm fixing to get a test because I haven't. It may be difficult to differentiate between stomach muscles that are just feeling tight, or small contractions of the uterus known as Braxton Hicks. For this time around though I took a test on the 6th and 8th and 10th and I got a negative. he has gone inside. In early pregnancy, a bigger belly or feeling of tightness is probably due to digestive changes. , im nervous . It was No to morning sickness tea. In fact, this is often one of the first signs of pregnancy.4 Tenderness may really start to kick in around four weeks after conception. Or is it just more likely a sign of pms or ovulation? You can also check out the list of foods to be included . My right nipple has been sore since yesterday morning and of course while we were having sex and now but I don't know if that's cause I might be pregnate or because my boyfriend always play rough with my boobs. Feb 28, 2023 at 8:08 AM. If you test negative, but your period still doesnt come after a few days, take one again just to double-check. You might think you're experiencing ordinary PMS symptoms if your breasts are sore or swollen; however, it's also a relatively common early pregnancy symptom. approx. Number of fetuses I'm scared to tell my parents and I'm scared a doctor will say I am :( Someone please tell me if you have the same problems!! These cramps may persist for weeks or months during pregnancy, as the embryo implants and the uterus stretches. i am sixteen years old me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost seven months he always pulls out. The other day I was having cramps they hurt so bad I've never had them hurt so bad. One of the special (and sometimes frustrating) things about pregnancy is that no two women experience it in the same way. Nausea can occur with or without vomiting and is often worse on an empty stomach. Every time we have sex we ALWAYS go to the bathroom and "wash off" as we call it. (: Thanks !! Sorry for the long post but i just hope i can get some advice from someone or just have someone to talk to about this.. Thx. I had my lil freakout and we talked about the possible outcome.. well I didnt get my period in sept. sep 6th i took a $1 store test it came up negative.. A couple weeks later i had very light bleeding that didn't even last 2 days when normally im super heavy and dark lasting about a full week.. If you test to early it will come back negative and you would have wasted the money on a "pee stick" :D Calm down and relax.. Don't work yourself up just yet. As your uterus takes up more room in your pelvis, it's pushing your intestines upward. It starts dividing and implants itself in your uterus. a couple of my friends think im over thinking this and that im not and im worrying for nothing.. a couple of my other friends would bet money that i am.. Tiredness. Also, in my panties there is a white discharge. We are all such special snowflakes! but my boss made meatballs yesterday for work and as soon as i walked in i wanted to vomit i couldn't handle the smell. You'll . I have started going to the bathroom more often then usuall when I began birth control which was last year (Depo Shot) so I don't know if it could be because I might be pregnate. like im going to b sick. What do you think? Notice your posture as well, and make sure that you avoid standing for long periods of time. my eat habits have totally changed from eating a little to eating a lot.. i dnt understand y all the test are negative, could i be pregnant. My breasts are tender and my jeans are getting really tight around the waist and my appetite changed to. I have looked it up and many say you can get pregnant from pre-cum and others say you can. @MOLLY..MY PREGNANCY WAS A MISCARRIAGE AT 2 MONTHS. It's called morning sickness because the discomfort is often the worst in the morning. Any advise would help! i been having pain below my belly button nd above my vagina nd i feel like im goin to throw up all day long nd i have been eating a lot more nd using the bathroom a lot more my back been hurting me nd i been sleeping a lot could i be pregnant? Drop 3-4 days most times. In this video, people are asked to describe pregnancy myths and wives' tales they know. As your ligaments stretch to accommodate your pregnant belly as it grows, you might feel a sharper pain or cramp. for the last 3 months i have been on for 3 days that's it and normally im on for 7 days a month for them 3 days i bled normalli but then suddenly came off and tthats was it i took 2 hpts on the first month came up negative i haven't took on erecently but i have back ache to the max it makes me unable to sleep im never sick in the mornings but always at night i randomly get pains on the right hand side of my belly and i know this part sounds stupid but i got that dizzy whilst lieng down that i felt like i was falling through my bed for the last few weeks i have been able to sleep all day and all night every few days of the weeks and i used to hate brown sauce with that branston bite in it but now that's the only thing i will eat otherwise im not hungry i will not eat unless its branston sauce. strawberry milkshake.strawberrys or grapes and i hate healthy food but all the shit unhealthy food nocks me sick what's going on PLEAASEE HELP MEE!! This is your body's normal response to its new state of transition. or am i jus trippin ! BUT I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE SAME AS THE DOCTOR WHO TOLD ME MY TEST WAS POSITIVE " NEVER SAY NEVER" GOOD LUCK AND I WISH THE BEST FOR YOU.. AS FOR ME.. Also, keep track of what sets off your nausea and what soothes it. Feeling pain in your lower abdomen or feeling like your stomach is hard, swollen, or heavy are not early signs of pregnancy. me and my boyfriend are curious! When you know what makes you hurl, you can try to avoid it. she did and it started spinning almost instantly.. soooo she thinks im pregnant. One study found that 50% of women showed no symptoms at five weeks after conception, 30% had none six weeks after conception, and 10% still didn't have any at two months after conception!3, Information from "Early signs of pregnancy: When will I feel symptoms?" I am going to try to hold off until I am at least a week late to test. hi , I had sex with my Boyf last month on th 16 . Generally, a pregnant belly may start to feel tight and firm early on, as the uterus grows and expands to accommodate a growing baby. I have been going to the bathroom every four to five hours, mild backaches, nauseous at random times, I cry over stupid things, I am extremely tired even though I sleep enough, I have had mild cramping and my breasts are somewhat sore at times. Headaches in pregnancy are usually caused by hormones or increased blood flow. I am very worried I might be pregnant. There are also community resources available such as Planned Parenthood, where you can get a test for free if you cannot afford to pay. I woke up at four a.m last night because I was hungry. Anyway, i went to check my calender 2day and realized my period is almost a week late. My question is that the last day of my period I had sex and maybe that whole week I really don't remember well after that week I started having lower abdominal pain like cramping on both side or sometime it takes turn cramp or it goes away and come back and sometime I get a lot of pressure while eating or sleeping 2nd week my nipples started hurting and I was tripping out cuz I was having both system going on at the same time and it felt like I WAS going to start my period but the funny thing was I just had my period like a week weird right.So knowing that my nipple hurt just around my nipples not the breast..well my nipples is really red.and I'm hoping it's goes away soon other then that these two thing I having going on is what happening to mewell the only way to find out is take a home pregnancy testit's been 19 daysSo do you think I'm pregnant? Cycle 34 days according to my chart. I sleep a lot. Sore breasts. He had a condom on. ? I am 2 days late for my period, and for the last 5-6 days, i have been feeling nauseous, some things smell funny, i have bad indigestion, and a tender abdomen. or wait ? Please let me know if you have any more questions! Me and my boyfriend have sex. My boyfriend and i have been talking about having kids and until i met him i never would have thought about kids. This added burden puts physical pressure on the bladder, plus the extra fluids in the body all have to be processed through the kidneys and bladder. Should I take a test?? Stephanie from Canada on February 11, 2013: Ok I haven't had sex in 3 months well 2 nites ago I got drunk and after a couple of drinks my stomach has had a sharp pain like someone ia stabbing me I can't sleep everything I eat I throw up can someone tell me what's going on please I dnt wanna go to the doctor cuz ill prolly go to jail for under age drinking, is it possible for a woman to feel a week after the conception of any strange feelings?? oh yea and i have felt little cramps every now and then .. Keep us posted.. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. A distinguishing point from regular PMS tenderness is the darkening of the areola (as early as one or two weeks after conception, but especially around the fourth week), and you might start seeing blue veins in your breasts as well. It can be annoying to have to go to the bathroom so much, but dont let this keep you from staying hydrated. Women who carry more weight in their midsection may have a B-shaped belly than the standard D shape (9). During pregnancy, your body will produce more hormones that can make your breasts feel tender, sensitive, tingly or even sore. could i be pregnant ?? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Not just too pee, It's almost as if everything I eat goes staright through me. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. One of them is the change in hormone levels that starts soon after conception.6. One is the signs of pregnancy you might experience before you miss your period. ).WebMD However, missing your period is also one of the surest signs that you may be pregnant. Hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down, which can result in both constipation and bloating.4. You may have an infection or could, sadly, be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage: severe abdominal pain or cramping. It seems like I've been out partying all night when i get home from school bcuz im that tired. This way, you can ensure that youve really emptied out everything in there so you don't find yourself needing to pee again in five minutes. For others, its something else. this is really awkward but the opening of my vagina is really sore, i do shave so i might have cut myself or it could be from rough sex im thinking also i have a bump on the left sideof my uterus is this normal. am I pregnant? yes my period is due in a few days but i just don't feel normal. Thank you. signs of a urinary tract infection or yeast infection. ok sim pretty regular on my period and i am now 2 weeks late and i am urinating like crazy and my boobs are super sore but i took a home pregnancy test on the 5th day of my missed period is it still possible that i am pregnant and just tested too soon? although its true that her period came up. It could be a sign of something serious, including an ectopic pregnancy (a rare condition where the egg implants itself somewhere aside from the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube). I did take a test on yesterday Oct 17 it had a very faint positive. Sensitivity to taste and smell is a classic symptom experienced by at least 85% of women during pregnancy. how ? I am very worried I am pregnant. Hi my name is micah me and my GF had sex two weeks ago and she is feeling all these symptoms but here's the thing..she is on this birth control that make it to where she doesn't have periods..but she feels like she is going to start and i finished inside of her and we didn't use protection what to do ? DOCTORS SAY YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR PERIOD IN ORDER TO CONCEIVE, AND I FOUND THAT TO BE A FALSE STATEMENT DUE TO MY OWN EXPERIENCE. Mood swings are most noticeable in the first twelve weeks of being pregnant. please help. Fatigue can start as early as one week after conception, though most women really start feeling it after about two weeks.4, Fatigue is caused by a number of factors. Am I imagining that I am pregnant again or could I actually be? Pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy symptoms may begin in some people as early as a week after implantation. I'm having many symptoms but I don't know if I'm pregnant. Low backache and/or pain. what do you guys think it is.. my fianc tries holding my belly at night when we sleep and i end up pushing his hands off bcus it feels too uncomfortable and too much weight on my belly and i am bloated.. so do you guys think im pregnant or im just psyching myself out.. we both will feel a little upset if we arent and of course try again next month but can i get some suggestionS? It sounds like your pregnant!! Though some say you can take them up for five days before your missed period, the earlier you test, the more likely you are to get a false negative. Gassiness might also be a common theme throughout your pregnancy as hormones slow down the digestive tract and wreak havoc on your body in general. we arent really ready for another baby but we will have to deal with what happens. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. But up to today i have really sore breasts and for the past week a constant feeling of pressure in bladder. I haven't experience pregnancy symptoms in so long seeing as tho my daughter is six. While many women have a lower backache right before their period starts, this can also indicate pregnancy. A missed period is the most common first symptom of pregnancy. I was on top of him fullled clothed when he ejoclate. "Pregnancy Symptoms Early Signs Of Pregnancy." Is it possible to have dizziness a week after if you are pregnant? So I will make sure I don't do to much heavy lifting.. In general, the sorts of pain youll feel in your belly or lower abdomen in early gestation are connected to: Nausea sometimes happens between 2 and eight weeks when conception. The way you relate to smells and tastes can vary from being slightly altered to being completely changed. i had a period a few days after and it shut off the same day. A positive test is the most effective way to find out if you're pregnant. I have taken three pregnancy tests and all said negative even though I took one three days ago. The last 5-9 days I have been feeling sick, my nipples are a little bit sore, my lower tummy is sore not painful and I have been feeling a butterfly feeling in my tummy. Your best bet is to let go of the issues that you cant control. I was blessed with a beautiful babygirl. i was a good 10-11 days without my pill(and just finished my period) when this incident occurred , and i sleep allllll the time , i feel like i may be peeing more than more normal , i get headaches , and i eat more (but idk if that's jus me cuz i love food lol) my stomach feels so full and tight and looks real bloated and my period is due in 4-5 days . i have to pee after one cup of chai tea. Keep some snacks on hand to ward off any hunger-related headaches. I also am unable to sleep on my stomach as I usually do because it is very uncomfortable. I have an appointment tomorrow at our local pregnancy crisis center. Hey I'm 21 and married. and my boobs look a lot more full, even my sister has noticed that they look bigger.

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how does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy

how does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy