10 russian warships off uk coastNosso Blog

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I think you overestimated Russias economy Ivan , its smaller than that nutty economy of Italys lol. This idiot wants Biden to start the war. F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. "The Royal Navy will always uphold international law and will not accept unlawful interference with innocent passage," Wallace said. Hope the Turks can hold them up over their passage through the straights and send Putins timetable skew-whiff. Sweden has also been reinforcing its forces on the island of Gotland in case the Russians attempt anything there. Thats if of the few Astutes we have arent already chasing their own Oscars or Yasen. Military analysts said even if it overwhelmed Ukraine's army, which is half the size of its own, Russia could face guerrilla-type resistance, making it hard to hold on to captured territory. Russian deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin confirmed that the mission includes the relocation of two S-400 mobile surface to air missile battalions, a Pantsir-S battalion and 12 Su-35 fighters for the 'surprise' inspection and drills. Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails , updated Dissapointed in Macron, but cant say im surprised. Next time round-Hillary Clinton vsRead more , Grandpa Biden has been engaged with the Pentagon bigwigs and was informed that Troops had already been pulled out of Vietnam .Now have your 40 winks and Cocoa, You cant blame Trump for this. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned of human rights violations and war crimes if diplomacy failed and the Russian government went ahead with its plans. A lot older but the modern B52 is like triggers broom. The NATO Allied Maritime Command is "closely monitoring" Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov, it said in a tweet with a photo of the warship. The weakness is in Biden. Commander Ed Moss-Ward, HMS Portland's commanding officer, said: "Escorting warships in UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas is routine activity for the Royal Navy. Just do what I do and refer to wikipedia according to which the class was commissioned between 1975 and 1991. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last week warned the United States that the hypersonic missiles would soon be close to NATO's shores. Resources, they have plenty of their own. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. If NSM is good enough for USN & Germany its good enough for RN. When people toured the Viktor Yanukovych presidential palace, they were shocked at the grandeurRead more , Step back guys, the roots of this situation lie decades ago. Its possible if Putin gets really aggressive it could unite the US to someRead more . It is very obvious where they are going, staring you right into your eyes!! Certainly, if small, but it isnt going to be sinking any frigates or destroyers let alone a cruiser many of which are being fitted with anti shell or missile weapons. In Moscow, Russia summoned Ambassador Deborah Bronnert for a reprimand over what it said were Britain's "dangerous" action in the Black Sea - while foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused London of "barefaced lies". "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. The White House corrected the off the cuff remark from the long press conference. The BBC said shots were fired and that as many as 20 Russian aircraft were "buzzing" the British ship. Ties between London and Moscow have been on ice since the 2018 poisoning with a Soviet-developed nerve agent known as Novichok of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal, a mole who betrayed hundreds of Russian agents to Britain's MI6 foreign spy service. Later versions have much better electronics and sensors developed with Israel. So we should of ordered NSM after all, as interim? Count on enhancing economic & financial cooperation. It comes after UK dfence chiefs said yesterday they fear Putin will opt for the 'nightmare scenario' of a full invasion of Ukraine as tensions rise towards tipping point. Ill accept naval power but always is a bit sweeping. Spain is sending warships to join Nato naval forces in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and Denmark also said it would send a frigate to the Baltic Sea. Yes we cant come to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way but this should be it now as far as the Baltics are concerned- reinforce the fuck out of them so they know what surrounded really means and, I hate to say this but trump was right the Germans are useless spineless allies and they dont deserve the support they have now, relocate all forces to Poland and the Baltics where it really matters. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been closely monitored by Nato navies on its maiden voyage armed with 6,670mph Zircon weapons. The other question which has been posed before-if the Ukraine had not given up its nukes, would Russia risk starting a fight with them? Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.. While the oil tanker Kama turned on its AIS tracker, the frigate Admiral Gorchkov kept it off to stay under the radar. But the figures arent as large as claimed andRead more . I have faith in the crews and TTPs, I have limited faith when the top brass dispense with offensive capabilities that the USN and every other major navy endorses. Land, they have plenty. Using it just to illustrate how the forward presence of US/Nato forces in Eastern Europe may or may not influence Russian decision making. The talks between the two diplomats came just a day after Russia unveiled plans for naval drills involving more than 140 warships and more than 60 aircraft, seen as a show of strength. lol. Unlike the Ukrainians who are, in the main, suffering out in the trench systems with a serious number of dont want to be here conscripts. faster working shipyards would help. It said about 50 BTGs were already in place to the north and east of Ukraine and in Crimea to the south. French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to send troops to Romania., https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60077776. Almost all forms of sanctions being discussed have a greater blowback potential on both Europe and the US than their damage on Russia. Under international law of the sea, innocent passage permits a vessel to pass through another state's territorial waters so long as this does not affect its security. Tommo dont get carried away with what the media put out. Really poor analysis of a foreign state. That would make a great movie but better to follow the money trail back to Russia and other foreign powers. The conflict in Donbass has killed 15,000 people, Kyiv says. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. Large cruise missile ship, the Marshal Ustinov, is one of at least three Russian navy ships that have been travelling back from the Mediterranean to their home port in the north of Russia. Assassinations of nuclear experts. All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. History shows the wisdom of that comment, it was expressed by Montgomery slightly differently. HMS Tyne, HMS Richmond and HMS Kent jointly escorted the same group of Russian ships as they operated in the Celtic Sea. Ukrainian Defense Ministry's latest intelligence assessment yesterday warned Russia had massed more than 127,000 troops along the border, together with a sea and air component that marked a 'full strength' force. Etc, etc. The situation is quiet at the moment but when Idlib lights up the Russians will be there in force. The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the West Coast of Scotland. News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. Lauren Lewis For Mailonline Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov is closely monitored by #SNMG1 ship HMS Portland in the North Sea on Jan. 9 #DeterandDefend #StrongerTogether pic.twitter.com/6DN7EmL7EO. British warships escort Russian fleet through English Channel Royal Navy shadows nine Russian warships around the UK This was at the request of the Australian Government. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. Six Russian landing ships have sailed past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine - as Kiev warns President Putin has 'nearly completed' the build-up of troops along the border. Find out more. Pentagon officials confirmed the basic details on Wednesday. If they cant see it the RU navy will likely assess its not there. "Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world. Im not sure to be honest. So, USA has no troops in Ukraine? I really dont disagree with you. Not sure how I forgot to put Estonia in my answer. SPEAR 3 will have a small warhead, but it will be very accurate. Could be a rerun of the 1904 Russian fleet of to the far East didnt go too well for them then but they did attack Traelers of dogger bank. A mere 3 BGs in total and designed just to reassure the people of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. The volume of gas supplyable through Nordstream 2 is roughly equivalent to the entire energy use of UK or another large European country. Agree as a tunnel runs under the channel we have right to defend the tunnel and if at war blockade the channel to defend it. When the world is fully and singularly looking at that location. It seems Not! He then moves on to Berlin and will also hold talks with France and the UK. Test capabilities. Heavily armed Russian-backed separatists have controlled a swath of eastern Ukraine since 2014 and continue to exchange fire with Ukrainian government forces despite a 2015 ceasefire that ended major hostilities. Are you saying another country told Iran to attack the UAE? I agree with your 10 year rule. The Americans have just sent their first shipment of Aid to the Ukraine what was sent was classed as LETHAL Aid. We all have opinions and may not always agree but nice to keep things civilised. His advanced years are often publicly evident in his performance. Whereas I have friends and colleagues dotted along the West Coast which is how I can call out your nonsense on that one. In a meaningful way I mean putting forces on the ground and in the air. A capability upgrade as and when needed, might well happen. Much as he did in Syria . The British destroyer visited the Ukrainian port of Odessa this week, where an agreement was signed for Britain to help upgrade Ukraine's navy. It looks like a scene from 1984. Chechen warlord 'seriously ill' but refuses to call Russian doctors (NATO will do nothing without US Support) Alternatively, NATO could station aircraft in Ukraine bordering countries and work with the Ukrainian AF to secure Ukraine airspace again daring Putin to attack NATO Aircraft. Any toys the RN requires would magical appear on the Quay side, and the funds suddenly available. Russia isnt confident, Putin is looking for foreign enemies to placate the growing criticism at home. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. No they didnt. And the capitol protests are nothing to do with this. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. Final talks on NI post-Brexit deal as UK PM meets EU chief - No 10. Irish defence forces have been monitoring the activity of Russian warships that on Tuesday made a U-turn off the country's coast. There was a table top exercise done by the Navy back in the late 80s. Yes he did, totally out of the blue and unqualified for the job Hunter turned up as a direcyor of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, on a juicy contract. With the US on side, it could even be a NATO contingent. The ships - which included a . "As I said, it has no equivalent in any country in the world. Whether hell succeed with his military distraction where General Galtieri failed with this strategy is open to question. They believe Mr Putin's troops are being positioned in line with his new objective, with armoured divisions set to head into neighbouring Belarus on exercise but now stationed within striking distance of Kiev. This is a normal response to transiting warships from other nations., Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been. You can unsubscribe at any time. As the region is already occupied by pro-Russian separatists, and has been in a state of war since 2014, it was believed it would offer little resistance. The military ship activated its AIS tracker on Wednesday at 10am, making it visible on real-time marine traffic tracker. Trump isnt the president now, its Biden. The fighting units the Russians have deployed are professional soldiers not conscrips. As far as Im aware there isnt any part of the channel that is not either British or French waters. Which could be read either way. His views were backed by Labour leader Keir Starmerwho tweeted on Saturday: To protect our values and our security we must be steadfast in our opposition to Russian aggression. The German government even went so far as to brief journalists on Tuesday that cutting Russia off from international banking systems - the so-called 'nuclear option' of sanctions - was off the table, prompting angry denials from Washington. That was due to the unusually large number of landing craft in the Baltic. THE Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships stalking Britain's coast in the past two weeks. Meanwhile, in a show of support for former Soviet republics, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday visited Latvia. Signalling to the Russian regime that we shall not tamely acquiesce should they escalate requires conventional hard power warships and aircraft as well as less conventional capabilities like cyber. Pretty much what their President told them on the TV a couple of days ago. Tabloid sensationalism Im afraid Tommo. It does not stop Russia interfering in/invading Ukraine. With what? NSM is able to navigate by GPS, inertial and terrain reference systems. Yep, you may well sleep well when not being reminded of the things you could actually be doing to help the world, Ive partaken in wars over Oil and I dont even drive, Driving fossil fueled powered cars is not the only thing causing climate change and that we need to change. Defence chiefs have been keen to suggest new cyber and space capabilities will be major beneficiaries of any extra money for Defence. Critics fear it will increase Germany's reliance on Russian energy supplies. Severn was also on patrol as the Vice-Admiral Kulakov sailed through the Channel. Here's why a Russian warship is 90 miles off US coast in Cuba T31 is being procured to a strict budget, to get these vessels built and in service pretty quick, and we can upgrade once in service if the need requires it, they are large, and will be a very flexible design allowing more kit to be integrated over the years. In theory . Munich - Officially, Vladimir Putin's goal in the Ukraine war is still to denazify the neighboring country. He would have stolen a march under US noses, scored a propaganda victory, brought Iraq under Russian influence and probably have prevented the 2003 invasion. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday before holding talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Geneva on Friday in the latest attempt to defuse the crisis. A string of government websites was hacked on Friday. Will it would be nice not to hear from that stroppy self-important brat anymore, I doubt your proposal will solve either of the threats we face; Russian aggression and climate-climate. I think Putin is going to have to attack or look weak. Dictators will at any cost hold onto power. Blocking the straits is a far cry than just a few drone attacks. Russkie pension, weekly bucket of spuds and one litre of 2 stroke. Comms on a dived Astute very limited. Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. Going after the Ukraine neatly side steps the maritime flank to some extent. pic.twitter.com/NDzRz2MwqU, Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) January 21, 2022. Germany was starved to death in WW1 by the blockade of the North sea and WW2 bomber command destroyed its industrial might. WW1 & WW2 were not just ended by fighting but the economic ability of Germany to out produce the allies. Putin's plot to send warships off Ireland coast sparks 'deep concern You underestimate the Russian bear at your peril! Yes and who do you think gave them the green light. An good opportunity knoks coming soon, to sink the Russian fleets in the Med, lol!! During his meeting with Zelensky today, Blinken reaffirmed the American commitment to his nation's sovereignty and said Ukraine had faced 'relentless aggression from Moscow' since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is why US UKRead more . When we need European Allies like France and Germany, where are they. The finger of suspicion immediately fell on Russia, although Ukrainian officials said critical infrastructure had not been targeted. They keep Russia's options open and therefore keep the defender guessing,' said Keir Giles, an Associate Fellow at Chatham House. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. But they need to be postured in way that showed the West meant business. It comes at a time when Russia has sparked fears of all . A distraction for poor ratings at home possibly. U.S. officials have said Russia might attack Ukraine as early as this month when the ground will be harder, making it easier for tanks and other armour to move swiftly. I have little doubt that corruption in Russia has led to some pretty shoddy construction. Royal Navy ship off Crimea sparks diplomatic row between Russia and UK For other inquiries, Contact Us. Royal Navy monitors Russian warships off the east coast of Scotland Ok we fought for repression of all subjugated Countries including the German folk who were under the heel of the Nazi jackboot. Helicopters for the littoral, Nuclear boats for larger vessels. LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the. Xi has exactly the same problems internally in China and may be actually undetaking a modern genocide of the Uighur for which the Taiwan crisis is his distraction. Russian warship spotted miles from UK coast with hypersonic cruise With you on this DL, some interim AShMs on all T45/T23sbut Mr Wallace is here in Sydney at the moment. Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said today: 'In the current situation, we view the arrival of Russian armed forces in Belarus not only as a destabilising factor in the security situation but also as the one posing an even bigger direct threat to Lithuania.'.

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10 russian warships off uk coast

10 russian warships off uk coast